Team WOD: AMRAP #1 Run & Squat Clean; AMRAP #2 Run & Rope Climb

Snoridge Crossfit 2921_by Rob WTeam WOD: AMRAP #1 Run & Squat Clean; AMRAP #2 Run & Rope Climb

In teams of 2 complete:

AMRAP#1 in 9 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Rep Squat Clean (115#/75#)
* Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP #2 9 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Rep Rope Climbs (15′)
* One team member runs while other completes max reps of each AMRAP. Switch after each run. Score total reps as a team.
** Sub 2 Supine Rope Climbs to each Rope Climb.
*** If class size is large start 1/2 teams on AMRAP #1 and other teams on AMRAP #2