
Skills WOD:

7 minutes Handstand Push-up / Ring Dip practice

Hero WOD:

21-15-9 Reps of each for time:

Handstand Push-Ups
Ring Dips


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In honor of US Navy SEAL Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan in June 2005. RIP.

Derek N. demonstrates a solid push-up:


CrossFit Games:

The dates are announced! July 26-28. Home Depot Center, Carson, CA.

“Andy’s Muscle-up” with Dave Castro – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Human Shake Weights

Strength WOD:

Overhead Squat 

* 25 Minutes total

Conditioning WOD:

10 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of:

10 Overhead Squats (75#/55#)
7 Hand Release Burpees
5 Knees-to-elbows


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OHS - 4 OHS - 1

OHS - 2 OHS - 3

Watching people attempt 1RM overhead squats and back rack jerks is like watching human shake weights before they hold their breath. Lots of PR’s today but more importantly positioning and technique is improving across the board. Snatching pays off.

The checkout WOD was intended to keep everyone moving at a constant pace (similar to an Open WOD), with the hand release throwing something new in that made you focus while tiring your shoulders a little more.

Coaching points on OHS:

  • Jerk from the back rack off your shoulders (it doesn’t count if your arms are locked out and you take a bar already in the OH position)
  • Active shoulders overhead throughout the lift 
  • Armpits forward, chest is up
  • Tighten the core and inhale with a deep breath, held during the lift (this will reduce the “wobble” effect)
  • Weight in heels, hips begin the squat by pushing back then down
  • Knees out
  • Full depth
  • Drive up with the chest or push up on the bar as you rise, exhale at the top

“Coaching The Overhead Squat” with Justin Bergh – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]


CF Games Open: 

Nutrition: “Junk” Food for thought…

“Today, one in three adults is considered clinically obese, along with one in five kids, and 24 million Americans are afflicted by type 2 diabetes, often caused by poor diet, with another 79 million people having pre-diabetes. Even gout, a painful form of arthritis once known as “the rich man’s disease” for its associations with gluttony, now afflicts eight million Americans.

The public and the food companies have known for decades now — or at the very least since this meeting — that sugary, salty, fatty foods are not good for us in the quantities that we consume them. So why are the diabetes and obesity and hypertension numbers still spiraling out of control? It’s not just a matter of poor willpower on the part of the consumer and a give-the-people-what-they-want attitude on the part of the food manufacturers. What I found, over four years of research and reporting, was a conscious effort — taking place in labs and marketing meetings and grocery-store aisles — to get people hooked on foods that are convenient and inexpensive.”

Wall Ball Torture

20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of:

400m Run
40 Wall Balls (20#/14#) 


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No Excuses

Quote of the day: “‎Physicians are lifeguards. Trainers are swim coaches. When you need a lifeguard, you need a lifeguard, not a swim coach. But, if you need a lifeguard, you probably needed a swim coach and didn’t get one.” ~ Coach Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit

Read the below link on shoulder pain. Then put some attention on your shoulder mobility. Take the self tests. Regardless of whether you pass the tests or not, make it a point to go to Coach Rona’s Mobility, Movement and Flexibility class every Wednesday at 6pm and learn how to both recover from and prep for your workouts more effectively.

We are big on coaching, scaling and technique before load and intensity. Pain free ROM (range of motion) and proper positioning is crucial. We also want you working on improving your flexibility. Don’t fly out of the gym after the WOD every time. Go upstairs and work with a band, LAX ball and roller. Trying to “work around it” and resting it is often what most people think is the solution, but you also need to address any mobility and positioning issues you may have that led to that nagging pain. 

Shoulder Pain: Taken Out By the Wing by The Box Magazine

Live Workout Announcements for the Open CrossFit Games

Day 50

Strength WOD:

Front Squat 

* 25 Minutes total

Conditioning WOD:

For time:

500m Row
150 Double Unders
50 Burpees


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Chest up and knees out:


Day 50 of the Burpee Challenge today. This is the one WOD that they counted. Yay Burpees! Thanks to Debra for inspiring so many to do this challenge with her and props to all of you that completed it!

