Over My Head

21, 18, 15, 12, 9 reps of: 

Overhead Squats (95#/65#) 


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OHS and T2B

Attention: Gym is closed today, Saturday 6/25 for the CF Gymnastics Trainers Course

Good luck goes to Laura, Marc, and Coach Moe who are all running either the Rock-n-Roll Marathon or 1/2 Marathon on Saturday; as well as to Team Dirt Corps (Matt, Dan, Jim) who are racing DH Mountain Biking this weekend! Ride fast and don’t stop. Run hard and rock on! 

Anyone who is a 2x week member and planned to WOD on Saturday 6/25 but couldn’t since we are closed please feel free to make it up by picking a class and tripling up in any week. We owe you one!


“Open Participation Winners” with C.J. Martin – video [wmv] [mov]

Invictus Shares Tickets with Windy City

CF Invictus won the 2011 CF Games Open Participation contest for most members participating in the Open with 219 total! That won them a plaque, no affiliate fee for the year and 2 free tickets per participant!