
Results Corrected! Whoops!

Strength WOD:

Push Press
Work up to 3RM (rep max) in 5 Sets

Check Out WOD immediately after:

For time:

200m Run
20 Push Press (95#/65#)
20 Burpees
20 Box Jump (24″/20″)
20 Hang Cleans (95#/65#)
20 Pull-ups
20 Overhead Walking Lunges (45#/25# plate)
20 Double-Unders


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Lunging Ladies:

  Lunging Ladies

I just love this picture Michelle took. 

Two recent comments led to today’s WOD. One was that we haven’t done push press lately. Second comment was that we haven’t done a chipper WOD. Consider today a two-fer. Strength WOD’s are something that take a different approach. The goal of a strength WOD means that you are working to achieve the # rep max in the number of sets on the board for that movement. If it’s a 1RM or 3RM for example you are gauging your attempts to reach a maximum load (maybe even PR) or fail. If you fail the attempt counts and is marked as a “fail” and you move to the next attempt(s). Being new to CrossFit is a good time to learn the movement, gain confidence and get used to this type of workout. Focus on finding a weight that challenges you but allows you to focus on proper form and technique.

You should warm-up prior to officially starting your attempts. This takes some strategy and planning ahead. When you start or when you move up from set to set plan out what you are trying to accomplish so you don’t go too heavy too early or stay too light too late. For the more experienced when done right a strength WOD gives you butterflies that are no different than a “normal” WOD. It makes you fear stepping to the bar because you honestly aren’t sure if you are going to get the next lift. You are going at it with intensity to get the lift and get it with good form. 

Starting from here forward we are going to dial it back in to limit you to your official rep attempts. That means if it’s 5 sets of 3 reps, then you won’t get 7 or 8 sets to keep on going. If you went too light too early then remember for next time. It’s a thinking person’s WOD as well as a strength building workout, enjoy it!

Jim C_One Arm Push Press Laura Push Press Rob Burpees


Starting next week we are excited to announce that Moe will be running a 6am class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Class will be the same format and run an hour. For those inclined to wake up and turn on the intensity than have at it. I’ll likely still be inspecting the back of my eyelids for time.

Food For Thought:

We will be sending an email out to all of you for confirming attendance for the Nutrition Discussion with Todd Widman this Friday night. That way we can offer any additional space to our other affiliate and CF friends. If you didn’t previously post to the blog that you were coming please let us know. We are planning on a great turnout!

The other exciting news is we lined up the “BodyFat Test Truck” for coming to the box for our Paleo Challenge kickoff. They will be here on Saturday 2/20 from 7am to 1pm. The test is comprehensive and highly accurate with bodyweight, lean muscle lb., fat lb., body fat % and Delta. We will then have them come back in April at the end of challenge for a follow-up test. Because of this timing and the desire to have the most accurate results to look at post Paleo Challenge we will start the official Paleo Challenge on 2/20 (one week later). 

We hope you understand why we are pushing the official start of the Paleo Challenge to Saturday 2/20. In addition to lining it up with the BodyFat Truck, we think this allows you to soak in what you learn from the Nutrition Discussion on Friday and plan your food shopping and pantry cleaning next week. It really didn’t make sense for us to start a nutrition challenge one day after you learn the ins and outs of cleaner nutrition. 

  • BodyFat Truck Test cost is $49 for 1st test, $35 for follow-up test (or $35  if you have used the service before). Test is in a swimsuit in the truck in a “bathtub”. Test is approximately 10 minutes. We will schedule those who want to do it in 12 minute increments starting at 7am until 1pm.
  • Participation with the “ChunkyDunk” Truck (as Mike calls it) is completely optional. If you don’t want to use it then just weight in on our gym scale, take your pics and use our less accurate handheld bodyfat analyzer at the gym.
  • Paleo Challenge is 7 weeks long.
  • There will be a “buy-in” that goes into a pot for the top male and top female winners to split.
  • Winner will be determined by biggest delta or % change in body composition.
  • Diet logs will need to be kept. 
  • “Before” and “After” Pictures need to be taken. Women in shorts and sports bra/workout top, men in shorts with no shirt. We assure you that pics will be kept private in a protected drive at home and after the challenge will be deleted permanently if you desire. Pictures are highly effective in seeing results. Both of us are very glad we have some bathing suit pics pre-CF and post CF but disappointed we never took pics before switching to a Paleo focused diet.

