"Ton of Ten"

Main Class WOD “Ton of Ten”:

For time:

10 Power Clean (95#/65#)
10 Burpees
10 Push Jerk
10 Burpees
10 Clean and Jerk
10 Burpees
10 Push Jerk
10 Burpees
10 Power Clean


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Rona pushing hard

Affiliate Team WOD “A Sh*t Ton of Ten“:

For time:

10 Power Clean (135#/95#)
10 Burpees
10 Push Jerk
10 Burpees
10 Clean and Jerk
10 Burpees
10 Push Jerk
10 Burpees
10 Power Clean


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M Coaching

Great barbell workout today with a focus on power cleans and push jerks. We are seeing significant improvement in developing both movements for many of you. Congrats to Ryan who also joined the muscle-up club! After the WOD while everyone was talking the room quickly was surprised to see him completing the lockout on his first ever muscle-up. After another which I missed on camera, I was able to get him to give it one more try to take some pictures. Talk about a quick learner, he just went through learning the progressions on these last week! And only two weeks ago Ryan did “Murph” as one of his first WOD’s. 

Ryan and his muscle-up:

Ryan 1st Muscle-up

Moe is currently halfway through her Level 1 Certification this weekend. I was able to get down tonight to see her PR “Fran” in 8:30 during the mass workout at the end of the day. It was inspiring and fun to say the least. I will post some pics of her tomorrow. Huge congrats to you and way to shatter your previous best by almost 3 minutes!


CF Games 2010 News: The SD and AZ Sectionals announced their Sectional WOD’s. Interesting to say the least! The Midwest Sectionals kicked off officially this weekend. Let the Games begin!

Power Hour

Strength WOD:

Power Clean


AMRAP (As Many Rds. As Possible) for 12 Minutes of:

5 Power Cleans (95#/65#)
10 Jumping Lunges (2 Count)
15 AbMat Sit-ups


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Congrats to Bridget, Travis and Jorge who completed their 100th WOD tonight at SRCF! They earned their right to get a shirt (which we are submitting the order for)! We are all proud of you for hitting this milestone.

100 WOD Club

Moe, Jim C., and Sherry powering through (Love the stink eye from Jim):

Moe_Jumping Lunges Stink Eye Cheer for Mom

Today I happened to walk by a “gym”. I was at the downtown replica of Rodeo Drive (otherwise known as The Bravern) for work and as I was leaving figured I would stop in and check out this place called David Barton Gym. I walked in and promptly felt like I should order a martini and look for the DJ. As I regained my senses and walked through a weird entryway towards the desk I started feeling a little ill as the walls curve like a skateboard ramp while the music thumps and candles flicker. Pushing the fight or flight response aside I felt I needed to see what the “gym” really was like. After way too long of a talk at the front desk with the Beverly Hills 90210 cast I was “allowed” to “quickly take a look” rather than sign up for the tour. It didn’t take me long to realize that this place is a total disgrace to the word “gym”. Staff members wearing T Shirts that say “Look Better Naked” and zero emphasis on creating an environment of fitness. Lighting so dim it had to be a nightclub. Oversized contemporary couches  and chairs scattered throughout the workout area and chandeliers dangling. People plodding through routines on machine after machine. After briefly considering doing burpees for time I hurriedly left and drove as fast as I could to our box. After a brief trail run I was able to do a Squat Snatch WOD and PR my one rep max between observing two classes of high intensity suck-fest taught by two fabulous coaches (Michelle and Moe). Now that is what I call a gym. But I am a little biased…


We are totally stoked that Moe officially ran her first class tonight at SnoRidge! It was far from her first time running a CF class (she has been a trainer at Gravity Jane’s for over a year) and tonight she hit it out of the box! I also have to say it was really cool watching and learning from another coach and trainer. She will run next Thursday’s 7pm WOD as well.  Then starting 2/16 she will be teaching a new 6am WOD every Tuesday and Thursday for those crazy enough for CrossFit that early in the morning! 

