Hot Off the Press

Strength WOD:



3 Rounds for time of:

30 Double-Unders
15 Ring Push-ups


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Rona Lockout Tom Press

Press: (noun) a lift in weightlifting, in which the weight is raised to shoulder height and then steadily extended to a position above the head without use of the legs. 

or (verb) a) to try hard to persuade or exert influence on. b) to insist on or request urgently.

Which one described your press attempts today? For me it was both. It started as a weightlifting movement as defined above. It quickly became the latter as I persuaded, insisted, no requested urgently to get the bar overhead! The removal of the legs to generate power to push the load overhead is a quick eye opener to your relative strength. It shows why you become more efficient as you engage your legs and hips, and also quickly demonstrates how getting stronger in the press will make getting heavier loads over your head easier and faster with lifts like the push press, jerk, snatch. As you find your 1RM you will realize that 5 pounds is a big difference from one attempt to the next. Many of us tried to push, then persuade, then request that bar to move up. Some stared at it to no avail as it hovered at the eyes. Others tried to “duck” their head around it (didn’t work), and one even managed to push one arm up at a time (not recommended)! The Press equals raw strength. You either get it or you don’t. 



We are stoked to announce that our next Paleo Challenge will kick-off on Friday 2/12 at 6:30pm with a nutrition discussion with Todd Widman, who is a CFHQ Staff Trainer and certification instructor. In addition to his duties traveling for CrossFit certs and judging events like the CF Games, Todd has also been on the CF Journal in the “Boz and Todd Show” (which travels to various boxes to film segments on coaching and motivational techniques) as well as different workout videos. He recently hosted a great nutrition lecture at Rainier CrossFit which I attended. It focused on a very practical discussion of the application of a clean diet and the role proper nutrition plays in performance, CrossFit, and life. We will do the same and this chat will offer good insights into paleo and Zone eating, the how to’s and why’s of eating cleaner, and how to manage it with our families, jobs and busy lifestyles.

  • The nutrition “chat” will last roughly 2 hours and the cost will be $10 per person. 
  • Please understand we will have a “no kids” policy for this so that everyone can benefit from a Squatch Cave free of kids.
  • Bring your questions!

If you have a CF Journal subscription, go here to watch a video on Todd going for a sub 1:20 500m row.

We will then start off the official 7 week Paleo Challenge after the Saturday morning class 2/13.

Early high level summary: We will have weigh-in’s, ‘before” and “after” pics (not to be shared), measurements, and establish a pot for those who want in. The pot will split between the top Male and top Female winner or “loser”. Weekly weigh-in’s will be required and food logs will need to be kept. This is only 7 weeks so everyone can do it! Winner will be determined based on change in body comp. We will base this on the successful challenges that CF Seattle has run. Stay tuned…

Last but not least; sign up for 10am Saturday class by posting to comments. First 8 get a slot otherwise please come at 11am. Affiliate Team training will be at 9am.