
Skills WOD:

10 Minutes to Practice:
Muscle-ups progression/practice

Or complete a single max effort of Strict Muscle-ups or 2 minutes max reps Muscle-ups

Conditioning WOD:

3 Rounds for time:

50 Double-Unders
25 Two-for -One Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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MU 2 for 1 WB

Today one of the people that finished our June OnRamp told me how much she loved CrossFit and our gym. She said she has already been surprised at how much progress she has seen and that she was excited her husband was signed up. It made my day.

The 2 for 1 Wall Ball is an exercise in timing. It tests coordination, agility, accuracy, speed, strength, stamina, etc. Basically it punishes you and if you aren’t careful can beat the snot out of you with a wall ball to the face. The main scale that was used today was using a lighter wall ball to throw higher and then air squat quickly to wait for it to return, or simply throwing a standard wall ball once to a higher target.

 2013 Games Venue Tour

Two Teams Disqualified From 2013 Games