"Team Jackie"

In teams of 2, complete 1 round each for time of:

1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45#/33#)
30 Pull-ups

* Each partner must complete Jackie in succession. Partner 1 completes the 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters, 30 Pull-ups then Partner 2 begins their “round”. Time starts when partner 2 completes their 30th pull-up. Record each partner’s indivdual “Jackie” time and combined team time.


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Today’s Team WOD was one of the events this weekend at the UFC Fan Expo in Houston that featured a CrossFit exhibition at the front door. Many of the top male and female Games Competitors competed in teams of 2 for six different events. This one took the benchmark Girl “Jackie” and made it a two-fer. While this WOD looks easy it’s pretty deceiving when done all out. Rowing and thrusters = yuck.

Rachelle_Jackie Thrusters Jackie_Thrusters

For those tackling a Whole30 nutrition challenge or just “going Paleo” here are some tips from our very own Ninja Amanda:

Some ideas for people that are trying to stay on track & need some extra UMPF right now:
1) Track your meals on BTWB – helps you see how/what you are eating more clearly and frankly writing it down makes you more accountable to yourself (ask people to look if you want)

2) Go recipe searching, buy a paleo cookbook, etc… just get inspired to try something new to cook! Remember – have fun w/ your food!! This is supposed to taste yum-O

3) Check out our Whole30 Facebook group – lots of discussion, gives you ideas, & inspires you

4) Whatever you do – PLEASE don’t beat the crap out of yourself. Extreme guilt can make you just want to quit & feel in the dumps. Turn it around and say “next meal is going to ROCK F’ing PALEO B*TCHES!”

CrossFit – UFC Fan Expo Event: Men’s “Team Jackie”:



This week we are adding another class at 0830 AM to Friday! That means we will have a 0830 class every single day. The morning class schedule M-Fr will now be 0830/0930/1130.