
5 Rounds for time:

6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
6 Burpees
6 Front Squat (95#/65#)
6 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
6 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)


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Jason gutting it out:


Burpees done right:

Bionic Burpee Bionic Burpee_Ryan Bionic Burpee_Curtis

This WOD came from Jogo Gym (CrossFit Bellingham) and was one workout that was used in their throw-down last year for local athletes who were prepping for the 2009 CF Games Regionals. I remember later trying it along with Michelle and it literally floored us. So this year we figured in the spirit of the Games we would bring it out. Speaking of the Games, we are officially in the next phase of the road to the CrossFit Games. All of the Sectionals are now complete worldwide and the next step is the Regional Competitions where over 1350 men and women will battle it out to send 90 finalists to the CrossFit Games Finals in July to crown the “World’s Fittest Man and Woman”.

Read more about the next phase along with some interesting stats at “Congratulations Athletes” from the CrossFit Games site.

Now to give a huge high five to Rona for her 1st rope climb tonight after the WOD. She was feeling “Bionic” and climbed right up! The sky is literally the limit for you!

Rona_Rope Climb


Welcome back to Jeff who is back in the box after a little time off. Nice to have you in here and remember to take it one WOD at a time. 😉

This Thursday is “ladies night out” at Ana’s. See Lorri, Michelle or Moe for more details if interested.

From CrossFit.com: “Trainers vs. Trainers” from the Second Annual Certification Staff Trainer Summit [wmv] [mov]

Easter Egg Hunt For Time

Here’s to the Easter Bunny bringing kettlebell eggs to your little ones. We wish all of you a Happy Easter and if you don’t observe it then we wish you a happy Sunday!

Happy Easter

Yesterday was Lorri’s last Saturday class, and it was a memorable one!

Lorri's Last Saturday WOD


10 Rounds for time:
3 Power Snatch (135#/95#)
15 Wall Balls (20#/14#) 


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“Karabel” is a mash-up benchmark WOD. Taking Karen (150 Wall Balls at 20# men/14# women) and combining it with Isabel (30 Snatches at 135#/95#) creates this little monster that ends up with the same number of reps but with a different approach. There are several ways you can mash benchmark’s together or mix them up and a couple are in the programming in the next month or two. Look for possible rowing, team, or heavy variations and maybe even a backwards version. The possibilities are almost endless.

Synchronized Wall Ball


Traveling? If you are gone for business or vacation don’t forget to consider fitting in a WOD. You can download a list of Bodyweight WOD’s here on our site (right hand side) to use or think about looking for another CrossFit Affiliate to drop in on. The experience of visiting another box on the road is a bunch of fun and good exposure to the rest of the community.

Go get a massage! It’s worth it to get outstanding attention paid to removing the stiffness, tension, adhesions and pain points we build up through everyday work and CrossFit. I got one today, and what a difference it makes. Travis told me recently something that his massage therapist told him, (which I’ll paraphrase); “If you are going pretend to be an elite athlete and train like one, then you have to eat, sleep and recover like one; including taking care of yourself with regular sports massages and stretching.

Don’t forget if you bring a SnoRidge CF business card with you to North Bend Therapeutic Massage you can get a discount off a 60 minute massage (which works out to a very affordable $55 for an hour of myofascial release, sports, or deep tissue massage). Get more info from us in the box.

Go watch some cool video of the women’s highlights from the New England Sectionals [wmv] [mov]


Happy Birthday Jorge (or Hee-hey)!

Jorge Set Position

Pick your poison:

For Time:
5000m Row


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters (95#/65#)


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The choice today was simple; short vs. long, cardio respiratory endurance and stamina vs. speed and power. Both WOD’s are epic in scope and very effective. I programmed the choice of two because Jorge has long threatened or begged to be able to have the “opt-out” to do Fran or a 5k row over any particularly unpleasant WOD he didn’t want to do. Over time we granted him two “Get out of jail free” or “Ace” cards that he theoretically would be able to play if he chose to do so. 

