Oly Test

Strength WOD:

18 Minutes to Establish:

1RM Snatch (Squat or Split)

Rest 2 Minutes

20 Minutes to Establish:

1RM Clean and Jerk (Squat or Split Clean, Push or Split Jerk)


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Sean_Snatch Pull

Meghann_C and J

For those who made it in today you now have a new baseline for your snatch and C&J. If you used a split snatch today I encourage you to still work on your full snatch and your flexibility/mobility to improve that position. Focus on positions, hitting extension, and pulling under the bar as fast as possible with a lighter barbell. Think “Jump with the feet on the floor” both in the snatch and the clean. Both the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk are the best lifts for developing overall athletic ability. 

CrossFit Journal Balloon Muscle-up Commercial – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

CrossFit Games Update: July 25, 2012 – Wrap Up Show (Warning these two are complete bozos)