Got Goals?

For time:

10 Strict Pull-ups
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
8 Strict Pull-ups
40 Wall Balls
6 Strict Pull-ups
30 Wall Balls
4 Strict Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls 
2 Strict Pull-ups
10 Wall Balls


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Pat proves he’s superhuman simply by willing the medicine ball into the air:

Pat Superhuman

Pat Deadhang Pull-ups Fran WB 

Anyone ready to set some goals? We have plenty of opportunities for you all in the coming days, weeks and months ahead. Set them now, write them down, and start working towards them. 

  • This Friday 2/5 will be the lululemon Trunk Show for you ladies as well as a goal-setting discussion led by the lululemon staff and Michelle. 
  • On Friday 2/12  at 6:30pm we will have our nutrition discussion with CFHQ’s Todd Widman to kick off our next Paleo Challenge. 
  • 7 week Paleo Challenge starts on Saturday 2/13 with weigh-in’s, before pictures and buy-in’s.
  • CF Games Northwest Sectional Qualifiers are coming at the end of February, with the Northwest Regionals and Affiliate Team Qualifiers in May. We will be selecting our team of 6 to represent the box in April.
  • The St. Patty’s Day 5k run is 3/13 here in Snoqualmie Ridge.
  • The Cinco De Mayo 1/2 Marathon and 8k run is on 5/1 in downtown Snoqualmie.
  • We are working with Lucy and Rob to hold another Rowing Class in March. This will be similar to the last class and will focus on proper technique, form, and strategy on the erg.
  • 100 WOD T-Shirts are now designed and will be available to purchase (at a discount) should you earn one! WOD’s must be completed in the box (garage counts).
  • Double-Under Challenge: Starting this week through the end of February, attempt to beat your max reps consecutive double-unders each week. Practice them all week post WOD and then pick the time of your choosing to go for your new max in one attempt. 
  • Push-up Challenge: Starting this Saturday perform 5 push-ups. Add 5 each day until the end of the month. (i.e. 5 Sat., 10 Sun., 15 Mon., etc.) Break them up throughout the day if needed. Make-up rules apply like the burpee challenge.

And this is only the beginning! We have a whole year ahead of us!

If these races, discussions, classes, challenges and even shirts don’t give you enough motivation, then watch the below video from King 5 Evening Magazine and see an example of how committing yourself to CrossFit and good nutrition can change your life. 



For time:

1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
* If you have a 20# Vest or Body Armor wear it


“Team Murph”

Partner up and alternate exercises for time:

1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
* Run 1/2 mile each with partner and alternate exercises


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 Jim M. and Ryan knocking out full “Murph”:

Murph_Ryan and Jim - 07

Murph_Ryan and Jim - 05  Murph_Ryan and Jim - 09  Murph_Ryan and Jim - 03

From CrossFit.com: “Murph” is dedicated to Navy SEAL LT Michael Murphy, 29 of New York, who was killed in Afghanistan in June of 2005. This workout was one of his favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. It is referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more than to serve his country and the people who make it what it is. 

He is a Medal of Honor recipient. Read the link above for the harrowing account of his heroic actions.

The 9am crew decided on this WOD over “Badger”. We took a vote, and the overwhelming majority wanted a bodyweight benchmark over a barbell benchmark. We will just have to save Badger for another day. In the early WOD the Affiliate Team ripped through this one and Travis and Pat just blew the doors off the box. Both of them came in at a smoking 35 plus and 36 plus minutes respectively. Everyone else did great at one of the toughest “grind it out” kind of WOD’s in CrossFit. What really stood out over everyone who either tackled it on their own or paired with a teammate was that Jim and Ryan showed up by themselves for the 11am class and decided to both go for the full version. Pushing, encouraging and nudging each other on, they both completed it fully RX’d and at a great pace. Even more impressive, this was Ryan’s first WOD other than his Baseline workout as he is still in the process of completing Elements. Could you imagine your third visit to the box and we ask you to do “Murph”? Two small callous tears, kipping pull-ups learned on the fly, and one ripped off shirt later and Ryan’s now a CrossFitter through and through. Totally inspiring to watch.

For all of you who came today for “Murph and Team Murph”; give yourself a pat on the back, raise a glass and toast each other (eye to eye) to a pretty impressive feat. You all worked your butts off. 