Jorge also has been sweating a little just what I would plan for his birthday workout, knowing I would include something he hates (running or burpees) with something he likes. So he kept saying if he didn’t like his birthday workout he would just pull one of his “cards”. In the spirit of April Fool’s yesterday I decided to post a fake WOD on Beyond the Whiteboard today consisting of his most hated exercises: 5 rounds of 400m runs and 15 burpees. I just knew he would check it today to preview the WOD before he came in. Knowing it was going to be storming and pouring down rain it could not have been a better set-up. I think I actually heard his screaming from his house when he checked the workout this morning. I know Jana sure did. The real workouts were actually his two “Ace” cards and the plan that everyone would get to choose what they wanted to do. 

There were several PR’s today for Fran as well as 1st timers for both WOD’s. Congrats to all of you especially the personal bests. The energy at the 5pm class with Moe was intense and motivating as people were just going after it. Bridget and Pat were exceptionally impressive or insane depending on your point of view. They did both WOD’s! WTF!

Congrats Jorge on an excellent birthday and we are glad you liked your present! You now have one less “Get out of jail free” card. Use it wisely.

Jorge expressing his feelings about his choice of the 5k Row:

Jorge Post 5k


Saturday classes (10am and 11am) will be indoors so have no fear about the weather conditions. Affiliate Team members meet at 9am. Next week we will begin testing for Team Squatch spots (3 women and 3 men) beginning Saturday.

We are going to have a sign-up sheet in the gym this Monday for the “Skinny Dip” Body Fat Re-test on Saturday 4/10 to complete the Paleo/Zone Nutrition Challenge (nice nickname of “Skinny Dip” to Rona BTW). Sign up for your spot and bring a towel and swimsuit for the water tank. If you didn’t test the 1st time and want to you are totally welcome. 1st time test is $49 and re-test is $35. 

We are excited for everyone who participated as the progress has been significant. Many have kept up with the weigh-in’s, some with diet logs, and overall the eating habits have changed for quite a few. Make it last. Make it stick. We will crown the champs next week!

Snatch Squat not Squat Snatch

3 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (each arm) (40#/25#)
50 Squats


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Snatch then Squat:

Travis DB Power Snatch Tara Squat

In this WOD the goal was power snatch then air squats. The full squat snatch we will save for another day. The focus this week and next is the snatch. We will continue to work on these as well as incorporate elements of the Burgener Warm-up. As we improve these we plan to increase exposure to the Olympic lifts and incorporate them into a weekend WOD where we can spend some time learning and practicing them as a larger group.

Coaching tip: Tara started CrossFit last week and already has a very solid air squat (pictured above). Note her weight is distributed on her heels and her chest is up while she is maintaining a slight lumbar curve as she is dropping to the med ball. This is after just having a baby recently. The key is her flexibility. Tara is a yoga instructor and this demonstrates how valuable flexibility is in building a solid base for which all athletic movement is dependent on.


Post to comments if you want to attend the 10am or 11am class on Sat. 1st 8 get the 10am slot. Don’t forget there is a regular 5pm Friday class now with Moe! Tomorrow is someone’s birthday WOD. Good times!

Video of Jana’s 1st pull-up and Mark’s monster box jump is in production. I will tell the studio to stop slacking and get it in gear.

