
For Time:

21-15-9 Reps of each:
Overhead Squat
Sumo Deadlift High Pull

* One bar, pick the load and storm for time.


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The two Jim’s getting Overhead:

Jim M_OH Squat Jim C_OH Squat

Moe in the bottom position (L) and Jorge and Jana (R) show off their matching Converse:

Moe and Pat_Over Under Jorge and Jana_Over Under

Note in the two “Jim” photos above of the overhead squat they have good alignment of the bar in a vertical line over the back of their head or ears, behind the knees and straight down through the heels. Note how Moe is also actively pushing her shoulders up and attempting to “pull” the bar apart in her hands while she supports the weight through her midline to her heels. Are their areas to continue to work for them and all of us? Yes. However the stance and position has improved for many while supporting heavier loads and with that grows the confidence!


Day 26 of the Burpee Challenge!

Several of you caught back up today. From here out try to make it a game as much as you can. Do all of them for time, save them for the warm-up, or do tabata burpees until you reach your total each day. What’s your strategy?

The 12/24 WOD will be at 10am on Thursday. Team Squatch (Affiliate Team) meets at 9am.