Nutrition Discussion will be on Friday 2/12 at 6:30pm with Todd Widman, who is a CFHQ Staff Trainer and certification instructor. He will focus on a very practical discussion of the application of a clean diet (Paleo and Zone) and the role proper nutrition plays in performance, recovery, CrossFit, and life. We highly encourage you to come regardless of whether or not you plan to participate in the Paleo Challenge (starts Sat.). This benefits anyone who cares about what they should eat and how it can help your performance as an athlete.

  • The nutrition “chat” will last roughly 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Cost will be $10 per person. 
  • Please understand we will have a “no kids” policy for this so that everyone can benefit from a Squatch Cave free of kids.
  • Bring your questions!

Post to comments if you plan to attend the Nutrition Discussion.

Paleo Breakfast Paleo Dinner

"Seven and Seven"

7 Rounds for time of:

7 Dumbbell Deadlifts (40#/25#)
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
7 Dumbbell Front Squat
7 Dumbbell Push Press


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Dumbbell Fun! Happy Friday!

Shannon and Bridget_DB_

Lucy getting closer to a pull-up and Steph working through dumbbell deadlifts:

Lucy_Pull-up practice Adriana_DB Clean


For those clamoring to do “Grace” again here’s a variation we might do soon. (Seriously)

“Isa-Grace” with Josh Everett and the CFHQ Trainers [wmv] [mov]

Sign up in the comments if you didn’t already for Sat. 10am class; 2 spots open. (So far it’s Jim, Steph, Nan, Adriana, Maria, Bonnie). Otherwise come to 11am. Affiliate team is 9am.

Hot Off the Press

Strength WOD:



3 Rounds for time of:

30 Double-Unders
15 Ring Push-ups


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Rona Lockout Tom Press

Press: (noun) a lift in weightlifting, in which the weight is raised to shoulder height and then steadily extended to a position above the head without use of the legs. 

or (verb) a) to try hard to persuade or exert influence on. b) to insist on or request urgently.

Which one described your press attempts today? For me it was both. It started as a weightlifting movement as defined above. It quickly became the latter as I persuaded, insisted, no requested urgently to get the bar overhead! The removal of the legs to generate power to push the load overhead is a quick eye opener to your relative strength. It shows why you become more efficient as you engage your legs and hips, and also quickly demonstrates how getting stronger in the press will make getting heavier loads over your head easier and faster with lifts like the push press, jerk, snatch. As you find your 1RM you will realize that 5 pounds is a big difference from one attempt to the next. Many of us tried to push, then persuade, then request that bar to move up. Some stared at it to no avail as it hovered at the eyes. Others tried to “duck” their head around it (didn’t work), and one even managed to push one arm up at a time (not recommended)! The Press equals raw strength. You either get it or you don’t. 



We are stoked to announce that our next Paleo Challenge will kick-off on Friday 2/12 at 6:30pm with a nutrition discussion with Todd Widman, who is a CFHQ Staff Trainer and certification instructor. In addition to his duties traveling for CrossFit certs and judging events like the CF Games, Todd has also been on the CF Journal in the “Boz and Todd Show” (which travels to various boxes to film segments on coaching and motivational techniques) as well as different workout videos. He recently hosted a great nutrition lecture at Rainier CrossFit which I attended. It focused on a very practical discussion of the application of a clean diet and the role proper nutrition plays in performance, CrossFit, and life. We will do the same and this chat will offer good insights into paleo and Zone eating, the how to’s and why’s of eating cleaner, and how to manage it with our families, jobs and busy lifestyles.

  • The nutrition “chat” will last roughly 2 hours and the cost will be $10 per person. 
  • Please understand we will have a “no kids” policy for this so that everyone can benefit from a Squatch Cave free of kids.
  • Bring your questions!

If you have a CF Journal subscription, go here to watch a video on Todd going for a sub 1:20 500m row.

We will then start off the official 7 week Paleo Challenge after the Saturday morning class 2/13.

Early high level summary: We will have weigh-in’s, ‘before” and “after” pics (not to be shared), measurements, and establish a pot for those who want in. The pot will split between the top Male and top Female winner or “loser”. Weekly weigh-in’s will be required and food logs will need to be kept. This is only 7 weeks so everyone can do it! Winner will be determined based on change in body comp. We will base this on the successful challenges that CF Seattle has run. Stay tuned…

Last but not least; sign up for 10am Saturday class by posting to comments. First 8 get a slot otherwise please come at 11am. Affiliate Team training will be at 9am.