Workout ‘A’ from the 2010 CF Games NorCal Sectionals [wmv] [mov]

Tabata Local's Style

Perform 8 intervals of 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for each exercise. There is 1 minute rest between exercises:

Deadlift 50% of 1RM
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (105#/70#)
Row (for Calories)
* Score: DL by any reps over 50 (subtract 50 from total DL); total reps for SDHP; total Calories rowed


03-31-10 WOD Results 03-31-10 WOD Results cont 2 03-31-10 WOD Results cont 03-31-10 WOD Results cont 3

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Pain:

SDHP Intensity

Today’s Monthly Cross-Box Challenge WOD was brought to us by Jesse from Local’s Gym (Lynwood CrossFit). We participated along with Local’s Gym, Outer Edge, Foundation, and RiverTown CrossFit. This was a great workout for the back, glutes, hamstrings and arms after all was said and done. Three consecutive Tabata intervals with pulls quickly torched the body and made you fight to recruit the legs to complete each exercise. Using 50% of your 1 rep max deadlift was much harder than expected with a 20 second max work interval. For great tips and instruction on the deadlift go here

Cathy and Curtis ready for the next round of rowing:

Pulling for Calories


Don’t forget to weigh-in this week and record your results. We are 10 days away from the “Skinny Dip” BodyFat Test and the conclusion of our Paleo-Zone Challenge. Stay with it and make it a lifestyle change and not just another diet. 

Speaking of; Rob, Mark N. and I all enjoyed a Paleo/Zone friendly meal at Chipotle with their salad which you comes with naturally raised beef and chicken (no growth hormones, animal by-products or antibiotics), fresh guacamole, pico, bell peppers and onions and hot sauce if so inclined. If you want a good salad give it a shot.

We instituted the feedback tab on the website (over on the left side) so please offer any suggestions you want to bring to our attention and we will address them. Sangeeta suggested we incorporate sledges and sleds into weekday WOD’s. We love that idea but the major limitation to do that thus far has been the weather and simply that we don’t want to have a night or early morning crew outside in the dark swinging hammers or dragging sleds. Saturday mornings are far easier to plan for and weather is easier to gauge for two classes. As the weather warms and it stays lighter longer we may work them into a weekday such as a Friday (since there is no 7pm WOD on Friday). Keep asking and also go vote on other’s suggestions.

Our T Shirt order is going in over the weekend so get your orders in by Friday in the box!

Maxed Out

Strength WOD:

Hang Power Snatch


* Work up to 1RM (1 Rep Max)

Quote of the Day: “If I go slow, I mess it up. It’s all about power!” ~ Jackie

Bonnie demonstrating power below:

Bonnie_Hang Power Snatch

Check Out WOD Immediately After:

Choose a minimum of 2 out of 6 exercises and conduct a max effort attempt:
Handstand Push-ups
Max Height Box Jump


03-30-10 WOD Results 03-30-10 WOD Results cont

Max Effort Fun:

 Max Bunny Hops

The power snatch is our focus this week and next. We started with the basics yesterday on the jump and land and expanded it today to include high hang snatch, hook grip, and the speed required to generate power from the hips and shrug to rip the bar overhead while pulling under it. The high hang means you have a very slight dip with the bar traveling towards the “pockets” before quickly pulling, shrugging and reversing direction to move it overhead. Being a technical lift, don’t expect to pick it up quickly or to pile on the load. Like all the movements we do, focus first on the form and technique before worrying about what weight to pursue. We train to become proficient at Olympic lifts to build power, speed, and strength and to become functionally more fit. We don’t expect any of us to turn into Olympic caliber lifters.

The max effort portion of the WOD generated a lot of PR’s today and also a new 1st! Jana got her 1st pull-up quietly under the watchful eye of her fiance Jorge (pictured below). She then got a couple more to capture it on film. Congrats and it’s a payoff to a lot of hard work. Everyone else who attempted a max effort today I believe set a PR. The motivation was certainly high and the encouragement even higher. A few other highlights would be Mark B’s 99 double-unders and 54 1/4″ box jump as well as Graham’s 82 push-ups and Kim getting 24 pull-ups! 

Post to comments if you like the max effort and what other ones you would want to see. Oh and tomorrow is the cross-box WOD and this one comes from Jesse at Local’s Gym!

