Oh Squat!

Strength WOD:

Overhead Squat 

Immediately After:
Max Effort
1000 Meter Row


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Day 22 of the Burpee Challenge. It continues…

Steph_OH Squat

Steph gets comfortable in the bottom position. Note that she has good active shoulders, her lumbar curve is maintained, and her head is level. Great progress on the overhead squat today. Everyone hit a PR! Remember to force those knees to track out towards the toes, stay back on your heels and hold that breath to keep your core tight. Most importantly ensure you practice stretching. As you gain flexibility that “uncomfortable” spot at the bottom position that Michelle helped you find will become comfortable. If you can get comfortable you can support a lot overhead.

1K Max Effort Row:

1K Row_Sherry_Mark_ Dan

 Lucy and Rob would have been proud!

Upcoming events in the New Year:

I talked with Lucy about doing another rowing clinic in either January or February. Let us know if you are interested. We likely would limit the number of people to maximize rowing time. 

Sectional Qualifiers in February for the 2010 CF Games will be at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds. If interested talk to us, our affiliate team likely will field some competitors. It’s even fun as a spectator!

Speaking of the Games, we will have a 2009 CF Games movie day (or night) at the gym. Drinking and watching CrossFit, it doesn’t get any better.

A second Paleo Challenge is on the menu in the New Year. This one will have a few tweaks based on some excellent inputs and guidance from CF Seattle. We may even partner with Chef By Request for some Paleo discussion and samples.

Olympic Lifting Coaching Session to be conducted at Thrush Sports Performance Center in Sumner. It will be in either Jan. or Feb. The session will focus on the clean, jerk and snatch and proper O-Lifting basics. Michelle and I both attended similar sessions and came away with a lot of great technique improvements and areas to work on. We will fill spots with those trying out for the affiliate team first but after that will open the remaining spots to anyone. 

Don’t forget starting the last Wednesday of this month we will start our monthly 4 Way WOD Challenge with CrossFit Advantage, Outer Edge CrossFit, Local’s Gym and us. This challenge will rotate each month with one box picking the WOD for all four gyms to conduct on that day. 

Details on all of these events to come! Any other ideas let us know.

Upcoming CF Certs:

Moe is going to CrossFit Level 1 Cert in Feb., Michelle is going to CF Olympic Lifting Cert in Mar., and I will be attending the CF Gymnastics Cert in April. CF Kids is also still planned but timing, logistics and location are a big factor. We’ll keep checking the calendar.