Team WOD: Snatch Ladder & Checkout WOD: 21-18-15: AbMat Sit-ups, Hollow Rocks, and Flutter Kicks

Team WOD: Snatch Ladder

As a Team of 2 complete as many reps in 10 mins as you can of:

20 Snatches (95#/65#)
20 Snatches (115#/75#)
20 Snatches (135#/95#)
20 Snatches (155#/105#)
20 Snatches (175#/115#)
Max Reps Snatch (185#/125#)

* Alternate reps with your partner. One barbell. Load/deload as you go. Power or Squat Snatch.
* Power snatch or full. Because Lisa and Michelle said they could easily get to max reps @ 95#

Checkout WOD: 21-18-15: AbMat Sit-ups, Hollow Rocks, and Flutter Kicks

21-18-15 reps, for time of:
AbMat Sit-up
Hollow Rock
Flutter Kick