For time:
100ft. Walking Lunges
21 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
21 AbMat Sit-ups
100ft. Walking Lunges
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 AbMat Sit-ups
100ft. Walking Lunges
12 Kettlebell Swings
12 AbMat Sit-ups
100ft. Walking Lunges
9 Kettlebell Swings
9 AbMat Sit-ups
100ft. Walking Lunges
6 Kettlebell Swings
6 AbMat Sit-ups
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Cristin and Jeff demo a good walking lunge and kettlebell swing overhead position:
CF Games Open Update: Team Squatch is in 23rd place in our Region and that’s with not all of our best scores entered yet! Let’s hope we climb and stay in the Top 30.
More importantly is everyone was able to complete the WOD as RX’d this week from our team with several rounds! (We are bummed that Lucy is unable to complete WOD 11.3 due to being on an island vacation with no access to a barbell thus will not be able to continue “in the running” for the Open.)
Considering for many that one rep of the men’s 165lb. or women’s 110 lb. clean and jerk is at or over their previous max that alone is a huge PR. The determination, positive thinking and junkyard dog effort was inspiring this week. Today we saw several of our competitors push their fears aside and attack this WOD with confidence and technique. This resulted in new PR’s, lots of rounds, and a belief that you can all put more weight overhead with more practice on either those cleans or jerks!
Also thanks to Petra from lululemon athletica Bellevue Square for coming out and conducting a goal setting seminar for several people tonight. Forming realistic goals that are near, medium and long term will allow you to weave them together while working towards a career, health and personal/family life balance. Having specific, measurable, achievable, results oriented, and time dependent goals are required to making sure your journey has an end point; and is not just a drive down a wandering road. We hope you all got something out of it and would love to see you share your health goals in the box with us. We are here to help you achieve them.
Pics of some of our athletes who tackled the CF Games Open WOD 11.3 today:
Quote of the Day: “The greatest adaptation in CrossFit is between the ears.” ~ Coach Greg Glassman
One athlete who best portrays and explains how he has adapted between the ears from CrossFit is Chris Spealler. The 3rd place 2010 CF Games finisher and winner of the Spirit of the Games Award sat down for a video interview with SicFit about his experiences in the past few Games and how he has changed his mental approach to believe in his ability, not define himself through his numbers or performances, and be content with his effort and desire to better himself both mentally, physically, and spiritually. Videos below.
Excerpt below from The Fire Inside by Web Smith on the CrossFit Journal
“The Spealler interview, he takes us through the reflection and perspectives that helped him finally achieve his podium finish in 2010. What you will see is an athlete with laser focus and unparalleled humility. A Christian from an early age, Spealler discusses how this past year he was finally able to be at peace with his ability. At the CrossFit-USAW Open, I was able to closely observe his pre-competitive ritual, and that inner peace was apparent. There was no adrenaline boost or an outward showing of emotion. Rather, he glanced at his wife and newborn, smiled and carried on. Consistently, they were reminders of his peace. And just as consistently, Spealler got the weight overhead.”
Chris Spealler Interview with SicFit: