"Rowing Annie"

Strength WOD:

Complete the following for load every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes: 
2 Power Clean

* Post loads, re-grip allowed

Conditioning WOD: “Rowing Annie”

For Time:

500m Row
50 AbMAt Sit-ups
400m Row
40 AbMAt Sit-ups
300m Row
30 AbMAt Sit-ups
200m Row
20 AbMAt Sit-ups
100m Row
10 AbMat Sit-ups


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Power Cleans

Then This:

Rowing Annie

Great work on power cleans today. Lots of progress on good pulls, extension, footwork and receiving the bar.

This is awesome. I wished we had a river nearby the box to do this:

Renegade Rowing: Rowing meets CrossFit” by Again Faster EquipmentCrossFit Journal video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Perfecting the Box Jump: CrossFit Journal