Five Rep Max

Strength WOD:

* Work up to 5RM (5 Rep Max)

Check Out WOD Immediately After:

As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes of:
20 Squats
15 Double Unders
10 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)


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Jason gets his first double unders while Michelle inspects Air Squats:

Jason_1st Double Under Air Squats

Taste of the Sectionals Pt. 3! Three attempts at a five rep max deadlift was the fourth workout of the WA Sectionals this past weekend. Each attempt was alotted 20 seconds to complete all 5 reps and the plates were iron which meant very little bounce between reps. Today we went with 5 attempts and no time limit. Many of you hit a new 5RM PR or exceeded your previous 1 rep max! That’s a strength gain.

Quote of the day: “My wife discovered she does not tolerate wheat and gluten. That explains over 10 years of craziness.” 

(What’s funny is the context of this quote was that for 10 years she was trying to figure out what was wrong, not necessarily driving said husband crazy.)

The other thing I noticed and we talked about tonight is the effects of week 2-3 of our Paleo/Zone Challenge. For those sticking with it this is the period where the energy level is a little low, the mood is cranky, and the hunger pains are frequent. Stick with it and eat clean. If you are hungry eat but eat right! Don’t cave to temptation and start cheating. One cheat meal? Okay. One every day? NOT okay. Stay strong and one week from now you will feel better, be moving faster and fatiguing much later in your WOD.  This is the beginning of getting past the “break point”. The point that makes you just want to forget it and go back to how you ate. 

One other point I want to bring up. Many of you likely have encountered the strange look, snide remark or negative comment regarding how “crazy” you eat. How everyone has an opinion on what Paleo or Zone is or why it won’t work. My advice? Ignore it. People who do it are merely projecting their own insecurities or justifying their own lack of discipline in proper nutrition. Beware trying to spend too much time and energy trying to convince every one of your co-workers or friends why that sandwich, chips and diet coke is bad. When they see your results then they will really want to know what you’ve been doing.

Living Paleo – “Food Cravings

A Proposal and a Bladder Malfunction at the Utah – Nevada Sectionals of the 2010 CrossFit Games video: [wmv] [mov]


It’s that time! Dues are due. Please pay in the gym if you are due at the 1st of the month.

Welcome to Aaron, Lorraine, Autumn, and Caroline who began Elements this week!

Affiliate Team training will be Saturday at 0900. We will run two main group WOD’s on Sat. at 1000 and 1100. Sign up in comments for the 10am WOD.

Join Moe tomorrow at 0600 for the early AM WOD! Don’t forget the schedule change for next week only: On 3/9 next Tuesday there will be NO 6am class. Moe will swap that class and teach on Monday morning at 6am (3/8). No change for Thursday.

SnoRidge CF WA Sectionals pics on Flickr.  More pics added!
