"2 for 1"

WOD Choice today!

3 Rounds for time:

50 Double-Unders
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)


3 Rounds for time:

50 Double-Unders
25 “2 for 1” Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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Steven and Lucy WB Shots

Choice day! Pick either double wall balls (also called 2 for 1’s since you throw it up to the target and then complete 2 squats) with double-unders or do 50 of them for three rounds with 150 double-unders. Either way this ones mean.

See that little blurb in the upper right corner of the site? The one that says “World Class Fitness in 100 Words”? Ever read it? If you do read it how much of it do you follow? The last sentence is one (along with nutrition) of the things that most of us CrossFitters likely don’t do. It’s the part that says “Regularly learn and play new sports.” The CrossFit Journal is kicking off a cool new series devoted to learning and playing new sports. It’s called the Sport Series. If we are going to train to be generally prepared physically for most challenges as well as call it the Sport of Fitness, then why not apply it to new sports? By the way, anyone want to try stand-up paddleboarding?

CrossFit Journal Stand-up Paddleboard Race [wmv] [mov]


Speaking of sports, tomorrow morning we will see several of you at the Railroad Days Race. Meet on the corner near the gazebo at the Rail Museum. Kids 1k is at 8:45am and the 5k/10k starts at 9am. 

Mark and Kim will be running a class WOD at the box at 10am. Show up and get your thruster on!