As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes:
400m Run
Max Rep Pull-ups
Run first then perform max rep pull-ups. Touching the ground or contact with a box (if performing assisted pull-ups) terminates the round and starts the next run.
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Laura takes a sunset spin:
Quote of the Day #1: “What kind of penalty is this?” ~ Cristin unhappy after running a 400m lap during “Nicole”
Quote of the Day #2: “You are going to have to over do it once in awhile. You WILL meet the honey badger. He WILL destroy you if you don’t have a plan.” ~ Kelly Starrett
“Nicole” is a benchmark WOD that crushes the forearms and makes it feel like you are running with two tree trunks tied to your shoulders. As your grip fails and the mind keeps racing the clock, you wonder how you are possibly going to get the next round of pull-ups without falling off the bar. The run is truly a penalty as it either sucks away time or forces you to run so fast that the heart is beating out of your chest as you come back to the bar. Do you practice your math skills while you run the 400m, constantly trying to pick what to target each round to get to your goal? What pull-up strategy do you use in this one? Do you hang on for dear life and eke out rep after rep? Or once you get to fatigue do you choose to drop and run fast? Whatever method you chose today, remember it and next time try the opposite.
CF Games Open Update:
Friday night at 5pm and 7pm and Saturday at 11am we will have judges available for the Open 11.3 WOD. Plan accordingly for a time to crush this WOD for the first time or want another go at it!
Prep for the Open with these Mobility WOD’s:
“Khalipa’s History with the Heavy Squat Clean Thruster” with Open Workout 11.3 – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov – Download Only]