The Open starts in March. That means it’s time for the annoyingly excessive but midly entertaining return of Exercise Center: “CrossFit Games Update: February 19, 2013” – [video]

Front rack_Rob W

Christa participated in the Stop the Slop Nutrition challenge and saw significant progress in her body composition (weight loss/muscle gain) and PR’s in several WOD’s over the past month plus. High fives and keep it up!

Here’s her essay:

“Stop the Slop” by Christa F.

            Over the
last month, I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked, “Christa, you
look great… Have you lost weight?”  I
have actually lost count of the number of people who have commented (I tried at
first).  It’s only been 30 days.  I had no idea that my co-workers, friends,
and family members would notice such a drastic change in me over such a short
time.  I started wondering exactly how
much weight I have lost…. 5lbs, 10lbs, 15lbs…more?  I had no idea and I didn’t dare weigh myself
and break the contest rules.  I did know
that my work slacks were getting loose and shirts that used to be too tight
were fitting nicely.  What is most
amazing to me is that these changes happened during one of the busiest and most
stressful months of my life.

            This month,
I have worked an average of 30 hours per week on a new project (with free lunch
3 days a week that I did not eat).  I
have had school commitments 15-20 hours a week and then had to study at least 15
hours per week.  This totals over 60
hours plus an hour drive each way to Seattle almost every day.  I managed to get to a CrossFit workout at
least four times a week with a few workouts at home as well.  Usually, this high level of commitments and
pressure would have put me over the edge with stress and anxiety.  However, I have found that these fitness and
nutrition changes have kept me calm, organized and the stress level is much
lower than times with less activity.  I
know that the only reason I am doing so well right now is that I did make these
positive changes in my life.  I am not
relying on food, alcohol, and sugar to “make myself feel better”.  I now believe that they were making me feel
much worse, with drastic consequences.

nutrition and fitness changes that I made were small, but the changes worked
synergistically.  My workouts felt great
and I was pushing myself to go faster and lift heavier with less resistance
from my body.  My strict food choices
were keeping my cravings low while also helping my workouts.  My workouts made my body want and feel good
about clean food. I have gotten to the point where I have stopped wanting and
even looking at the same things that I would previously love to eat on a daily
basis.  I made it a priority to get to
the gym as much as possible and was successful.

            Today, one
day after the challenge has ended, I looked at a cookie a lunch.  I thought to myself and laughed, “I could
have one if I want”.  And then I knew that
I really did not want it.  I want to be
healthy, get fit, and feel good about myself. 
I want my progress to continue. 
Even though I lost, “Just 7lbs”, I still feel like I succeeded.  In the fitness challenge, I was able to
decrease my time by a minute and a half when I felt like there was no way I
could go any faster the first time around. 
This whole experience has made me realize that little changes over an
extended period of time can make a huge difference.  If I can make positive lasting changes during
one of the most stressful times in my life, then I can certainly make this a
lifelong change that will continue to benefit me in the future.  My challenge is not over; it is just
beginning.  Thank you for the

Clean and Pull-up Ladder

For Time:

10 Power Cleans (155#/105#)
10 Pull-ups
9 Power Cleans 
9 Pull-ups
8 Power Cleans
8 Pull-ups
7 Power Cleans
7 Pull-ups
6 Power Cleans 
6 Pull-ups
5 Power Cleans
5 Pull-ups
4 Power Cleans 
4 Pull-ups
3 Power Cleans 
3 Pull-ups 
2 Power Cleans 
2 Pull-ups
1 Power Clean
1 Pull-up


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Congrats to Matt G. for just walking into the gym today and busting out his first 4 muscle-ups ever.

Half of them were strict! Welcome to the MU Club.

Matt G_1st MU

Day 49 of the Burpee Challenge was today. Tomorrow is day 50 and the end of the challenge. Expect to knock out your burpees at the box if you are still in the challenge.

Highlights from the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games” – [video]

Team Task Priority "Fight Gone Bad"

Main Class:

Teams of 2 complete for time:

100 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75#/55#)
100 Box Jumps (20″)
100 Push Press (75#/55#)
100 Calorie Row

* Alternate work as needed, one works at a time. Complete total reps in order as a team.

