Nicole Goes Overhead

As Many Reps As Possible in 20 Minutes:

Run 400m
Max Rep Overhead Squats (95#/65#)
* Score total reps OHS, drop the bar to rest and you must run


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So today’s WOD was a spin off two different benchmarks; “Nicole” and “Nancy”. Programming this one my intent was for it to have the max rep penalty scenario like “Nicole” where resting means you take a 400m spin around the parking lot. I didn’t mean for it allow any rest with the barbell unless it was standing with the weight overhead. Back rack = rest. It removes the strain and concentration required to maintain an effective overhead squat position and allows for recovery. That makes it no longer a max rep scenario.

So for the morning classes that were allowed to back rack it to rest my apologies for the screw up. You all caught a break. I should have explained it better to the “Assistant to the Head Coach” when I reviewed the WOD with her! That said I have given her detention and a formal written warning and placed it in her file for her next performance review…

One hand Muscle-up by George Piwko – video [wmv] [mov]


  • Regionals pics are plenty and I’ll publish Flickr albums soon!
  • Advanced RX Class begins this Saturday for those who tested in at 10:45
  • Re-order for the Games T Shirts is going in soon. If you want one then write your name on the board in the box
  • Starting next Wednesday 6/22 we are going to add a 8:30am Wednesday class. That will mean Tuesday through Thursday will have a 8:30 class.