"No Slop"

In teams of 2, complete for time:

50 Double Unders
100 Push-ups
75 Power Cleans (95#/65#)
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
25 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)
50 Double Unders


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* One partner works at a time, if single do half the reps
** No Slop or partial ROM counts, if partial = scaled
*** Solo does half of reps
**** Strategize with partner for how to alternate reps
1. No snags count for DU’s
2. Shoulders below or minimum parallel to elbow for push-up, full lockout
3. Contact with med ball target in squat for WB and OHS
4. WB must hit above line to count rep

Curtis in shock after realizing what an overhead squat is supposed to look like:

Curtis and Jim_OH SQUAT!

This WOD was from CrossFit Bellevue and our own Team Squatch completed this past weekend to train for the Affiliate Cup Qualifiers. As always in any workout the focus was “no slop”. Clean reps, form first over weight and speed. Some teams and individuals embraced this today. Some, well… 

Here’s the deal, whatever load you use it should be one that allows for full range of motion (ROM). Can it be challenging? Yes. Slow? Tough? Of course. However it also needs to be a load that you can still do right. The same goes for bodyweight movements. Full range of motion like in a proper air squat, pull-up or push-up. Going RX’d is a goal. But what good is it to go heavy to attempt to be RX’d to do an overhead squat with half the depth and no midline stabilization? Or to perform a wall ball without full squat depth and a throw that is consistently below the target? That won’t translate to someday waking up and having the ability to just nail a particular movement. You have to practice it, work at it and develop the strength, flexibility or coordination. Stick with a weight you can manage and be safe. Use the warm-up or post WOD to improve on your range of motion or technique with a PVC or empty bar. Remember what Vince Lombardi said: “Practice does not make perfect, but perfect practice makes perfect”.

Michelle D. and Marc M. practicing perfect:

Wal Ball Team Mark Triple Extension


Highlights from the CF Games North Central Regionals [wmv] [mov]

Coaching tip: Push-up Depth with Mike H.

Mike Push-up

Shoulders should be below or minimum parallel to elbow for push-up depth. Rigid plank. Ideal is chest to deck. Full lock-out at top.