Fire in the hole!

Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats: 

Complete 8 rounds of air squats performing 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes. Rest period should be in the bottom of the squat position. Post total number of squats completed and also the reps per round. Score the lowest round amount for your tabata score.

After complete for time:

21 Burpees
42 AbMat Sit-ups
15 Burpees
30 AbMat Sit-ups
9 Burpees
18 AbMat Sit-ups


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Day 45 of the Burpee Challenge and Christmas came early (or late). Today’s burpees counted! If you didn’t get in today then make sure to knock our your 45 burpees. It would suck to have to do 91 tomorrow.


Bottom-to-bottom rest position air squats are a different and sadistic take on tabata squats. Resting “in the hole” doesn’t give you much of a break. It makes your legs feel like they are on fire that you almost look forward to the 20 seconds of squats! They are also a great muscular endurance and leg conditioning drill. Which I am sure everyone was thinking of for those four minutes. We focused this week on the air squat in our “back to basics” warm-ups and this was the culmination of all the reinforcement this week. Next week will be a different basic movement.

For those trying to learn muscle-ups, here’s an old CF.com video with extremely loud tunes that has some good cues for how to develop one and how to hold a false grip. The false grip is vital as is the proper movement pattern that the rings must take as you pull up and punch the head through. If you don’t have a minimum of 5 ring dips and 5 solid pull-ups then practice those while also working in ring muscle-up progressions with your feet on the ground. We’ll show you but you have to commit to practicing the basics, and we will blast really loud music for you.


Affiliate team training at 9am. 10am class has 6 people so far. 2 more can sign up by posting to comments. 11am is 4 people so there is plenty of room there. 

Oly lifting coaching session (see yesterday’s post for details) has 5 open spots. Cost is $75 for 1/16 at 3:30pm at Thrush Sports Performance Center. Post to comments if you want to go.

CrossFit got some good local press on Fox news. Thanks to Nan for sending this link. Click here to read the article and watch the video below of the news reporter that dropped into Northwest CrossFit.



For Time:

1000m Row 
50 Thrusters (45#/33#)
30 Pull-ups


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Day 44 of the Burpee Challenge. As I type this I realized that I forgot to finish them at the gym. Be right back…

…and done! Whew! Only 6 days to go.

The night crew getting really serious about this WOD:

Pre WOD Preparation

Goof Offs

Who likes Jackie? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller… Bueller? This one looks easy to some before trying it that first time and then you get off the rower and realize right then that the Earth isn’t flat and the moon isn’t made of cheese. The forearm burn from this one is similar to Fran and even Bridget got the dreaded “Fran cough” afterwards. Which also reminds me that Jim C. sent something he found on the CrossFit.com forum regarding the cough that was pretty interesting. To counter that post super-intense WOD cough, try to continue right after the WOD to move and work at a mild intensity to decrease the effect. Do some sit-ups or squats or jog a 200m if you can summon the willpower. I’ll try it next time so I don’t hack like a smoker.

Here’s a video on “Jackie” of some of the CrossFit HQ Training Staff vs. Greg Amundson AKA the “Original CrossFitter”:

[wmv] [mov]

Oh and if you think you need a rest day, then you probably need a rest day. That’s a future topic to address but rest and recovery is as important as intense training and nutrition. Overtraining will get you nowhere fast.


Post to comments if you are attending the 10am or 11am Saturday class. First 8 fills the 10am. For the Affiliate team plan to come Saturday at 9am.

Do you want to get better at Olympic Lifting? We are able to get 12 people into a hour and half session at Thrush Sports Performance Center in Sumner WA on January 16th at 3:30pm. TSPC is a first class Olympic Lifting gym that has hosted basic clinics for CrossFitters on ways to improve their O Lifts. The session will be led by John Thrush and his staff and focus on the various cleans, front squat, jerk and snatch and correcting form. Both Michelle and I have been able to attend and felt the instruction was beneficial and translated to better technique. Cost is $75 per person payable to them. There are only 6 spots left so post to comments if you are attending. Six spots have been filled by our affiliate team already (Lucy, Lorri, Travis, Curtis, Jeremy, and Jim C.) so let us know if you want in for sure.

