Push It

For Time:

400m Run  
21 Push Press (115#/75#)
400m Run  
18 Push Press
400m Run  
15 Push Press
400m Run  
12 Push Press


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Eric takes in the mountains (Remember knuckles to the sky!):

Eric_Push Press

Rob got his first Muscle-Up today and then knocked out a few more!

Rob_1st MU

 Congrats to Rob. That is a seriously big PR! Especially since the Open WOD this week has muscle-ups in it. Just in the nick of time!

Speaking of, here is the WOD for Wednesday (CrossFit Games Open 11.4):

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
60 Bar-facing burpees
30 Overhead squat (120#/90#)
10 Muscle-ups

WOD Instructions

* For this WOD scale 3 Pull-ups and 3 Dips per Muscle-Up

CrossFit SportsCenter Update: Update on the Open: Week 3.