Advanced RX Class:

Strength WOD:

Every Minute On the Minute for 7 Minutes:
1 Clean (Squat) + 1 Hang Clean (Squat) + 1 Push Jerk @ 70-80% 1RM

Conditioning WOD:

For Time:

10 Muscle-Ups
100 Push Press (75#/55#)
1000m Row


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Team FGB

2 time CF Games winner (Soon to be 3?) Rich Froning PR’s his C&J and Snatch:

Rich Froning 370 and EZ 335 C&J PR

“I missed 290 but I knew it was just because of technique, and not strength, and I knew I could get 300.”
Rich Froning, after snatching 300 pounds – [video]


Eric S. won our Stop the Slop Nutrition challenge with a weight loss of 19 lbs. in 30 days (8.45% change in bodyweight) by following a strict Whole30

Here’s his story:

“SRCF – Stop the Slop” by Eric S.

It’s funny the other day when I thought about writing this essay about what I learned over the past 30 days, I thought of some lyrics. “I learned a lot about livin and a little about love.”  On January 7th I saw a post in the SRCF Facebook page about bringing your money for the challenge, I had no idea what I was getting into but I love a challenge so I went to the bank and came prepared for the WOD. I weighed in (which I hate to do) and saw a result of 230.8, which was disappointing seeing as 6 months ago I was down to 220ish when I did the Advocare 24day Challenge. With the weigh in past me I hit the WOD pushing myself as hard as I could. It seemed to me as it was a race between Derek G and myself I could hear Jim M in the background yelling go D-Eric (sounding like a combination of both our names) we hit the run and I finished with 14:27 on the clock. Now the hard part began. 

When I got home that night I had no idea what the whole30 challenge was, what Paleo was, or anything. I scoured the web for hours that night devising a plan of how I was going to kill this challenge. The next day I struggled to find things to eat while working in the field, but that night I hit up PCC and Metropolitan Market and stocked my fridge full of goodies, purging the negative stuff to the garbage. For the next 4 weeks PCC and MM received a ton of my money, Pinterest absorbed a lot of my time as I found great recipes to use for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I learned that I could still eat amazing meals while having them be well balanced and great for your body. Everywhere I went I became a label detective, I figured if I found something that I either A. Couldn’t pronounce, or B. Had to look up to see what it was it didn’t need to be part of my life. 

In junction with this great new diet I started taking some supplements, Pure Pharma O3, M3, and D3, along with a Multi-Vitamin. Throughout the whole process I could feel my body change, my energy and wellbeing was way up, and I began to love the person that I was even more. Throughout the WODs I felt stronger, I felt like those last reps I would struggle on came easier. I think part of the challenge was to not weigh in, but I couldn’t help it, my mom when she was here months ago had purchased a scale, for the longest time I had never had one, but it was there. When I could feel my clothes drastically getting roomier, I had to see what I had accomplished so far. The more and more I checked the more challenged I felt to get a few more off each time. 

Some other things I learned about cooking itself is the different types of Oil’s to use. I had no idea how bad PAM spray was, so I tossed it all out and switched to pure coconut oil. Using real seasonings to make up what I use to buy pre-made. As far as foods go organic vs. non-organic. I had no idea about cured vs. un-cured bacon. I learned to love Coconut milk over regular milk and minus the protein coconut milk has just as much nutrients if not more than regular. Lastly, portion control while cooking. If I only make enough for the one meal or if I’m making a large batch of something I would pre-package and put it in the fridge to save myself from over eating. With that being said I have felt the change in my body to where I feel full with that portion now. 

Ending this challenge it felt like such a great success. I have intrigued my family and friends to try living a Paleo lifestyle, with the results that I accomplished in the 30days it inspired them to do the same. Over the last week and a half of the challenge my mom was here from California and she truly supported me by really getting to know what the whole30 challenge was, and she stocked my fridge full of food she made that was compliant. I remember the morning of the 5th I woke up logged in to BTWB to log my daily results and saw “Stop the Slop” for the Daily WOD, I had prepared myself thinking it was on Thursday the 7th, I was slightly disappointed thinking that I wasn’t going to PR because I had missed a week of WODs due to working late every night, but I wasn’t going to let that slow me down. Walked in hit the weigh in and couldn’t believe what I saw on the scale 211.3!!! I was like are you kidding me, that gave me the extra drive I needed to rock this WOD. Hitting a 1:09PR after completing with 13:18 on the clock I felt so accomplished. 

