
Strength WOD:


Squat Clean (Every Minute on the Minute perform two cleans. Re-grip allowed. Use 65-75% of 1RM)

Checkout WOD:

5 Rounds for time:

10 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
10 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
10 Toes-to-Bar


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Clean_Jim H Tom E_DL

Today Mother Nature forced us to call an audible (or WOD-ible) as rain combined with running and rope climbs made for the potential for human hail inside of the gym. That would have been a mess to clean up and I already covered the “Tom is a neat freak” topic on the Facebooks today (also below). With that said bring your long socks tomorrow and your best overhead squat.

Good work on squat cleans. Just like the snatch this weightlifting movement is based on speed, technique, efficiency, and power.

MU Race

For those who missed the Rules Rant:

Housekeeping Announcement! It’s getting way too sloppy for my anal retentiveness in the gym.

Please take the time to put things away in the space they correctly go. Bumpers are stacked by 10’s, 15’s, 25’s etc. Bars are grouped together in the holder by lightest to heaviest (or short training bar to men’s bar), KB’s are in order, wallballs on shelves, rollers on racks, boxes stacked by type etc. Chalk balls stay INSIDE the buckets! NOT on the floor or balanced on little ledges.

Also please do not THROW the bumpers onto the stacks. For some reason even though some can lift a bumper plate when it is attached to a bar, that same person cannot carry the bumper and place it neatly on the stack. We now have a nice drywall hole in the stack of 35# plates. I always wanted one of those but don’t need another…

Please clean your stuff off after use and put it back. The person at the next class greatly appreciates it.

Corrective behavioral motivation techniques include: A week of burpees in every WOD and warm-up, lots of running with odd objects, and random punches to the throat.

Fitness Lonnie at the North West Regional


This Sunday at North Bend Theater there is a fundraiser for a local camp that helps kids who are burn survivors.

Camp Eyabsut is a camp that for over 15 years has helped kids who have suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns come together to teach them they are not alone, help them learn new skills and find a sense of belonging. Funding has meant that kids attended free but it has been cut for this year and to help raise money there is a special screening of Men In Black 3 at the theater. Proceeds will go to the camp. Cost is $10 per ticket and showtime is at 5pm this Sunday 6/3. There are flyer’s at the gym with more details. We are planning to see the movie and help support this cause. Thanks Tricia for bringing awareness to this fundraiser.


5 Rounds for time:

6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
6 Burpees
6 Front Squat (95#/65#)
6 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
6 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)


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Another day of “Bionic” world records in the books. Congrats to James on his 100th WOD today!

Video: Looking Back: Regionals 2012 – CrossFit Games 

This is a team. These guys and gals are the best of the best:  

Fort Vancouver’s Teamwork Keeps them in the Lead. CrossFit Fort Vancouver demonstrates clear organization and teamwork going into Event 4, at the North West Regional.  

Front Squat


“CrossFit for Hope”

We are hosting CrossFit for Hope on June 9th and will join CrossFitters around the world in the new “Hope” workout for a great cause. 100% of money collected goes to St. Jude Children’s Medical Research Hospital. Sign up today!


  • When: Saturday 6/9
    • Heats will run approximately every 30 minutes with the first time being 0945 to show up and get loose. I will be running OnRamp from 0830 until 0930.
    • Sign up for 0945, 1015, 1045, 1115, 1145, 1215, 1245, 1315
  • How: Sign up on the whiteboard. Come in that morning at your time and warm-up quickly. 
    • We will run groups of 8. (Limited due to chest-to-bar pull-ups being in the workout)
  • Can I donate?
    • Yes! Register at the link above or donate here to help raise funds for the children. While we won’t require it, we are asking that anyone participating register and donate a small amount or just search at the link above and donate to someone in the gym who has created a fundraising page of their own.
  • What’s the WOD?
  • 3 rounds of 1 Minute each of Max Reps:
    Power snatch (75#/55#)
    Box jumps (24″/20″)
    Thruster (75#/55#)
    Chest to bar Pull-ups

    “Hope” has the same format as Fight Gone Bad. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep.

