Team WOD: Power Clean & Jerks, Toes-to-bars, Partner Alternating Wall Balls, Rope Climbs

SnoRidge CrossFit_Partner WB by Rob WTeam WOD: Power Clean & Jerks, Toes-to-bars, Partner Alternating Wall Balls, Rope Climbs

As a Team of 2 complete for time:
50 Power Clean & Jerks (115#/75#)
60 Toes-to-bars
100 Partner Alternating Wall Balls (20#/14# to 10 ft./9ft.)
10 Rope Climbs (15 ft.)

* One bar
** Alternate wall ball throws back and forth with partner
*** Scale 1 Rope climb : 2 supine Rope Climbs
Post total time.


Pic by @robcwilson