Hitting the bell on the way out to ring in the PR out loud was the end of the 30 day challenge, but it was defiantly not the end to my new lifestyle. I will continue the way I have been eating because I have already become accustom to it and I love the results that it produced. But when I go out that doesn’t mean that I can’t have a treat meal every now and then. I just want to thank SRCF for holding this challenge and encouraging me in this new lifestyle. The slop has stopped!

Michelle and Rona celebrate their 100th warm-up together:

Conjoined dorks


Strength WOD:

Snatch (Squat)

* 18 Minutes to complete

Conditioning WOD:

For time and load:

1000m Row
80 Air Squats
400m Run
40 Power Snatches, pick load


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Squat Snatch Pwr Snatch

Watch: Bar position and weight distribution in the snatch from Mike Burgener

“Staying Back” with Mike Burgener – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Read: Thinking about the Open? The Cycles of Competition by ChrisSpealler.com

Happy 400th WOD Luanne! You earned this shirt!

400th WOD

"Pushing Helen"

Skills WOD:

12 minutes Muscle-up practice

Conditioning WOD:

3 Rounds For Time:

400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
12 Handstand Push-ups


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Greg M. won our Stop the Slop Essay challenge. Here’s his story:

 “I think we’ll call it…” by Greg M.

“I think we’ll call it…”  Those 5 words concluded my first CrossFit WOD
– a DNF after 19 minutes of ‘Baseline.’  I
only completed the first round, plus the 400m run, 40 air squats, and 5 of 30
sit-ups in the second round.  Tom mercifully
ended the debacle at that point.  Thanks
to my cramping abdominals (a brand new experience for me) there was no chance I
could continue.  I embarrassed myself
countless times before that night and plenty of times since (teeth-to-bar
pullups anyone?), but the 20 minutes I spent in the fetal position on the floor
of the box, choking down some Vita Coco coconut water and trying to coax my
muscles to stop spasming are among the lowest moments I can remember.  I spent the subsequent 90 minutes on the floor
of my living room, back in the fetal position, alternating between tears and
curses towards CrossFit in general, my wife for convincing me to try CrossFit,
and myself for allowing  my physical
conditioning to deteriorate so terribly. 

Regarding my CrossFit
journey, “I think we’ll call it…” practically
dead on arrival.

Coach Glassman and Dave Castro
would have labeled me a deconditioned athlete. 
I think “deconditioned” is my least favorite word in the English
language.  It was the perfect, miserable
description of me just before I began CrossFit. 
Growing up, my entire identity revolved around being a highly
competitive athlete – multiple sports per season, multiple teams per sport,
travel and select teams alike, and accolades and trophies to fill my
bedroom.  After choosing academics over
sports in college, I no longer had the forced discipline of practices and games
to maintain my fitness.  Natural ability
kept me competitive in intramurals and pickup games, even when stamina and
strength began to wane.  The pounds
packed on, but there was no motivation to change things. 

my fitness just before finding SRCF, “I
think we’ll call it…”
a lazy, lethargic descent to deconditioning.

I would guess I fit one of the most
common stereotypes for people who wash out of CrossFit boxes after trying it
for a short period of time – former athletes who overestimate their (long
dormant) abilities and underestimate the brutal “fun” of CrossFit.  In my mind, I was the same skilled, fit,
accomplished athlete that I was at 18. 
In reality, I was a career corporate desk jockey who hadn’t trained for
anything physical in over 10 years.  After
the first 2 OnRamp WODs (spoiler alert! Yes, I did drag myself back), I can
only describe my mindset as wholly discouraged. 
I wasn’t sure I could overcome the pain, embarrassment, and fear before
giving up on CrossFit.  My pride and
arrogance almost led me to miss out on a life-changing physical transformation
over the past 10 months, culminating in amazing gains (for me) over the past 30

Regarding the
chance to return to fitness, “I think
we’ll call it…”
nearly a missed opportunity.

