AMRAP before the CF Games Open AMRAP

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (40#/25#)
10 Pull-ups
5 Handstand Push-ups


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Bar Mobility Work:

Keep Rolling

Quote of the Day: “The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” ~ Epictetus

Amy_Hang PC Meg_PC and Jerk 140

Open WOD 12.3 has been announced. We will do this tomorrow. Click the link below to read up and then watch the video for instructions. Also watch the box jump coaching videos. This is a long workout. You will have 10 minutes to get warmed up then be ready for the WOD so we can fit everyone in.

If you aren’t competing in the Open then scale this WOD like any other. If you are competing do your best to get as many RX reps as you can, then scale whatever you have to. Meaning if you did 15 RX Box Jumps, 12 RX shoulder to overhead at 75#, but had to scale the toe to bar, your WOD score to submit is 27 reps. 

You can and should absolutely continue the WOD by scaling the T2B, for the full 18 min., but your Open 12.3 score is 27 reps. 

If someone has to scale the push press weight, but can RX the box jumps, their score is 15 reps. If they cannot complete a 24″ or 20″ box jump, then their score is 0.

Here are the expectations for Open Week 3 for everyone:

Workout 12.3 (For Thursday all classes; make-ups on Saturday at 11)

CrossFit Games Open 12.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 
12 Push Press (115#/75#) 
9 Toes-to-bar

Open 12.3_Rob

The workout will begin with box jumps. The athlete will jump with two feet and come to a standing position with knees and hips locked out on top of the box. After 15 reps they will move to their loaded barbell. The barbell will begin on the ground. For the Push press to count the barbell will move from the shoulders to the overhead position, with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line. After 12 reps they will move to a pull-up bar. For the Toes-to-bar to count, the feet must begin behind the bar at the bottom and both feet must touch the bar at the same time at the top. After 9 reps are completed, the athlete will begin their next round. Every rep counts in this workout. Credit will be given for partially completed rounds.

– Each class you will pair up and go in a minimum of 2 waves. 
– If you are registered and competing in the Open you will go first with a judge. Judge is responsible for counting and calling “no rep”. 
– Non-competing athletes follow and may not get a judge due to length of WOD. 
Standards to judge listed above. 
Note: No rebounding off the top of the box. Must stand up then jump down or step down. Step ups is scaling. For T2B the toes must be in line with or behind the bar at the bottom of the swing. 
– Have fun and push your fellow athletes!

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.

CrossFit Games Open 12.3 workout instructions – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Annie Thorisdottir 13 rounds + 8 push press (20″ box, 75lb push press). 
Post rounds and reps completed and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.


Perfecting the Box Jump” with Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli, freeCrossFit Journal video – preview [wmv] [mov]

“Efficiency Tips: Box Jumps” with Matt Chan – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Clean Climbing

Strength WOD:

In 12 minutes complete:
2/2/2/2/2 Power Clean and Jerk 

* “Touch and Go” Reps; not singles x 2

Checkout WOD:

3 Rounds for time of:

5 Rope Climbs (15′)
21 Ring Dips 
50 Squats 


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Rope Climbs

I messed up. In my post-Zombie haze of low sleep and too many meds, I mistakenly programmed today’s Checkout WOD wrong on and didn’t catch it until this afternoon during a phone call to the CEO (i.e. Michelle; I’m just the COO, CFO, and El Presidente). So Coach Mark who taught the first class wrote what I programmed. 

My intention wasn’t to have a ton of dips and squats today, but instead to have the strength WOD prep a heavy 2RM of power clean and jerks and then incorporate that movement with rope climbs in the checkout. So we will revisit that one at a future date. Now I get to figure out what to do tomorrow that hopefully doesn’t interfere with the Open. (Open WOD 12.3 will be announced tomorrow at 5pm PST)

That was a fun phone call by the way; it went kinda like this: 

Me: “Hey how’s the checkout? We need to move it along to make sure we end class on time since we start OnRamp tonight, but that should be easy.” M: “It’s taking people like 20 minutes.” Me: “How does a 10 minute AMRAP take 20 minutes?!” M: “When it’s not an AMRAP and it’s 3 rounds for time.” Me: (remainder of conversation edited due to me being a total spazz).

