Snatch Practice

Strength WOD:

10 minutes to find: 
1RM Snatch (Squat)

Checkout WOD:

For time:

50 Double-Unders
5 Snatch (Squat) – Choose Your Load
40 Double-Unders
4 Snatch
30 Double-Unders
3 Snatch
20 Double-Unders
2 Snatch
10 Double-Unders
1 Snatch


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Today was all about setting world records! We not only had several snatch world records set (individual PR’s count); we also had a world record in 6:30am CrossFit class attendance, with 11 of you showing up to kick off Coach Moe’s return to early morning torture time. This better not be a fluke. I want to hear that PR bell ring. 

Team U.S.A. Training: Workout 3” CrossFit Journal video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]