Rest Up

Hope you are rested and ready for this week!

WB Rest

Read a great interview with Chris Spealler, one of the top CrossFitters out there and just an amazing athlete. A veteran of all 4 years of the CF Games as well as a top 10 finisher in three of them (including 3rd this year); he was also the recipient of the “Spirit of the Games Award” for embodying the character of CrossFit. He is pretty legendary within CrossFit and has set a great example for many as not only a competitor, but also as a coach, HQ trainer and affiliate owner.

Spirit of the Games: Pt. 1” CrossFit Journal Preview video [wmv] [mov]



If you plan to participate in Fight Gone Bad V on 9/18 at the box, then you need to create a fundraiser page (link on the right under “Upcoming Events”) and raise some money for some great causes. My friend Derek from CrossFit Morristown (who just visited and many of you met) has been pushing people in his box to raise funds and they are now at almost $11k raised! What about us? Well, SnoRidge has $1300 raised. Ummm, it’s GO time people!