"Where's My Legs?"

Four Rounds for TIme: 

400m Run
50 Air Squats


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John and Michele run…

John_Run and Squat Michele_Run and Squat

While Rob and Travis squat:
Squat Race Squat Race 2

Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer Go! Some of you today clearly had extra “go juice” for this WOD. Especially Erin! Mad props to being pregnant and blazing through this! 

We are starting a new daily challenge to improve everyone’s skills with a jumprope:

“On the Double”: The Double-Under Challenge

  1. Get a jump rope.
  2. Starting tomorrow and for the 1st week, each day perform 5 sets of consecutive double-unders for 5, 10, or 15 reps. Singles in between, snags or missed reps means that set DOES NOT count.
  3. After the 1st week, increase the number of reps for each set by 5, completing 5 unbroken sets per day.
  4. Continue to add 5 per set every week through week 4.
  5. At the end of June, we will have a WOD that will test your double-under skills!
  6. If you cannot do 5 in a row to begin with, don’t sweat it! Just pick your current PR to start with (i.e. 5 sets of 3 reps). If you can’t do more than 1 consecutive rep without a single in between, pick a number that you can still perform with alternating singles and doubles. Add 1 rep to that number per week. 

Who’s in?


Welcome to Michele who joined the 7pm crew for her first WOD tonight. Michele is coming to us from our good friends Nadia and Eric over at CrossFit Belltown where she has been training for quite some time. We are lucky to have you!

The Men’s Competition at the Northeast Regionals by CrossFit Again Faster – Video [wmv] [mov]

Coaching Tip: The Box Jump with Jeremy O.

Box Jump_Jeremy O - 1 Box Jump_Jeremy O - 2

  • With each jump land with 3/4 of your feet firmly on the box (not just your toes)
  • Jump off and forcefully push your hips forward to the “open” position as you come off the box (see above)
  • If you cannot jump off and open the hip then stand tall on the box and step or jump down
  • Do not get in the habit of keeping your hips “closed” or “muted” as you come off the box; that negates one of the primary benefits of the box jump (training powerful hip extension)