Monday Funday

3 Rounds for Time of:
200m Run
50 Double Unders
25 Thrusters (95#/65#)


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DU_Eric Thruster_Pavithra

Congrats to our group of Tough Mudders (Deb, Chris S., Michelle S., Bill, Lorraine, Maggie, Lindsay, Lena) and their Coach and Support crew (Lucy and Dustin) who slogged through the course as a team on Saturday! What I love the most about this is that they all decided to do this together, train together, and get ready through CrossFit and a bunch of weekend runs. They set a collective goal and made it happen. They put their “CrossFit” skills to a test and accomplished something meaningful to each of them and overcame fears and obstacles that stood in their way. Oh and they did it having fun. That is what it’s all about.

Here’s a recap from Lucy:

“The SnoRidge Tough Mudders totally rocked the course yesterday. 12 miles (hilly) and 22 military style obstacles in 4.5 hours. 

Not only that, they smiled all the way through and had a blast. A few scrapes and bruises, but all intact! An amazing team spirit and group of people. Proof that Crossfit works. It was just awesome to watch…A few highlights…..

Chris managing to get up the half pipe first time round and then help up his team mates and many more.

Maggie literally beaming all day. 

Lena completing ALL the monkey bars and getting to the other side (few women on the course did).

Michelle taking on the electric currents, which petrified her.

Elaine’s shock that she had actually scaled her first 12 ft wall.

Lorraine’s and Richard’s total ‘can do’ attitude. Nothing phases that couple!

Bill and Josh staying with the team and helping everyone, although they could have gone way ahead.

Deb and Lindsay looking like they were Tough Mudder Veterans at every obstacle!

Amazing team work at the cargo nets and a good 10 minutes spent helping fellow Mudders get over the (very high) top

It was a truly unforgettable day. We would all thoroughly recommend it….bring on Tough Mudder May 2013! Who’s in?!!!”

Tough Mudder Crew_1

Tough Mudder Crew_2

Schedule Change:

Starting next Tuesday 10/9 we will be adding a 0630 class each Tuesday and Thursday wiht Coach Moe. That’s 6:30am as in O’dark Thirty. A few have asked for it but there hasn’t been enough interest. We now think there may be enough interest.

Here’s the rules on this class:

  1. There needs to be a committed group with regular attendance. If people don’t come regularly, we will cancel it. We won’t have a coach show up each day for a few people who want to workout every once in a while.
  2. No coverage for the class: When Moe has vacation or other reason she cannot coach, we will cancel the class that day. There will be no substitute coach to cover any class.
  3. See Rule #1. If attendance is slacking, sayonara early class.


Imperial CF is having a mini CF Expo on Sunday, Oct 14th from 4-7pm. lululemon athletica, The Balanced Athlete (athletic shoes), Outside the Box “Paleo Truck”, ANFARM (WOD t-shirts), & Zico Beverage will be here. This is OPEN TO ALL!

Team U.S.A. Training” CrossFit Journal video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]