
5 Rounds for time:

6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
6 Burpees
6 Front Squat (95#/65#)
6 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
6 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)


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Tara tackles Hang Snatches while Scott swings the Kettlebell:

Tara_Hang PS Scott_KB Swing

Bionic is a unique WOD. Moving from a wide stance and narrow grip to neutral stance and grip to narrow stance and wide grip each round can cause a little confusion from movement to movement. It is also typically limited by the amount of weight that you can Hang Power Snatch.  Put on too much weight and that becomes a hang muscle snatch or even worse a hang power “anyway overhead” lift. Dialing it back to ensure a load that allows you to do it correctly is the way to go and also will force you to move faster and generate greater power.

Spirit of the Games Pt. 1” with Chris Spealler, CrossFit Journal preview [wmv] [mov]


This Saturday is the Railroad Days 5k/10k race. We have at least 6 runners I know of that are running it with me (Marc, Laura, Lucy, Moe, Sangeeta, Jim M.). There are also a couple kids doing the 1k too. Anyone else in? There will be one class at 10am with Mark as well.

FGBV Poster

Attention! Fight Gone Bad V: We are hosting FGB V on 9/18 (Saturday) with CrossFit Belltown, The Compound, CrossFit Redmond, and the Chamber! The plan is to start at 10am.There will be waves and sign up times as we get closer. If you are planning to participate the rules state you must register, create a fundraising page and raise donations. Please consider this and help raise money for some valuable causes (Livestrong, The Wounded Warrior Project among them). For details on registration go to the FGB V site and click on the register link. When and if you register, pick our box as your “team”.

If you are thinking it’s too much to ask someone to donate, consider that one latte for $5 is more than enough to ask for. Or a happy meal. I would think most people understand that donating a few dollars for cancer research or for a veteran who is permanently disabled for defending our freedoms is worth forgoing a coffee or two.