See you all tommorrow. Wash your hands and pray for overhead squats and muscle-ups in 12.3.

Frank_Ring Dips


The World’s Best Personal Security Does CrossFit” by Traver H. Boehm, Breaking Muscle.

Peter Egyed – Athlete Journal 3/6/12 “Attitude” Veteran of four CrossFit Games on Open WOD 12.2 

Run Fast, Squat Faster

For time:

400m Run
30 Back Squats (95#/65#)
400m Run 
20 Front Squats (95#/65#)
400m Run  
10 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)

* Work on Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups for 8 minutes prior to WOD 


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James is a very serious runner:

James_I Got this

Picking up. You all know the drill. Let’s put our stuff away:

Willy's Band

Today was light and fast. Bring your tall socks tomorrow if you like to climb. We are gonna get kind of heavy too. 

Some pretty cool advanced tips that may help you be more efficient or faster in a WOD.

Efficiency Tips: Ground to Overhead by Eric O’Connor and Chris Spealler: CrossFit Journal


Two Down: CrossFit Games – The Rundown on 12.2. Burpees and snatches down. Three mysteries remain.

Nutrition: If you have Paleo questions, don’t hesitate to ask us. Or ask to borrow a copy of the Paleo Solution. Let us know how we can help. Oh yeah, and ditch your scale if you let it own you.

5 Reasons to Break Up With Your Scale | Whole9 | Let us change your life.

"Team Death by Kettlebell Swing"

In teams of 2 complete for time:

250 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
Begin the minute with 1 team member completing 10 air squats then completes as many KB swings as possible. At top of next minute other partner does 10 squats and performs as many KB swings as possible. Alternate each minute until the team has reached 250 swings.


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After the Team WOD on Saturday we ran a group through the Open WOD. I missed it but heard how energetic, supportive, and inspiring it was. Looking through the pics that Lucy captured for us (thanks Lucy!) I could see that and more. 

This week was a rough one. Between both of us and the kiddo getting sick, a rough work schedule, and the race against the Sunday deadline to put off 12.2 as long as possible to feel better it sucked the fun out of it. Now that it’s behind us I am ready to see what’s in store this week and excited for another week of training and testing as well as the start to our next OnRamp group. 

Congrats to Coach Moe for completing the CF Kids Trainer Course this weekend as well as Coach Rona who I neglected to call out for completing the CF Movement and Mobility Trainer Course last weekend. Great to see our coaches commit to making themselves better!

Open Spirit


Annie T. Gets 109 Reps on Open WOD 12.2: CF Games

Lindsay Valenzuela’s 108 Snatches


CrossFit Games Open 12.2

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)

This workout begins from the standing position with the barbell loaded to the starting weight. In the Snatch, the barbell goes directly from the ground to overhead in one motion without stopping at the shoulders. This can be a muscle snatch, a power snatch, a squat snatch or a split snatch. A clean and jerk is not permitted.

* No scaling loads allowed unless you cannot do the starting weight for a snatch. This means if you can only do the first load (75#/45#) for 30 reps then your WOD is 10 minutes to complete a scaled “Isabel”. 


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Power Snatch_Spencer

Don’t forget to post your score if you are competing in the Open on the Games site! Great job to everyone today who came in and worked on your snatch. Remaining athletes will go on Saturday or Friday pm.

This workout is one that seems to be getting a lot of “likes” and a surprising amount of flak at the same time for being “dangerous”. I would disagree with the dangerous part. If it’s at a gym that does not coach or set expectations and allows people to try and “miracle” it overhead then I can see the potential for danger. If it’s conducted by someone who knows their limitations but is unrealistic about them and thinks they are the next US Olympic team hopeful then it’s likely a disaster waiting to happen. However if you are smart, know your capabilities, and work smart then you will come away with a score that likely reflects the level of strength and skill in this lift. This perspective will help you understand why you may be getting extra attention from a coach during a WOD. If you need to fix something we will do our best to tell you and cue you. Please stop, slow down and internalize or ask for clarification (or say “show me what I’m doing” and “Show me what you want”) so that you can move better and SAFER. Remember we are exercising. Focus on technique then intensity.

