
For Time:

10, 9, 8, 7, 6… down to 1 alternating the following exercises:
Dumbbell Hang Clean
Man-maker Push-up

The man-maker push-up:

Man Maker Push-upMan Maker Push-up 2 Man Maker Push-up 3

Using dumbbells perform a push-up.  As you complete the push-up pull the dumbbell upwards into a one arm row.  Alternate the row with each arm after you complete the push-up. These will make the man (or woman).

Travis, Deb and Curtis were fortunate enough to try these with a WOD that used the man-maker and the dumbbell hang clean.

Made Man


5 Rounds for Time
400m Run
15 OH Squats (Prescribed Weight: 95# M/65# W)

The Overhead Squat is a weightlifting movement that requires strength, coordination, flexibility, power and a stable midline. Its ability to test the strength of your core, shoulders, and legs is unsurpassed.  It’s a technical lift that requires practice, practice, more practice and then patience, but once you get it you quickly see a change in your speed and power.  We have been focusing on these quite a bit with PVC pipe both in Elements and then in warm-ups.  The weather made for a perfect time for several of you to try it with a barbell or load to feel the difference so we ran everyone through a scaled version of “Nancy”. 

Adriana OH Squat
Quote of the Day:
“I felt like a Nancy while trying overhead squats.” ~ Curtis

Here is a great video taken from the CrossFit Main site “Exercises and Demos” section.  It shows good OH Squat form as well as keys to safely lifting, lowering and dumping the barbell. 

Learning the Clean and Jerk

The power clean is a very important movement that teaches power and explosiveness.  It leads to being able to rapidly getting weight up to your rack position for going overhead.  The push jerk is essential to pushing heavy weight overhead.  This combination of two movements are a huge benefit to the athelete in strength and conditioning. 

This can be a tough movement for those new to Olympic Lifts but that is why we use the PVC pipe so much. After a month of working through many of the fundamental movements Deb, Adriana and Curtis moved on to the more complex barbell exercise.  They all learned the Power Clean and Jerk and steadily improved on form, coordination and technique throughout the WOD.  Great job all of you!

Deb and Adriana


Your first few sessions with us will cover the “Elements” or the foundational movements you will use often in CrossFit.  For more information on what Elements is all about, please click on the following link: Getting Started (which is also on the left side of our page under “Resources”).

Welcome to both Jim and Deb who just recently started with us and are underway with Elements. We look forward to your progess!

Jim Air Squat
Deb KB Swing

Technique and the Deadlift

Today the emphasis was on the Deadlift and refining technique and form first. We spent time with our friend the PVC pipe to review stance, grip, chest position, head and neck angle, lumbar curve and how to pull off the floor.  After a brief 3 sets of 3 reps to a moderately challenging load we established a comfortable working weight. We then finished with a 3 round metcon workout of rowing, kettlebell swings and deadlifts.

Travis during the WOD:
Travis DL
Travis Row
Travis KB

Up and running

Well that was kinda fast.  But I should expect nothing less than “3-2-1 Go” from CrossFit HQ.  Our site is now linked on the CrossFit Main Site! As of today we are the latest affiliate listed towards the bottom. 

We have shifted our focus north from the Dupont / Ft. Lewis area and recently left as co-owners of CrossFit No Limits.  We wish Amy at CFNL and the friends and clients we left there all the best as we embark on bringing CrossFit to the local Snoqualmie and North Bend area.  Stay tuned for pictures and posts on all things CrossFit as we get underway with our new clients here.

Curtis and Deb and Michelle all sharing some dumbbell love.

Dumbbell DeterminationFitness

Travis and Adriana do some walking lunges.
Walking Lunges