Dip, Drive, Press

Strength WOD:


Push Press (60 sec rest between sets)

Checkout WOD:

For time:

Row 300m
20 Push Press (135#/95#)
Row 300m
15 Push Press 
Row 300m
10 Push Press 
Row 300m
5 Push Press  


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Eric H_Push Press

“This is going to be my last year.” ~ Chris Spealler

Spencer Hendel’s Snatch Ladder Performance: North East Regionals 

Row and PP

NW Regionals Wrap-up

Squat Pull-up Press Medley_Mark

Just like that the Regionals are over and done. Ancient history. 6 weeks before the CF Games kicks off and crowns the fittest man, woman and team in the Sport of CrossFit. Before we shift focus to that, I wanted to write about where Mark ended up and my reflections on the Open and Regionals.

Pistol Mark Split Clean Mark Snatch_Mark

Mark spent the past year after the 2011 Regionals training hard. Practically never missing a workout with the exception of a planned rest day; he showed tremendous discipline every day coming in and getting fitter. He also focused on nutrition, mobility and recovery and got ready for the Open. Week after week Mark stayed in the top 60 with strong performances but as the last week of the Open approached and the final WOD loomed he slightly injured his back during some deadlifts. It was bad enough that the final workout was immediately in question. He quickly got it treated that week, rested properly and was able to still set a PR on WOD 12.5 from last year’s Open; securing his spot in the top 60. 

After the Open was over Mark completely dialed in his nutrition and stepped up the training to focus on the upcoming Regionals. It paid off. This past weekend he finished in an outstanding 25th place in the 2012 Northwest Regionals out of 43 men and 6 states! Building off of 2 PR’s for him in the first 2 workouts he went on to stay in the top 25 spots through the last three workouts. It was a weekend in which we saw Mark give his all in each WOD and push himself past his limits against a field of some seriously fit and strong beasts. He represented himself (as well as SnoRidge) well and all of his hard work and training paid off in a finish that was better than his finish in last year’s Regionals. I am personally stoked for him and we are all proud. A highlight for me was that so many of the SRCF crew was there to cheer him on and show your support. For both Michelle and I it was satisfying to see the family that has been built come together to volunteer, cheer, and enjoy this sport side of CrossFit and cheer on one of our own. 

Screen Shot 2012-05-29 at 10.41.50 PM

As I judged this weekend I was able to get a different perspective on Regionals and where the sport of CrossFit has changed over the past 5 years that I have been a CrossFitter, then affiliate owner and coach. CrossFit has evolved down two roads; the primary road being that of simply the best method out there to getting truly fit and healthy as well as the off ramp to the less travelled road that turned CrossFit itself into one of the coolest sports around. Okay THE coolest sport around. Over those years I have seen: Weights that were heavy are now light. Movements that were seen as advanced are table stakes to simply compete. Skills once thought off limits to the top CrossFitters are now the average. “Impossible” workouts are regular WOD’s. Times on benchmarks are half what used to be considered fast. Every year the best of these CrossFitters defy the doubters and redefine work capacity. There are now seriously high level athletes coming out of the woodwork and turning to this sport and taking it further. Local events are practically every weekend, the Open is drawing over 65k people, and Regionals are ridiculously competitive worldwide. Just when you think the best are already known, a new person emerges.

Burpee Box Jump Race

Having competed twice in Regionals before (and trying furiously to get back each year), I have seen it grow from an old hangar in Seattle to a Sectionals/Regionals format in a horse arena, to the new fancy ShowPlex Arena in Puyallup. Events are now a lesson in first class organization and management coordinated with Regionals around the world. Each year it gets better and better, bringing more and more people in to the world of CrossFit. Gone are the days of makeshift platforms, workouts in the dirt pit, and handmade signs and welded racks. It’s all about equipment packages; media, judges, equipment, scoring, and medical crews, and improving the “fan experience”. In two more years it will only get better.

As I talked to someone in our gym on Monday during a wave of “Murph” I was asked what I thought about the chances of our gym fielding an affiliate team. The discussion led to me explaining the fact that you must a have a team of both well balanced male and female athletes who place very high in the Open and have arguably very little weaknesses in their game(s). With many of the top 30 teams who qualify having at least one Regional male and female level athlete the challenge is a tough one. You also must have two more each of male and female athletes on a team that are close to qualifying or in the top 100 to 125. That said it’s achievable. The question was asked if I would “throw down the gauntlet” and issue a challenge to our gym to qualify a team. Initially I said “yes”! After thinking about this the past two days though I changed my mind on flat out issuing a challenge.

