Push, Pull

4 Rounds for time:

400m Run
15 Handstand Push-ups
2 Rope Climbs (15′)

Partial Results

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A couple people recently pointed out we never rope climb on a Monday. Check.

HSPU Rope Climb

Quote of the day: “You have to embrace adversity. The setbacks that you encounter are actually learning experiences as opposed to things that should deter you.” ~ Tony Hawk

Supine Ring Row:

Supine Ring Row

Make a ring row tougher by elevating your feet but fight to keep your body in a tight plank position throughout the movement. Think “reverse push-up”. The higher the feet the more bodyweight is incorporated into the row. This will help develop general strength for exercises like pull-ups, muscle-ups and rope climbs as well as general core strength.

Jeremy is always there to really help you hit maximum intensity in your WOD:

Virtual Spot


The 5 Best Ways to Break Into CrossFit by discovery.com

Learn to row better: “Tips From a Silver-Medalist Rower” with Krista GuloienCrossFit Journal video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]