From Ricky Frausto of CF Omaha regarding Open WOD 12.2:

“There are a lot of people out there that both love the workout or disagree with the programming of 12.2. From an outside perspective, it does look rather suspect as the snatch is one of the most technical movements in all of sports. Technique at relatively significant loads requires absolute preciseness and accuracy. Higher strength levels can also help but at a point can also become counterproductive without the proper mechanics. At significant loads, higher rep ranges and overall volume must be kept in control relative to the athlete you’re working with.

I have been approached as to my take on this workout and here are my first thoughts: I both agree and disagree with this workout (mostly agree). We will see breakdown in form and this coming from a gym that prides itself on technique at a higher volume. The goal of the coach is to then be the one that steps in and makes sure that athletes stay safe. The majority of athletes will only get 30 reps and there will be a bit fewer that get deep into the next 30. Those that risk getting hurt the most are the ones that can’t perform a snatch (how it’s supposed to be performed) at the lightest weight. They will do the poorest on 135/75(100) and most certainly won’t be able to hit 165/100(120). Those are the ones we have to watch out for. For the rest…. Well, those that have average to better technique but are newer and weaker will not get very far but will learn how to snatch. They will actually hit a few at the next weight and be a better Olympic lifter because of it. They will actually learn something and it will stick with them. This will be their greatest teacher. Better than any Olympic lifting coach can help them.

The upper echelon athletes will get as far as their size and technique will allow and like any sport, there may be an injury but the percentage will be low just like the sport of Oly lifting. They can take care of themselves and have practiced for countless hours higher loads at low volume, have occasionally taken the volume up with moderate to significant weight, and/or have done many reps at lighter loads. The upper echelon athletes know how to practice and differentiate between practice and competition. They spend countless hours not just bringing up capacity as it pertains to metabolic conditioning but also mechanics, mechanics, mechanics. They are better because their mechanics put yours to shame. This doesn’t exclude them from injury and doesn’t change the fact that this workout potentially has them doing 90 reps or so of a very technical movement (only seen in CrossFit) but it does make it a little bit of a different workout for them compared to everyone else.

So really, we only have to worry about that middle group. Strong enough but don’t know how. Those are the ones coaches have to watch out for. Those are the ones that have the strength to bypass the technique but that only works for so long and is what gives the sport a bad name. Their unwillingness to embrace the movement as it should be performed but rather focusing only on points and having the strength to allow this is what makes this workout not the best. On paper, it may come off as stupid workout but in the gyms, with good coaches who aren’t afraid to stop a workout, it’s a different story.”

Note: If your birthday is in Feb. or Mar. and you want to have a brithday WOD let us know and we will program it after the Open is over.

CrossFit Games Open 12.2 workout instructions and demo – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Rich Froning 98 reps, Dan Bailey 95 reps

Workout video demo with Elijah Muhammad 80 reps – [wmv] [mov]

Matt_Split Snatch

Tastes Great or Less Filling?


“Lite” WOD (less filling) for time:

20 Handstand Push-ups
40 Toes-to-Bar
600m Run 
60 Push Press (75#/55#)
120 Double Unders

“Main Site” WOD (tastes great) for time:

25 Handstand Push-ups
50 Toes-to-Bar
800m Run 
75 Push Press (75#/55#)
150 Double Unders

WOD Demo at the CrossFit Competitor’s Course – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]


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Toes to bar:


Open WOD 12.2 has been announced. Click the link below to read up and then watch the video for some snatch tips. Tomorrow we play with snatches!

CrossFit Games Open Workout 12.2 Announced.

Efficiency Tips: The Snatch” with Eric O’Connor and Chris Spealler, free CrossFit Journal video, preview – [wmv] [mov]

Download a PDF of the workout description and scorecard

Here are the expectations for Open Week 2 for everyone:

Workout 12.2 (For Thursday all classes)

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)

This workout begins from the standing position with the barbell loaded to the starting weight. In the Snatch, the barbell goes directly from the ground to overhead in one motion without stopping at the shoulders. This can be a muscle snatch, a power snatch, a squat snatch or a split snatch. A clean and jerk is not permitted.

