"21-15-9 Complex"

Strength WOD:


Conditioning WOD:

For time:

2014 CF Games Event “21-15-9 Complex

For time:
8 Deadlifts (155#/115#)
7 Power Cleans (155#/115#)
6 Power Snatches (155#/115#)
8 Pull-ups
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
6 Bar Muscle-ups
6 Deadlifts
5 Power Cleans
4 Power Snatches
6 Pull-ups
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
4 Bar Muscle-ups
4 Deadlifts 
3 Power Cleans 
2 Power Snatches 
4 Pull-ups
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
2 Bar Muscle-ups

* Scale Bar Muscle-up to Burpee Pull-up


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Snatch_Chris G

Today’s fun WOD was a 2014 CF Games event that was a barbell/pull-up complex. The barbell movements are meant to be power and the Games time cap was 7 minutes. The highlights of this event were watching Camille Leblanc-Bazinet go unbroken on all of the pull-up/bar muscle-up movements each round and Rich Froning getting serious and beating everyone to start his climb back to the top.

The Full Snatch – CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

The Snatch with Cyrus:

Snatch_Cyrus - 1 Snatch_Cyrus - 2

Snatch_Cyrus - 3 Snatch_Cyrus - 4

The post below from The Outlaw Way on the differences of CF Games crowds from year to year is right on.

5 Observations from the 2014 CrossFit Games: #2 www.theoutlawway.com

The only thing I would add is 2009. In 2009 the crowd was made up of about 800-900 athletes, coaches, and die-hard CrossFitters who all gathered on a ranch in Aromas, CA (Dave Castro’s family ranch) and parked in the dirt to watch the first “world wide” CrossFit competition. That year everyone was shocked to watch a Finnish Fireman win the men’s title and an Icelandic former gymnast almost win had she known how to do a muscle-up. Both Mikko Salo and Annie Thorisdottir showed up that year virtually unknown and beat people all weekend despite learning several movements moments before a couple workouts (double-under, GHD sit-up, muscle-up). Annie fell from 2nd before the final WOD started to 11th due to a DNF in the Chipper when she ran into the muscle-up. She did her very first one in that competition to the cheers of the crowd but couldn’t get another. Tanya Wagner went on to win and the final chipper was the end to a long weekend of grueling workouts.

That whole weekend at the Games was and is still my favorite CF Games I have seen. Everyone took the time to meet practically everyone. Friendships were made over a beer or in the tiny but busy vendor area. It was the year it felt like CrossFit was growing too fast and the athletes were getting to good to keep up. As we drove away from the ranch in a caravan of dust and cars we knew there was no way they could stay at the ranch. Things were growing too quick.

* Note: I didn’t go to the Games in 2008 as we didn’t really think it was worth spending money to go watch. I did however listen to CrossFit Radio on my computer for updates and click the refresh button on my computer repetitively to see the results and if Speal or Josh Everett was going to win. To everyone’s suprise some guy named Jason Khalipa came from nowhere on the final WOD to win it.