Team Kalsu

In Teams of 2 complete:

On the minute:

One partner will complete 5 burpees and perform max rep thrusters on the minute. (Main Class: 95#/65#, Advanced RX Class: 135#/95#). After one minute rotate with your partner who will complete 5 burpees then max rep thrusters as able during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute switch with your partner and continue to perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 total thrusters.

Post the total number of minutes it took to reach 100 thrusters.


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RX Tag:

Tag Up

Today we did a team version of one of the toughest little-known CrossFit WOD’s. After completing this in teams of 2, I can’t fathom doing this solo with 135#. Who was 1LT Bob Kalsu? Why is there a CrossFit WOD called Kalsu dedicated to him? CrossFit Football dedicated this WOD to him as the only NFL player to die in the line of duty in combat (during the Vietnam War). Sharing the 100 thrusters with a partner was tough and a great team building WOD today. Props to Teri for going solo to 50 reps. 

RX Plus “Slappin’ Butts” Tag:

Booty Tag

Two types of tag ups featured above. One is more efficient and has a faster cycle time while the other requires both athletes to sacrifice time to make eye contact, extend their arms and practice coordination and accuracy. Either way you can’t go wrong, but slappin’ butts is more fun.

Some of the crew with the 2011 Fittest Man on Earth Rich Froning and Masters 50-54 Silver Medalist Heidi Fish:

SRCF with the Games Champ

* Note Michelle looks especially happy and is actually leaning AWAY from me. Damn.


We are going to hold another test soon for anyone wanting to try the Advanced RX Challenge. The tenative date is on Saturday Aug. 27th. Passing this test will allow particpation in the Advanced RX Class on Saturdays at 10:45. Not passing is still a great thing as it will highlight the advanced skills, lifts, and loads you have to work on. The last time we did this was a few months ago.

Don’t forget to register for Railroad Days 5k/10k or Kids 1k by August 15th!

Behind The Scenes: Part 1” by Sevan Matossian, CrossFit Journalpreview video [wmv] [mov]