Team WOD: Isabel & Grace

Team WOD: Isabel & Grace

For time (Partner 1):
30 Snatches (135#/95#)

Choose one Teammate (#1) to perform Isabel, then Teammate (#2) will immediately perform Grace.

Repeat but switch benchmarks (#1 does Grace, #2 does Isabel). Record time completed for each benchmark per partner.

For time (Partner 2):
30 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)

Choose one Teammate (#1) to perform Isabel, then Teammate (#2) will immediately perform Grace.

Repeat but switch benchmarks (#1 does Grace, #2 does Isabel). Record time completed for each benchmark per partner.


SnoRidge CrossFit_Grace

Photo by @robcwilson

Alternating two classic CrossFit benchmark WOD’s with your rest being your teammates turn was a fun but challenging twist to a Saturday Team workout.

If you haven’t tried a Team WOD then come check it out at the 9:30am class every Saturday.
