Power Clean : 1 Rep Max & Team WOD: Rows, Wall Balls, Pull-ups, Overhead Sit-ups, Burpees

Power Clean : 1 Rep Max

Record your best Power Clean 1 Rep Max lift.
Team of 2 share a bar. 8 minutes on the clock starting from empty bar.

SnoRidge CF_Pull-upTeam WOD: Rows, Wall Balls, Pull-ups, Overhead Sit-ups, Burpees

In teams of 2, complete for time:
2000m Row
120 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
80 Pull-ups
60 Overhead Sit-ups (35#/15# plate)
40 Burpees

* One partner works at a time.
** Chip through the exercises but split up reps however you wish. Must go in order (i.e. row, wall balls, and squats, etc.)
Post total time.


Photo by @robcwilson