Here’s why. The challenge is already there. It’s called the CrossFit Games. You must excel in the Open, make Regionals, and do unbelievably well there to advance to the Games. You have to train your ass off, eat right and beat a ton of anonymous other CrossFitters. You don’t need (nor should you want) to have me throw out another challenge. The challenge should come and has to come from within. Athletes who choose to make CrossFit their sport and seriously want to be out there at Regionals as either an individual or team must have that burning inside of them. CrossFit as a competitive sport is an altogether different thing than CrossFit as a functional fitness program. CrossFit as a sport at that level is a lifestyle. The majority of people do this to improve their fitness. I wholeheartedly applaud that as that is truly why we all do this in the first place. It’s to stay as “young and healthy” as possible for as long as we live. It’s our major motivation to owning a gym. It’s Michelle’s and my passion to help people get healthy.

Wall Balls

For those who want to compete and win, that is a different thing. To earn the spot to enter the arena you have to willingly want to pursue what it takes. It takes training consistently and daily and with intensity. It takes a hardcore discipline of proper nutrition. It takes a focus on managing your rest and recovery. It REQUIRES a self driven and intelligent approach to improving your weaknesses, building on your strengths, and facing new obstacles head on. You must own this, and you must be prepared to fail but be determined to succeed. That determination must be persistent and patient, as when it’s late November and its raining, cold and dark and you don’t want to train you still must walk in the door and throw down. You must learn how to prioritize and balance your life to make room for training. You have to set both long and short term goals that are both realistic and achievable. You must be honest with yourself that you are committed to it.

Squat Medley

Both Mark and I have made past Regionals. Each year we will tell you it is getting more competitive. A bigger challenge. That is fun for us. All of the athletes who qualify all want it and make it their priority. I want to get back to Regionals individually as well as qualify a team badly. I also know and am realistic about what my personal obstacles are. A full time job completely separate from a second one of owning and running this affiliate and a family to juggle make for very little training opportunity that I know I need. That said I march to a very consistent schedule that sacrifices needed sleep for needed training. There are certainly days where I don’t “feel it” and want to mail it in. I can’t let myself give into that or it throws off my training. My hope is that this pays off each year and I am able to achieve my goals in CrossFit.

If you are one of those who wants it then this is the only challenge I am throwing down:

  1. Declare your goal. Do it to your coaches, your friends, your loved ones. Tell us (and them) to hold you accountable. 
  2. Make it happen. Like any other sport you must practice, train, eat properly, and listen to your body. 
  3. Follow the programming and be consistent. Come in even when the WOD has something you hate. Don’t cherry pick the workout or skip it. Ignore the “RX” and push yourself intelligently. Do it right but go hard every time. Diligently work your weaknesses and crush them. Make them your new strengths. Before you know it “RX” will be up there almost every time.

If you do these things then you will get stronger, fitter and faster and we can qualify a team. I believe that we can and I promise you we will do our part. We will coach you, push you, hold you accountable, teach you everything that we can, and keep the program CrossFit. We will work just as hard as you do. You simply have to want it, then do it. That is my challenge.

As Fitness Lonnie says, “Let’s get it!”


Strength WOD:


Snatch (Work up to 75%-80% 1RM)

Benchmark WOD:

30 Reps For Time:

Snatch – Full Squat (135#/95#)


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 Quote of the day: “You can’t make fun of me in the middle of my snatch.” ~ Hailly

Mark N_Split James_Full Snatch

The Regionals venue is set-up and it’s go time! I want to wish Mark the best of luck this weekend as he once again enters the arena of competitive exercising. Go forth and dominate!

If you are going to the Regionals this weekend find a fellow squatcher, give some booty slaps and make for good times. Remember we are closed on Friday and Saturday. If you somehow show up to the gym for class then that means a) you don’t know we have a website, b) you don’t come to class enough, or c) both a and b.