Thankfully and fortunately, due to
the encouragement of my wife and coaches and the community of the kind folks at
SRCF, I downed a healthy dose of humble pie and kept coming back.  There are continuing low points – typically
involving long metcons, movements (nearly all of them) restricted by my
legendary lack of flexibility, and any WOD with lots of bodyweight movements.  I’m pretty sure just about every movement we
do at SRCF is still on my “goat” list… especially those damn bodyweight
movements.  But I also started to
experience some glimpses of progress and encouragement – especially when I felt
my long dormant athletic abilities re-emerging. 
A PR on a strength movement here, an unbroken set of wall ball shots
there, a progression from green to blue to red bands for pull-ups, a first Rx
WOD, or max effort shuttle runs (my freakishly long arms and legs give me an
unfair advantage on those shuttle runs – the only non-goat I’ve discovered so
far).  I keep hoping to walk into the box
and see “100 free throws for time” on the whiteboard.  Alas, Tom hasn’t read my mind on that yet
(though it would be interesting with the 20 pound medicine ball!). 

Regarding my
outlook on CrossFit, “I think we’ll call
a corner turned.

More than the physical lows and
highs however, the greater revelation to me has been the intense mental battle
that accompanies each WOD.  Despite working
in the Internet and technology industries my entire career, I’m still not a
subscriber to Beyond the Whiteboard.  I
have the marble notebook on the box bookshelf to prove it, 143 workouts and
counting.  My fear is that I’ll see
workouts posted early in the day and mentally convince myself that I can’t make
it to the box.  So I’m sticking to the
old paper and pen tracking method for now. 
Everything on the whiteboard seems overwhelming at first glance.  But through a focused warm-up, consistent,
impactful coaching cues and encouraging compatriots, the mental battles become
easier and easier to fight even as my lungs and muscles scream for relief. 

Regarding the
challenges posed by CrossFit, “I think
we’ll call it…
more mental than physical.

                  All these
lessons led to this past month, the “Stop the Slop Challenge.”  It’s been a fascinating opportunity for me to
learn about and test myself – in what I eat, in how I perform, and in how I
respond to the cravings and challenges from temptations (I have a world
renowned sweet tooth, which wasn’t going to be satisfied by the Whole30).  30 days didn’t seem untenable though, so I
signed up.  On the eating side of the
challenge, I won’t hide the fact that it was a struggle and was interrupted by
a couple of birthday-induced cheats.  The
first week was an awful, detoxifying experience as processed sugars worked
their way out of my system.  I couldn’t
tell if I’d succumbed to the latest zombie virus going around, or if I’d really
eaten that much “poison.”  I can honestly
say though, that after 30 days I notice a clear difference.  I’m now at a weight not seen on my scale
since high school.  Despite struggling
with headaches my entire life (I carry Excedrin with me at all times), I’ve not
had one in weeks.  And I’ve also
discovered that, under the facial fat that melted away, I have actual
cheekbones (also not seen since high school)! 
On the performance side, I had a chance to revisit my old friend
‘Baseline’, who brought along her friend ‘Grace’.  As an indication of how far I’d progressed
from last April to early January, I finished the entire WOD faster than when
Tom called time on my failed, first WOD 9 months earlier.  After the re-test this week, I improved the
time by another minute and 17 seconds (but who’s counting?).  Not enough to take home the Performance
portion of the Challenge (did I mention I was formerly an athlete, and highly
competitive?), but a clear indication that fitness was returning. 

my CrossFit journey now, “I think we’ll
call it…”
an amazing, frustrating, challenging, encouraging, and humbling work in progress, thanks to a
tremendous community of friends and coaches at SnoRidge CrossFit.  

PR Bell with Debra:

PR Bell


For Time:

400m Run
50 Pull-ups
21 Thrusters (95#/65#)
800m Run
21 Thrusters
50 Pull-ups
400m Run


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“Daniel” ~ CrossFit.com 

“With heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in action in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8, 2006. To Daniel’s family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.” RIP.

Coaching Thrusters

Max Pulls

Strength WOD:

15 Minutes to find 1RM (Rep Max):
Clean (Squat) 


15 Minutes to find 5RM:


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Lots of red ink on the whiteboard today!

Set Rob x 2

“Inside Coach B’s Mind” with Mike Burgener and Pat Sherwood – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Chris Spealler is competing again. (Technically he never “retired”)

The Only Thing Speal Quit“: CrossFit Games