Team WOD: FT: Row (Cal) + Partner Deadlift Holds; 2x HSPU, Deadlifts, Hang Power Clean; Row (Cal) + Partner Deadlift Holds

Team WOD:

FT: Row (Cal) + Partner Deadlift Holds; 2x HSPU, Deadlifts, Hang Power Clean; Row (Cal) + Partner Deadlift Holds

As a team of 2 complete for time:
60 Row (Cal) + Partner Deadlift Holds
— then —
2 rounds of:
30 Handstand Push-ups
40 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
50 Hang Power Cleans (135#/95#)
— then —
60 Row (Cal) + Partner Deadlift Holds

*Strip bar for HPC. Break up reps/rows as needed.


Photo by @robcwilson

Make sure you submit your score for 17.2! If you are having difficulty be sure to email Games Support with your score.  Select “SnoRidge CrossFit” from the drop down menu for Affiliate, type in and select your judge name (or use mine or Michelle if you don’t know their name), then choose correctly on Scaled or RX with your tie breaker.

Official Winners of 17.1


Results 17.2