Video: NorthWest Setup – CrossFit Games Regionals

"Annie" is Back

Strength WOD:

Load up and find:

Back Squat
20RM (Rep Max)

Notes: This should be a maximal UNBROKEN set. If you completed all 20 reps last time, add approximately 5%. If you were close to completing all 20 reps (15-19), use the same weight. If you weren’t close (10-14), take off 5%.

Checkout WOD:


50-40-30-20-10 Reps of each for time:

AbMat Sit-ups


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Asleep at the KB

CF Games: The Northwest Regionals are 2 days away! Coach Mark Buskas will be competing and we will be down there to show our support. We are CLOSED on Friday and Saturday (5/25 and 5/26). NO Classes!

Northwest Regional Preview: Week 5, May 25-27, 2012 – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

  • Where: Puyallup Fairgrounds Americraft Showplex
  • When: Friday 10am to 5pm, Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm, Sunday 8am to 4:30pm
  • Cost: $10 for a day pass, $25 for all 3 days

Go here for more info on schedule and to buy tickets.

Memorial Day Schedule:

CLOSED on Friday and Saturday (5/25 and 5/26) for Regionals. NO Classes! Spread the word!

Monday (5/28) we will have only three class times (11:30am, 12:15pm and 1pm)

**We may add one more time slot. Stay tuned!**

  • We will run a special Memorial Day Murph workout
  • Official sign-up for the WOD is on the whiteboard. The 11:30am and 12:15pm and 1pm slots are now FULL
  • If you do not sign up do not expect to get to go first by just showing up. If you didn’t sign up and show up expect to wait until the 1pm wave is underway. 
  • CF Teens (1/2 Murph) and their parents will have their own shot at 9:30am.

Eric_Back Squat

Do yourself a favor. Read this: “Rest Vs. Recovery” by Whole9


5 Rounds for time of:

10 Power Cleans (135#/95#) 
15 Wall balls (20#/14#) 


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Powerball_Anna and Clint

Pick up your Blue T’s and your “Pick Things Up” Regionals T-Shirts this week if you pre-ordered. If you haven’t paid already they are $20 so please pay first to get your shirt.

“You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet” from CrossFit H20 (MA)

CrossFit Games Update: Regionals Week 4, Day 3

Maria_PC Clint_WB


CF Games: The Northwest Regionals are 3 days away! Come down and cheer on Coach Mark Buskas! Note we are CLOSED on Friday and Saturday (5/25 and 5/26). NO Classes!

Northwest Regional Preview: Week 5, May 25-27, 2012 – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

  • Where: Puyallup Fairgrounds Americraft Showplex
  • When: Friday 10am to 5pm, Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm, Sunday 8am to 4:30pm
  • Cost: $10 for a day pass, $25 for all 3 days

Go here for more info on schedule and to buy tickets.

Memorial Day Schedule:

CLOSED on Friday and Saturday (5/25 and 5/26) for Regionals. NO Classes! Spread the word!

Monday (5/27) we will have only three class times (11:30am, 12:15pm and 1pm)

  • We will run a special Memorial Day Murph workout
  • Official sign-up for the WOD is on the whiteboard. The 11:30am and 12:15pm slots are now FULL
  • If you do not sign up do not expect to get to go first by just showing up. If you didn’t sign up and show up expect to wait until the 1pm wave if there is room. 
  • CF Teens (1/2 Murph) and their parents will have their own shot at 9:30am.

For those unfamiliar with LT Michael Murphy, aka “Murph”, go to the link where you can read about this true hero and Medal of Honor recipient and what this Hero workout is. If you want to register and receive a T-shirt then you can also do so there. The shirts are pretty sick and designed by Forged clothing company and benefits go to charity.

Murph is truly a tough Hero WOD. We highly encourage scaling and will ensure each person is scaled correctly. Remember what this represents, what the day is about, and pay honor to those who have fallen. Give it your best effort, count what’s legit, join your fellow SRCF community and have some fun!

Armed Forces Day

Main Class:


Sergeant Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army US SOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor. 

