Max Effort Row

Strength WOD:

In 15 minutes complete:
Snatch 2/2/2/2/2

* “Touch and Go” Reps; not singles x 2

Conditioning WOD:

5 Rounds for total calories of:

40 Seconds Max Effort (ME) Row for calories; 20 Seconds Rest
* Rows are max effort or all out. You can keep the flywheel spinning during the rest cycle. 


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Deb_Squat Snatch

ME Rows

Melanie spent some time after the WOD and Mobility class tonight reviewing her nutrition log with me. She just finished her third week of Paleo and it’s been great to see the things she has done to improve her diet and put things in balance. Her food quality has been really good and the balance between macro-nutrients with each meal and snack took a big step forward this past week with a few suggestions. I can’t wait to see what happens over the next few weeks for her.

Nutrition is the base of our health. How we fuel ourselves drives how we perform, recover, and function. If it’s crappy you can’t escape it. Watch the short video below and remember that if you want to review your nutrition and get some feedback to hit us up. If you want to see serious changes in your health then combine consistent and clean nutrition with your training and recovery. Don’t leave one of those variables out and you will achieve the results you are looking for.

The Foundation Is Nutrition” CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Deb and the Squat Snatch:

Squat Snatch - 1 Squat Snatch - 2 Squat Snatch - 3