Shirts are in so if you ordered them come get them. If you want one and missed out we will be submitting an order for more shirts with the Brutal Fun design and including hoodies and thermals. We also have some extra “Squatch Swing” shirts from this order.

Bonnie has volunteered to be our Affiliate Team “Mom” or “Pit Crew” for the upcoming sectionals. She will be using my spectator spot. If you are planning to compete be sure to thank her for being willing to put up with all of us b*tching and moaning about two days of WOD’s! Also if you are registered but are not using your free spectator spot please let us know.

Happy New Year! Now write your goals!

Day 38 of the Burpee Challenge. Happy New Year!

Do your burpees and then stretch.


New Year’s Resolutions:

It’s that time. The start of a new year. The time when most of us vow to do something we have put off, something we have always wanted to do or talked about doing. It’s that time when hope is eternal and the possibilities of the coming year are filling our minds of ideas and goals we want to achieve. It’s the time of the resolution. I have to say I personally am not one for New Year’s resolutions as I think when its time to set a goal you should set it and start marching towards it rather than waiting year after year. 3-2-1 Go or Just Do It seem to make much more sense to me. However not everything in today’s world is instant, most things take time, a plan, and a path. They take commitment and hard work and dedication. For that I say the New Year’s Resolution is perfect. 

So what are your goals for the gym? Is it losing weight, changing your nutrition habits, running a race, getting a muscle-up or pull-up, or competing in an event? Is it completing a WOD as RX’d, setting a PR, lifting a certain weight or learning that long sought after movement or technique? Maybe you want to get on the Leaderboard, or best a time in something you did before or learn a new sport or get better in one you play now. Well, now is the time to commit to it. Write it (or them) down. Either in your book at the gym or on the goals board. Writing your goals down means you have to either start to work towards them, erase them, or stare at them all year. Take the first step and write them down, no matter how ambitious, then make sure you keep coming in and let’s get you closer to crossing each one off. 

Here are some of mine for this year: get out on a snowboard, run a half, PR a 5k, compete in the Sectionals, field and compete with our team for the Regionals, get 30 muscle-ups for time in under 5:29, beat Michelle in max consecutive double-unders, get a CF Gymnastics certification, break a 1000 for my CrossFit Total, PR my deadlift, and most importantly continue to grow our box, have fun and watch this community get fitter and fitter. Now its your turn, if you have any you want to declare then post to comments. 


Here is a CF Journal preview video of Mikko Salo documentary where he is training and completing Chest to Bar “Fran”. This workout was one of the 2008 Games WOD’s. It was 95# thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups (21-15-9 reps each). He does this in a mind blowing time that is faster than most of the fastest Fran times (which is normally regular pull-ups). Note how clean his reps are and how consistent his form is. What’s more amazing is at the end he not only doesn’t seem winded, but two of the reps were not counted and he had to repeat them. I can truly understand how he won the 2009 Games. He exudes willpower.

[wmv] [mov]

Cleaning Crew

Strength WOD:  
Power Clean

Immediately after perform the following couplet.

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 10 minutes of:
5 Power Clean (95#/65#)
50m Sprints


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Day 2 of the Burpee Challenge!

Power = Moving a large load over a set distance fast. The power clean is a speed, power, flexibility and strength movement. The faster, stretchier (is that a word?), and stronger you are the more you will pull. Remember the three pulls: the 1st pull of the ground (deadlift), the 2nd pull up and back (up shrug close to the body with full hip extension), and the 3rd pull under the bar (fast elbows and rip yourself underneath). Lots of improvement today and fast and flexible elbows are showing up. Think big shrug and aggressive pull. Check out the Flickr album for some good pics from today.

Jim C. attempting 235# and then dumping with authority:

Jim C_235# PC Attempt
Dumping with Style

Flickr Album of today’s WOD:


Here’s a good video on The Power Clean by Again Faster. It has an alternate take on the set position. I am okay if you use that more upright and deeper setup but realize it will require more hamstring flexibility. If you can do it let’s try and see if it works better. For those who will be training as our Affiliate Cup Team consider this video part of your homework. Pay particular attention to the shrug and elbows portion.  