For Time: 

Run 1 Mile
Row 2K meters
Run 1 Mile

 “Jerry Relay”

In Teams of 2, Complete the following for time:

4 rounds, each partner alternating sprints:
200m Run per partner (tag up and alternate) 
4 rounds, each partner alternating rows:
250m Row per partner (tag up and alternate) 
4 rounds, each partner alternating sprints:
200m Run per partner (tag up and alternate) 

* Both athletes alternate sprints and rows and complete 1600m running and 1000m rowing each
** Share one rower per team

Jerry Hero Relay Row

Advanced RX Class:

Dae Han

U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Dae Han Park, 36, of Watertown, Connecticut, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), based out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, died on March 12, 2011 in Wardak province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife, Mi Kyong, daughters Niya and Sadie, parents Joseph and Bonnie, and siblings Katie and Saejin.

3 Rounds for time of:

800m Barbell Run (45#/33#)
3 Rope Climbs 15′ 
12 Thrusters (135#/95#) 

WOD Demo with Dave Leys – video [wmv] [mov]


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Jerry Hero Relay Sprint

Today we honored Armed Forces Day with two Hero WOD’s. I want to thank you all for the respect and effort everyone put out today for workouts dedicated to our fallen heroes. It was cool to see the relay WOD work so well with people tagging, sprinting, coaching and moving. The group that went solo established some new Leaderboard times for both men and women (or world records at SRCF). Also Luanne completed her 250th WOD today! After the cardio work from “Jerry” was over for the Main class, the Advanced class honored a soldier from Joint Base Lewis McChord in “Dae Han”. This workout included something new for everyone; the challenge of running with an empty barbell.

Our next Hero WOD will be Memorial Day “Murph”. Sign-up on the whiteboard for your time slot. 11:30am is pretty much full but the 1pm class is open. Parents/CF Teens go at 9:30am.

Three weeks until CrossFit for Hope on June 9th. Join CrossFitters around the world in the new “Hope” workout for a great cause. 100% of money collected goes to St. Jude Children’s Medical Research Hospital. Sign up today!

Walking Dead

4 Rounds For Time:

7 Muscle-ups
15 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
30 Walking Lunges 


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Fun with the rings today. Muscle-ups are a skill and a strength test. Get there through great ring dips, strict pull-ups, chest-to bar pull-ups, a false grip and a strong kip. Practice the pattern through progressions. Fix mobility and flexibility issues. Skip even ONE of these components and you will likely not get a true muscle-up. Work on these skills and this will be one of those movements you love.

Armed Forces Day is tomorrow. We will do a Hero Team WOD at 0930 and a Hero WOD for the Adv RX class.

Matt_Rings Deb_DL


CF Games: Regionals are 6 days away! Come cheer on Coach Mark! Note we are CLOSED on Friday and Saturday (5/25 and 5/26)

On Monday (5/27) we will have two class times (11:30am and 1pm) and we will run a special Memorial Day Murph workout. We will post an official sign-up for the WOD on the whiteboard. If you do not sign up do not expect to get to go first by just showing up. Please sign up for your time. CF Teens (Halph Murph) and their parents will have their own shot at 9:30am.

For those unfamiliar with LT Michael Murphy, aka “Murph”, go to the link where you can read about this true hero and Medal of Honor recipient and what this Hero workout is. If you want to register and receive a T-shirt then you can also do so there. The shirts are pretty sick and designed by Forged clothing company and benefits go to charity.

Murph is truly a tough Hero WOD. We highly encourage scaling and will ensure each person is scaled correctly. Remember what this represents, what the day is about, and pay honor to those who have fallen. Give it your best effort, count what’s legit, join your fellow SRCF community and have some fun!

Cooking Smothered Pork Tenderloin” with Michele Vieux CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Max Snatch

Strength WOD:

12 Minutes to Establish:

1RM Snatch (Squat or sub Split; scale to power)

Checkout WOD:

21-15-9 Reps tor time:

Snatch – Squat (95#/65#) 
Ring Dips


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Jim Mc_Spit Snatch Maria_Squat Snatch

Similar to Grace yesterday there were a whole lot more PR’s today. Ring that PR bell. More cowbell!

Our June OnRamp is already full. We will be running a second one in the second half of June. Stay tuned for when.

Watch the following video of the 2011 CF Games Champ for a great look into the life, training, and drive of the reigning best male CrossFitter in the sport.

Video: Days in the Life of Rich Froning

LIndsay gets creative to try and save her snatch:

Snatch Save 1 Snatch Save 2