  1. Each class you will pair up and go in a minimum of 2 waves. 
  2. If you are registered and competing in the Open then you will go first.
  3. Judge is responsible for counting and calling “no rep”. 
  4. Standards to judge: 
    • Touch and go from the floor
    • At top of rep the knees, hips and arms must be fully extended
    • Each rep will be counted once the athlete clearly shows control of the barbell overhead (feet together; not walking) 
    • Athlete must be responsible for loading their barbell to the appropriate loads during the workout
    • Same barbell must be used for the entire workout and you may not receive assistance when changing the loads
    • Using additional pre-loaded barbells is not permitted
    • Collars must be on the bar
  5. Bar Loading Guidelines for above loads:
    • Men: 45# bar, two 15’s, then strip and load two 45’s, add two 15’s, strip and load two 35’s plus two 2.5’s
    • Women Option A: 33# bar plus 1# plates and two 5’s, add two 15’s, add two 10’s plus two 2.5’s, add two 10’s
    • Women Option B: 45# bar, add two 15’s, add two 10’s and two 2.5’s, add two 10’s
    • Option C: If we run out of bumpers and plates in these combos then figure it out with other options!
  6. No scaling loads allowed unless you cannot do the starting weight for a snatch. This means if you can only do the first load (75#/45#) for 30 reps then your WOD is 10 minutes to complete a scaled “Isabel”. 
  7. Have fun and push your fellow athletes!

Take care of yourself. Mobility Class each Wednesday night at 6pm:


Squat Day

Strength WOD:

Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes complete:
5 Front Squats – unbroken (135#/95#)

* If you miss a round in a minute, then complete the set and rest next minute. Post total rounds completed.

Checkout WOD:

3 Rounds for time of:

400m Run
25 AbMat Sit-ups 
Rest 90 Seconds


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Roll out then squat:

Bar Rolling

Front Squats_Jill Front Squats_Nan

One version of the history of the burpee: Reebok Crossfit Games: History of the Burpee

Join hosts Rory McKernan, Pat Sherwood, and Miranda Oldroydas they discuss the first week of the Open. 

Team Purple:

Team Purple

Row and Throw

3 Rounds for Time of:

300m Row
20 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
10 Pull-ups


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Wall Balls:

Wall Balls

Just doing what we do best:

Cheering Section

Fast metcon today. All go and no slow. Tomorrow will include some barbell work with a slightly different format that I borrowed from CF Advantage. Move fast and don’t waste time between each mini-WOD.

Matt and Cherie Chan profile and commercial for Rogue Fitness – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Lucy's Journey

12.1 Done and in the books:

12.1 DONE

Quote of the Day: “When I started crossfit last year I couldn’t even run a mile. The box had a goal setting speaker from Lululemon and I made a goal to do a half marathon. Today I achieved my goal and actually ran the first 7 consecutive miles which would be unheard of a year ago. I finished the race and feel amazing!!!! I stepped out of my box when joining crossfit which has made me step out of the box with new athletic activities I would never try normally!!! Thanks for having a box that makes me step out of the box!!!” ~ Angie

Congrats Angie!

Greg knocks out another burpee:


“Down. Up. Down. Up” from CrossFit Delaware Valley (PA).

Lucy agreed to share her outstanding “Stop the Slop Challenge” Essay talking about her Whole30 experience and what it meant to her. Read her very open and honest account below of what she deals with in having celiac disease and why eating clean and doing CrossFit can be truly lifechanging. Thank you for sharing your story!

My Whole30 Journey: Lucy 

The WOD for me is the easiest part. 

Don’t get me wrong I hurt and I ache and often long for it to be over. I have shed blood, sweat (lots of) and tears during WOD’s, but I can take the pain. None of that compares to the daily battle I have with myself.

Too much information I hear you shout! I’m British, we don’t like to bare our souls, or what the Brits see as ‘weakness’. But really I want to share this, because for me it is at the heart of what CrossFit and The Whole30 is and has done for my life.

I have always been ‘sporty’ from riding, swim team, cross country running, field hockey during school and rowing for University, then for a London rowing club. Being ‘fit’ , an athlete and slim was just who I was, I didn’t know any other way.