Jana 1st Pull-up Nan Box Jump

Travis Max Box Jump Kim Max Pull Ups


5 Rounds for time:
40 Double-Unders
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
20 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)


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  Soaked head to toe either from sweat or rain; the guys demo this WOD:

Drenched Double Unders Big Jump_Travis Big Swing_Mark

This was brutal. Surprisingly so. Knowing main site WOD’s are always both physically and mentally challenging, this one snuck up quickly on you. Everyone was gassed by the end after each class and as Eli noted very “Zombie-like”. Double Unders are improving for many and the emphasis on jumping the box jump is also leading to better athleticism. Remember the box jump is primarily an exercise used to develop explosive hip extension that translates directly to the Olympic lifts of the clean and snatch. It also builds better agility, speed, coordination and stamina which pay off across the board in many other exercises. So take the time and try to jump as much as you can, regardless of height. It will increase your power.


Attention Parents! We are asking for your help regarding kids in the box and the rules and use of the Squatch Cave. First I want to take a moment to mention what our purpose is as a CrossFit facility. Our goal is to build fitter individuals and a fitter community. We strive to offer no nonsense, high intensity functional fitness in a safe training environment that can properly provide coaching and an atmosphere of encouragement and success for all of our members. We do not offer daycare or kid-sitting services. We certainly don’t want to be in the practice of having to police children or be the “bad guy” so we look to you as parents to help us all ensure the kids are following the rules, being safe, being respectful, and above all reminding them that the gym is just that, a gym. Please be mindful that many of our members do not have children. We provide the Squatch Cave to those of you who are parents as an alternative waiting area for you to utilize when you have your kids and coming in for your workout. 

The Cave is unsupervised and use at your own risk. It has toys. It has some books, blocks, and other things that kids like to use to pass the time while waiting for you. We love to let them out to play after all the adults are done. However before they can play or leave they all need to help clean up. They also need to wait in the Cave or play outside but not keep running in and out. It’s not only for their safety but also for yours and are just part of our rules. We need to focus on running the gym and being your coaches so please help us by ensuring the kiddos know to follow the rules and listen to the adults or they won’t be allowed to come back into the gym. We really don’t want to have to make that kind of decision. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation! 


3 Rounds for time:

Sandbag Run 800m (50#/25# with hill)
5 Muscle-Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (70#/53#)
15 Overhead Squat (95#/65#)


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And they’re off…

Sandbag Carry Race

Ryan and the hill:    Love the shadows:

Sandbag Run with Ryan Me and My Shadow

Our very own official benchmark workout for our box. I did this last year when we were still in the garage and used the hill in the woods behind the house. Today we brought this one out for all to try and incorporated the hill out front and the sandbags. For those who don’t have muscle-ups yet we subbed muscle-up progressions, ring pull-ups and even tried something new by using a band assist with the rings which worked well. This WOD mixes a little of everything (running, ring work, barbell, odd objects like sandbags and heavy kettlebell) and for only three rounds makes a good challenge especially with a hill on each run/trot. For those who missed this you will have to simply have to wait until next time and “Watch for the Squatch”.

Speaking of muscle-ups, Don got his 1st muscle-up today POST-WOD. He actually got two (No Travis I am not BS’ing you). Travis was joking that lately it seems like every couple days it’s someone getting a muscle-up and that Ashley is next. Muscle-up fever! Congrats Don!


Great Friday 5pm class turnout with Moe. We are stoked you all showed up and took advantage!

Cinco De Mayo 8k and 1/2 Marathon: If you are running either race register at the gym to get $5 off the entry fee. If you are running the 1/2 marathon then register by March 31st at our gym before entry fees increase starting April 1st. The 8k price will go up later in April. Either way don’t procrastinate! Details are here.

Squat clean pain: The “Serious 7” from the 2010 CF Games New England Sectionals [wmv] [mov]

Rugby and CrossFit: Training the “High Hang Snatch” with Owen Franks of the New Zealand All Blacks (Rugby Pro Team) with Coach Mike Burgener [wmv] [mov]