Max Clean

Strength WOD:

1RM Clean (Squat)
* 25 minutes to work up to a 1 Rep Max


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PR’s by the chalk bucket full today!

READ: “What Does The Early Arm Bend Do?” by Spencer Arnold

Last week was finding your max snatch. Today was the max clean. To maximize time spent on instruction, coaching and lifting there was no checkout today. Great focus on limiting the load to what you can efficiently execute in a clean rather than piling on the weight and breaking down in form. “Sweep it back and finish! Go slow to go fast!”

Trivia: Why is it called the clean? From Wikipedia the early 20th century technique for lifting weight in competitions was known as the “Continental”. This was a movement practiced by Germans over the British (from the continent) and involved pulling a barbell up to rest on a belt, then flipped and wrestled clumsily up to the rack position to press overhead. This became known as a slow, nonathletic, and inefficient method compared to the faster way to lift the bar “clean”. The Continental fell out of favor and the clean was adopted by weightlifting federations as the official movement. Thus the story behind the “clean”.

1st Pull_Andrew

Watch this. She won the OC Throwdown last week and dominated the clean ladder with a max of 240#: