Never Forget



For honor and respect of the fallen:

100 Deadlifts (145#/105#)

100 Power Cleans (95#/65#)

100 Ground to Overhead (65#/35#)

43 Burpees

  • Men use a 45# bar, Women use a 15# bar
  • First plates on the bar are 10#, then 15#, then 25# per side
  • Strip the outer plate after each lift of 100 reps is completed

Post total time


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We must never forget the attacks on September 11th, 2001. Terrorists attempted to destroy our way of life and test our resolve that day and failed. Today we chose the WOD “343” in honor of all who were killed in this attack on our great country; with 343 representing the number of New York Firefighters and EMT’s who gave their lives while trying to save others in the World Trade Center. This workout tested our own internal resolve and was just a small way to pay our respects and remember all who have sacrificed in the name of Freedom since 9/11. 

Deaths (excluding hijackers)
New York City World Trade Center 2,606
American 11 87
United 175 60
Arlington Pentagon 125
American 77 59
Shanksville United 93 40
Total 2,977

Mark paid tribute and completed “343” today while wearing his firefighter gear:

FF Buskas_343 WOD - 1 FF Buskas_343 WOD - 2


"4 by 4 (Hundred)"

4 Individually Timed Runs:

400m Run
Each run is a max effort. Rest 3 minutes between rounds.


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  Max Effort with Meeno:

Meeno Max Effort Run

I love this dog. “Nuff said. (Although he did steal my shirt during the WOD the other day)

 Professor aims to dispel diet mythsFood Navigator

Ancient ‘Paleo’ Diet Key to Living Healthy and Weight Loss, Some


We are planning on the next time to arrange a “chunky dunk”, i.e. the BodyFat Test. This is the body fat testing truck that has come a couple times to us. We are looking at October (pre-Holiday madness). If you are interested let us know!

See you all tomorrow morning at 10am for our 9/11 Tribute WOD “343”!

Dead Pull

21-15-9 Reps for time of each exercise (alternate):

Deadlift (225#/155#)


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Marc crushing the DL:


Riche hits jumping pull-ups while Allen deadlifts:

Riche_1st Group WOD Allen DL

After a couple days of longer brutal WOD’s in that medium length, max effort kind of domain this was a short, fast couplet. Tomorrow will be all out max effort as well to stay with the theme of the week.

We will finish off the week with a memorial WOD on Saturday to commemorate 9/11. The WOD for Saturday will be in honor of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives while trying to save others on the day our nation and our way of life was attacked by a group of cowards. Come prepared to honor them and our great country.

Please post if you are coming Saturday to get an idea of how many will be there for equipment planning.


Congrats to Kristy for hitting WOD #150 and Lucy for WOD #200!

FYI: lululemon athletica in Bellevue Square opens in their new spot on Friday 9/10. There will be giveaways to the early shoppers who get in the store each day all weekend. There will also be free yoga in the new store on Sunday morning (check with the store for confirmation). Go check out their new space!


Fight Gone Bad is 9/18. Go here and read the previous post if you want the details on participating. Keep raising funds as we are only at $1470!

Why is Fight Gone Bad V so important to us? For these two causes. Watch these two videos. Then tell me you have more important things to do on a Saturday morning! Please raise some money or donate, then join the fight with us. Otherwise, you don’t know Jack…




Back Up

Complements of District CrossFit:

Complete 5 Rounds of 90 seconds each of:

5 Back Squat
Max Reps Box Jumps (24″/20″) 

* Rest 2-3 minutes between intervals
** Treat back squats as a strength WOD and load as heavy as possible


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Mish back rack:

Mish_Back Rack

Reminder that we have a Wednesday 7:30am class available for those early CF’ers who said they wanted it. Starting next week we are going to put a reminder on the blog and on Monday ask anyone who is going to go to post on the blog for sign-ups. No sign-ups then no class. No-show then no more 7:30am. Also in October we are considering changing the afternoon/evening schedule to 5:30pm and 6:30pm vs. the 5pm, some 6pm and 7pm schedule we have now. Let us know your thoughts!

Announcing the Paleo Diet Cookbook by Dr. Loren Cordain coming out December 13, 2010 on

From the Paleo Diet newsletter:

Dr. Loren Cordain (LC): The Paleo Diet Cookbook will be published by John Wiley & Sons, the publisher of my first book, The Paleo Diet. Because of the enormous success of The Paleo Diet, my publisher wanted us (me, my wife Lorrie Cordain, and Nell Stephenson) to write a follow-up cookbook that would provide my readers with a “how to, hands on” easy approach to preparing and making delicious Paleo meals and snacks. The book contains more than 150 recipes arranged into the following chapters and topics:

  • Introduction
  • CHAPTER 1: The Paleo Diet Basics
  • CHAPTER 2: Paleo Kitchen Basics
  • CHAPTER 3: Paleo Breakfasts Dishes
  • CHAPTER 4: Paleo Snacks and Appetizers
  • CHAPTER 5: Paleo Poultry
  • CHAPTER 6: Paleo Beef, Pork, and Lamb
  • CHAPTER 7: Grass- Fed Meat, Game Meat and Jerky
  • CHAPTER 8: Paleo Fish and Seafood
  • CHAPTER 9: Paleo Salads
  • CHAPTER 10: Paleo Vegetable Dishes
  • CHAPTER 11: Condiments, Salad Dressings, Sauces and Fruit Purees
  • CHAPTER 12: Paleo Beverages and Desserts
  • CHAPTER 13: The Paleo Diet Two Week Meal Plan
  • CHAPTER 14: Treats and Meals for Crossfitters and Athletes


Runners! There is a 5 mile Snoqualmie Ridge Trail Run being organized for here in Snoqualmie on 9/25 at 8am. Race will be limited to 200 people and registration details are available here. If you plan to run this then sign up ASAP before they run out of spots. Cost is $15 before 9/19.

Congrats to Riche and Terry for finishing Elements today! Also congrats to Marc for completing his 150th WOD in our box. We are stoked for you and the progress you have made!

Me and Sean doing Turkish Get-ups in our WOD:

  Turkish GU's and Sot's Press 

"Fight Gone Bad: Task Priority"

3 Rounds for time with 1 Minute of rest between rounds of:

20 WallBall (20#/14#)

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75#/55#)

20 Box Jump (20″)

20 Push Press (75#/55#)

20 Row (Cal)


  • Continuous running clock with 1 minute rest between rounds.  
  • Score time per interval while ensuring you subtract the 1 minute of rest per round from total time (-2 minutes).


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Les Mis_Push Press


Cheering Section

Fight Gone bad: Task Priority video: CrossFit Journal preview with Jimi vs Josh [wmv] [mov]

* Note: Tossing the bar after the last SDHP rep like Josh does in this preview video will earn burpees. It’s uncool.


What’s different with this WOD over the standard FGB? Well this is not a time dependent WOD. It’s a task dependent one. You have to complete the task of 20 reps of each three times. How fast is up to you. If it was time dependent it would be the standard FGB version where you have 1 minute per exercise to complete as many reps as possible in that minute.

Four gyms. Three causes. Two ways to participate. One Brutal Workout. On Saturday 9/18 SnoRidge CrossFit will host the Fight Gone Bad V fundraiser workout along with CrossFit Belltown, Compound Fitness, CrossFit Basic, and CrossFit Redmond. This workout will benefit Livestrong, The Wounded Warrior Project, and the CrossFit Foundation. We will have times set up for groups to sign up and plan on arriving to run through it. With equipment from others we are hoping to run up to 7 at a time.

What two ways can you participate?

  1. Raise funds via your fundraiser page on the FGB website.
  2. Donate to someone’s page or donate the minimum amount of our drop-in fee of $15 of which will all go to the FGB effort.
  3. We will only allow those who donate or raise funds the opportunity to complete the workout. We believe in the causes! If you can’t raise funds, then pony up the minimum $15 to go towards helping fight cancer, helping heroes from our military who were wounded and permanently disabled, or helping a family of a first responder or soldier in need. It’s the equivalent of a few Starbucks drinks!

 SnoRidge CrossFit currently has raised $1450 total as a gym on the FGB website. We need to keep trying to grow that!

Curious about the workout? Click for more details.

Sean training for the USAW/CF Open:

Sean Trains for USAW

 Question of the day: “Will he or won’t he wear a singlet in competition?”

"No Labor" Day

Everyone excitedly running to get to the gym for the WOD:

3-2-1 Go

Short week this week. That said the WOD’s will pack a punch!

One week down on the Whole 30 Challenge! Also Group #2 starts tomorrow (Moe, Jenna, Marc, Laura, Amanda, Bridget, Mark N.). Keep it up!

Next Sunday is the Warrior Dash and 7 of us are representing SnoRidge in Oregon. Click the link to check out the 3.15 mile – 10 obstacle course. How can you not want to run through the hills and woods and stop to rappel down ravines, wade through bogs, navigate a maze, tromp through tires, climb over cargo nets, haul ass over hay bales, jump over junk, dive into darkness, run through fire, and crawl through mud ?! Okay maybe not the dive into darkness part.

