Power "Amanda"

Main Class:

Teams of 2 complete for time:

50 Power Snatch (115#/75#)
60 Pull-ups
70 Overhead Squat (95#/65#)
80 Burpees

* One bar per team, deload as you go. Go in order and split work up as desired.

Checkout WOD:

40 AbMat Sit-ups
30 Hollow Rocks
20 V-ups

Advanced RX Class: Power “Amanda

9-7-5 Reps of each for time of:

Power Snatch (135#/95#)


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Power Amanda

This is why you will hear us say “Armpits forward”: “The Active Shoulder” with Kelly Starrett – video [wmv] [mov]

Today was some pre-WOD instruction on the pass through, power snatch, and overhead squat where the focus was on set-up and positioning and for some limiting range of motion to maintain good overhead squat mechanics. If you were one of the “flexibility challenged” then focus on those tight areas and keep that technique strong at the scaled load and ROM. 

Common muscle imbalances that show in the overhead squat:

  • If your feet turn outward as you squat (i.e penguin feet): Likely tight outer calves and weak inner calves
  • If your knees cave inward as you squat: Likely weak adductors (groin muscles) and glutes
  • If your arms fall or cave forward: Likely tight pecs, lats and weak and tight scapular and rotator cuff muscles

Lucy OHS:



Schedule Change to Advanced RX Class and Update on the Open:

Beginning Sat. 2/25 (next week) we will be suspending the Advanced RX Class for the duration of the CF Games Open (ends 3/25).
Note – The 0930 Class will NOT change. Come one, come all, we will adapt and overcome! You WILL still get your ass kicked during main class regardless of how bad-ass you think you are. 🙂

**This is to have the availability to run competitors who miss the opportunity to complete the Open WOD on Thursday**

1. Each Thursday during the Open we will make that workout the WOD for the entire gym. This way everyone gets to participate and experience the workouts.
2. All should plan to be paired up during class to ensure a partner is judging. Competitors will be paired with someone who is confident in judging movement/rep counting.
3. The primary day to complete the Open WOD is Thursday each week.
4. Makeup/alternate day for the Open WOD is 11AM each Saturday after the main class time ends. 
5. We strongly encourage anyone thinking about competing in the Open to register and just try it! It’s a good test to see where you fall among the world of crazy CF’ers.

Last thing: We may change this plan as we go so please be flexible. it’s only 5 weeks long but all plans go to crap at the first sign of contact.

Saturday Team WOD Fun:

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