Dead Pull


5 minutes to practice:
Ring/Bar Dips
Double Unders  
Rope Climbs 


21-15-9 Reps for time of each exercise (alternate):

Deadlift (225#/155#)


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Quote of the Day: “The deadlift is more functional in that it’s very hard to imagine a more useful application of strength than picking heavy shit up off the ground.” ~ Mark Rippetoe

Deadlift_Spencer Aftermath

Short, fast couplet today. Classic CrossFit. Pre-WOD was a great opportunity to work on different skills and technique whether it was strict or kipping dips, foot locks on ropes, or getting that double-under. Tomorrow is your chance to test your one rep max in both the snatch and clean and jerk. You will have a set amount of time. No more. Work efficiently and focus on doing work. If you run out of time then you probably were talking too much. Get after it!

Getting Back to the Podium: Smith and Voigt“: CF Games

2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Summary – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Annie T_Fran


Team Squatch