This all changed when I went to Africa in 1996. I got Giardia, while I was there and from that day onwards I didn’t feel good. Not at all! My heart would race, I started to gain weight and cellulite (shock, horror). I was lethargic and couldn’t train with my crew anymore (I was Women’s Captain of the Rowing club at the time). I would have panic attacks and bouts of depression. I couldn’t sleep. I would catch every bug going (and when you live in London, that’s a lot of bugs), I started to have IBS and had to run out of client meetings 2-3 times every hour, because I couldn’t wait. I developed a horrendous, raw, blistering, painful, swelling and rash around the eyes, which often made me look like I had endured 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. I was ashamed of my face and doing my job became hard. I itched and ached all over. My joints hurt. The week before we married I couldn’t have engagement photos taken, because my face was so swollen. On my wedding day, I didn’t feel beautiful. 

I was desperate to find answers, I was angry.

The doctors gave me steroids, told me I was stressed (too right I was), anti-spasmodic drugs for my bowel, anti depressants…the list goes on. They thought I was a hypochondriac, I lost faith in the medical profession. I took matters into my own hands and visited Nutritionists in Harley Street, Dermatologists, Gastroenterologists, Ayurvedic healers, Naturopaths, Homeopaths………all had different angles, but none of them an answer.

Finally, one day after a business lunch with lots of white bread sandwiches and cookies for lunch, I was terribly sick. It suddenly occurred to me, that I was always really ill after white bread. I started to cut it out of my diet and felt a bit better.

Over the next year or so this helped, but I still experienced periodic symptoms, sickness, general malaise and had gained weight, which I was unable to shift.

Only in 2004 when we emigrated to the US at my first doctors appt., did the doc say she thought I had Celiac disease. Hallelujah! Gluten was the enemy! From that day onwards life got immeasurably better. It took me two years to get to the heart of what I could eat and what I couldn’t and find places that sold it, but life was finally good again. I started eating a whole food diet with lots of whole grains, organic vegetables, pulses etc, plus juicing too.

In spite of this turnaround, the cost of all of this was I had lost my old self. I was plump around the edges (more than), puffy, had huge cravings food wise, either for sugar or carbs and was bloated a lot of the time. I had accepted and resigned myself to being grey, over weight and middle aged and I looked old. After all isn’t that what happens when you hit forty? I just looked like a lot of my relatives did at my age, right?

Truth is, my body was starved of nutrients, there were holes in my gut from years of consuming gluten, that were still healing but leaking stuff into my system, my blood sugar was wreaking havoc and I was still totally out of balance diet wise.

Then I met Michelle and Tom. 

They were and are bright eyed and bushy tailed and freakin’ fit! How did you look like that? How do you get like that? I asked Michelle one day, walked into their garage gym the next  and two years later I am fitter than I have possibly ever been, I am happier than I have been in a long time and I cannot imagine a life without CrossFit and my SnoRidge CrossFit family.

But, as I said, the WOD is the easy part for me.

The Whole30 was and is still the toughest challenge, but the big turning point for me. It is really hard. Hard to stick to, hard to plan, especially with the crazy lives we lead, hard to ignore the incessant craving in the first two weeks, hard to resist the pressure of family and friends to just have one drink, or just one slice of pizza, so hard not to have cream in my coffee, hard to sit in front of the tv and not comfort eat, hard to keep to the serving sizes….hard to turn down the fries….its a constant mental dialogue and battle. But, it’s so worth it.

I am still fighting to lose that last 20 lbs, my body is still healing, I still get sick if I digest even the tiniest amounts of gluten, but I know that, slowly, I can get back to optimal health and well being by eating The Whole30 way.  Only now, without all grains and dairy, is my body finally healing. When I do it and stick to it I feel amazing, there is clarity in my life, I look shiny and clean and have boundless energy. It doesn’t get much better than that. I have that fit, zippy, forty something in shorts, socks and a vest in my sights and I’m not stopping now. 

Right now, one month in, I too am bright eyed, bushy tailed and one day in the not so distant future 20 lbs. lighter. I don’t feel old anymore. I’m not angry any more. Whole30 is the only way forward for me.

I am, finally, me again.

~ Lucy