Read “10 Ways To Be A Better CrossFitter” by CrossFit Watertown 

These tips are important. Especially rule #5 (another pet peeve rant is about to commence)

Stuff goes back where it started!

There is a bucket that holds the PVC pipes. There is a shelf that holds the med balls (by color on each shelf). The kettlebells are in a neat row by weight and in order. The dumbbells are stacked orderly upon one another almost as if it’s Christmas waiting under the tree. The bars are aligned according to men’s, women’s, and training weight by row. The bumpers are stacked neatly in piles of matching plates. I know it’s a gym but that doesn’t mean we just throw stuff in a corner or leave it out all day for the next class or your coaches to pick up. You just killed yourself in the WOD; but please take the few seconds to do the minimal amount of work required to put stuff back where it started. This includes the Squatch Cave if your little ones have terrorized the toys. That makes it easier for the next group and it also helps the sanity of your two anal retentive owners!

Rest Stop

Post WOD

Labor Day weekend: take a rest (if you are driving or otherwise) and stay safe.

Thanks again to Andrew and Christy of District CrossFit for letting me and my brother drop in for a WOD on Saturday. Great box, great coaching, and really great people! They are growing a really good community there. If you are ever in the DC area be sure to drop in for a WOD with them. 

Me and Andrew from District CF (Christy was training a client):

District CF_Andrew

“3 Bars of Death” WOD demo at Valley CrossFit by CrossFit Again Faster video [wmv] [mov]

Reminder: Gym is CLOSED tomorrow (Monday)! See you all on Tuesday for some <brutal> fun!


4 Rounds for Time:

400m Run
25 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)


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Swing away people!

Swing and run

Pistol at Andrews AFB Tactical Fitness Center, MD (i.e. CrossFit gym) after a drop-in for a WOD:

Andrews Pistol

Sitting on the plane the other day as my daughter was crashed out on my lap and keeping me pinned in a semi-torturous position that almost sent me into the “pain cave” I had two options: 1) Wake her up and move her or 2) use the time to myself to self reflect and jot down some blog topics on my iPhone. I picked #2. Having just finished my Outside magazine earlier I had read an article in which the author laid out his “plan or formula for life”. It was simple yet striking at the same time. I thought it was a good read and I dog eared the page to come back to it at some point. Little did I know that the pretzel like position my frame was forced into on the airplane by my seat-hog 5 year old would be a good time to come back to it. I started pecking away on my notepad app and thinking about what it is that I think is a solid formula and one I want to both practice and pass onto my daughter.

My Formula for life:

  1. Engage in intense and hard-ass daily exercise. Intense and hard are relative terms. Your intense and hard may be different than mine, but you alone know when it isn’t either. I do it 6 days a week. Sometimes 5 or even 7 days. It’s important to me because when I have a good workout I usually have a good day.
  2. Fuel and feed yourself with real, quality food.Avoid the crap; the junk food. The stuff that a cartoon character says is healthy or a diet program tells you is worth “points”. I don’t eat for “points”. Simply put, when I eat right I feel right and I have enough energy to stay alert and ready for whatever may come. When I fuel my body this way I can also allow the occasional cheat which makes it all the more an epic experience or memory. I also can take comfort knowing I will live longer and healthier for my loved ones. That alone is worth it.
  3. Choose a good partner and surround yourself with good people and friends. This keeps your heart big, your attitude right and your course correct. (I’m beyond blessed here)
  4. Have goals and dreams. Set goals regularly and don’t be afraid to dream big. Then chase after them. Big goals or small goals do not matter. What matters is the habit you create that will breed success more often than failure. At a minimum it will make you focus on your successes.Whether they are here in the gym, at work, or at home try to achieve them one at a time. Me? I have more goals than I have time to tackle them all. I make lists. I have gym goals and life goals. In fact I need to complete my goal of documenting the 100 things I want to do before I die (I have 67 written down so far).
  5. Work hard and Seize the day.Carpe Diem! Give 100% but don’t forget to have fun. Work hard, give it your best effort but don’t forget to enjoy it and make memories. Balance is key. I struggle here. 😉


Gym is closed on Monday for Labor Day! If you need a WOD to do check out the “Travel WOD” list over on the left side of the site under “Resources”.

Want to learn to climb a rope? Practice. Learn technique. Don’t ignore it. Even the best showed that neglecting those hard skill movements can bite you down the road. Plus rope climbing is just fun! Learn a style and practice in the box.

Mikko Salo Rope Climbs 

Video [wmv] [mov]