Last pic (cause its my fave of the day) is Fran feeling the pride of reaching a PR (Personal Record). It’s satisfying when you accomplish something you either set a goal for, or had not thought that you would be able to do. While we do accomplish these frequently in CrossFit, no matter how big or small every PR feels great. So here is my challenge to you. Pick a goal. Big or small, write it in your notebooks or grab a marker and write it on the Goals Whiteboard on the door. Put a date next to it. Then work on it. If you work hard enough it will happen, and you’ll get that same feeling.

Fran post PR

Evidence Based Fitness: Before and After

Today’s post is simply to show the evidence of CrossFit. Several of you have asked us if we ever used to be less fit or out of shape. Both Michelle and I have always been up front and honest that prior to CrossFit we had never been as fit, certainly never as lean, and definitely never as strong. 

Here are some “before CF” and “after CF” pictures of us:

2003 (CrossFat!):

Michelle Maui 09-03 Me Maui 09-03

2007 (6 months into CF):

M Sac Visit 07-07 Me Sac Visit 07-07

CrossFit Kauai 02-08
2009 (CrossFit and Paleo influenced diet):

Cabo M_08-09 copy Deadlift and Box Jump AMRAP - 09

At various times throughout my life I have been in different stages of what I termed “in shape” and “out of shape”. The funny thing is I used to think “in shape” was merely defined by striving to look like I could be in a Men’s Fitness magazine. I never achieved it. I would spend hours in the gym or out running, cycle through various ups and downs in my diet and still have little to show for it. My intensity was low, my consistency of mixing it up was non-existent, and my diet was what the “experts” said was healthy. I went through the same routine week in and week out. I would focus on bodybuilding goals to measure myself like how much I could bench or curl. I was consumed with “burning calories” and certainly never consistently stopped to really consider quality of food over quantity. I would gauge my fitness both in the Army and post-Army life by how many push-ups I could do or how fast I could run 2 miles. When I ran I would look at my watch for the magic “20 minute mark” and think “now I am burning fat!”.  To mix it up I would occasionally run longer, do a different machine or take a spin class. I thought I was on the path to fitness. How wrong I was. 

When we were introduced to CrossFit over two years ago, we really had no clue how fundamentally life changing it would be for both of us. It turned our definition of “fitness” upside down. It made us throw the term “in shape” out of our vocabulary and allowed us to realize that we could be “fit” in the truest sense of the word. Over this time we both have not only lost weight, but have gained in all areas of strength, stamina, speed, power, balance, coordination, agility, flexibility, accuracy and cardio-respiratory endurance. We have gone from wanting to be fit to having a passion for fitness. We have finally begun to realize the impacts that proper nutrition, rest, and intense exercise has on the body, health, mind, and family. Both of us are now stronger physically and mentally than we were prior to CrossFit. The purpose of fitness is beyond fitting into smaller jeans or looking good for the beach, its purpose is to allow you to be ready for any physical challenge, sport or unknown, to be there for your kids, to enjoy life more fully, and to postpone the old folks home. 

We have learned a lot along the way, but most importantly for us is that you have to have frequency, consistency AND intensity. 

  • Frequency is the intervals of showing up for the workout or how often you eat right. Day after day, week in and week out. 
  • Consistency is how firm or steadfast you are with putting out the effort. How consistently you mix it up, or train your weaknesses to get better. Do you show up for the WOD and give it all you got or do you mail it in? Do you consistently stick with the right food choices or do you realize that every other meal you get lax and eat and drink the wrong things and negate the effort you put in? Do you consistently get out of your comfort zone and focus on your weaknesses? Be it strength, cardio, agility or flexibility, are you willing to train those aspects you are deficient in? 
  • Intensity is defined as extreme power, force or feeling. Everyone has their own level of it. The bottom line though is for results, you have to bring it. You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Each WOD you will experience this. Over time you can continue to dial it up and thus your fitness will improve.

CrossFit has changed our lives. It redefined “going to gym”, got us in the best shape we have ever been in, opened up a new community to us, made nutrition a lifestyle and not a fad, and brought us closer together. Will we ever truly forge “elite” fitness? Maybe or maybe not, but I know it’s out there if we want it. As long as we are willing to train hard, eat right, and do it with frequency, consistency, and intensity. Simply put, it works for us. 

We are thankful that you allow us to share it with you.


Here’s a thought provoking video from the CF Journal on the keys to the importance of regulating insulin in your blood and how diet plays a role:

Hyperinsulinism and Diet with Robb Wolf – CrossFit Journal