Are you competing in the Sectionals? Are you one the fence? Are you scared or worried about whether you should have registered? Go read “An Open Letter to All CrossFitters in Queensland“, an article directed to Aussies but applicable to CF’ers worldwide. This addresses the most common questions with some great advice around competing in events. It will make you better, it will give you focus, it will push you farther than you expect. The CrossFit community is supportive. It is filled with people just like you who know that you cheer more for the person who finishes last than the person who finishes first. We support and admire honest effort, plain and simple.

"CF Football Gone Bad"

Compete 3 Rounds of 1 Minute of max reps of each of the following exercises:

Thrusters (95#/65#)
Box Jumps (20″) 
Row (For Calories)
* Rest 1 minute between rounds


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Moe making the most of her rest minute:


Like “Fight Gone Bad” and “Annie Are You Okay?”, this WOD provides 18 minutes of max heartburn. How do you rank this against the other two? For me the other two are tougher but not by much more. “Annie Are You Okay?” is just pure brutality and the worst of the three. What did you think of this variant? Post to comments.



In only 24 hours since registration opened, there are 110 teams registered for the CF Games Affiliate Cup Qualifiers at their respective Regionals. It’s a good thing we registered our Affiliate team! There is now a wait list!

Here’s several reasons you should consider taking Fish Oil as a source of Omega 3 fatty acids.

A Study Finds Mental Benefit of Fish Oil

Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Fish Oil, Alpha-linolenic Acid

Fish Oil Benefits

Got Goals?

For time:

10 Strict Pull-ups
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
8 Strict Pull-ups
40 Wall Balls
6 Strict Pull-ups
30 Wall Balls
4 Strict Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls 
2 Strict Pull-ups
10 Wall Balls


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Pat proves he’s superhuman simply by willing the medicine ball into the air:

Pat Superhuman

Pat Deadhang Pull-ups Fran WB 

Anyone ready to set some goals? We have plenty of opportunities for you all in the coming days, weeks and months ahead. Set them now, write them down, and start working towards them. 

  • This Friday 2/5 will be the lululemon Trunk Show for you ladies as well as a goal-setting discussion led by the lululemon staff and Michelle. 
  • On Friday 2/12  at 6:30pm we will have our nutrition discussion with CFHQ’s Todd Widman to kick off our next Paleo Challenge. 
  • 7 week Paleo Challenge starts on Saturday 2/13 with weigh-in’s, before pictures and buy-in’s.
  • CF Games Northwest Sectional Qualifiers are coming at the end of February, with the Northwest Regionals and Affiliate Team Qualifiers in May. We will be selecting our team of 6 to represent the box in April.
  • The St. Patty’s Day 5k run is 3/13 here in Snoqualmie Ridge.
  • The Cinco De Mayo 1/2 Marathon and 8k run is on 5/1 in downtown Snoqualmie.
  • We are working with Lucy and Rob to hold another Rowing Class in March. This will be similar to the last class and will focus on proper technique, form, and strategy on the erg.
  • 100 WOD T-Shirts are now designed and will be available to purchase (at a discount) should you earn one! WOD’s must be completed in the box (garage counts).
  • Double-Under Challenge: Starting this week through the end of February, attempt to beat your max reps consecutive double-unders each week. Practice them all week post WOD and then pick the time of your choosing to go for your new max in one attempt. 
  • Push-up Challenge: Starting this Saturday perform 5 push-ups. Add 5 each day until the end of the month. (i.e. 5 Sat., 10 Sun., 15 Mon., etc.) Break them up throughout the day if needed. Make-up rules apply like the burpee challenge.

And this is only the beginning! We have a whole year ahead of us!

If these races, discussions, classes, challenges and even shirts don’t give you enough motivation, then watch the below video from King 5 Evening Magazine and see an example of how committing yourself to CrossFit and good nutrition can change your life. 


Overreaching vs. Overtraining

Burpees…then rest. Get going and do all 47 of them. Then post to comments if you are still in.

Jim C. has his own action figure. That is big time!

Jim C Action Figure  Jim C_DL

New challenge: Find another action figure for someone in the gym!

Today’s topic:

Overreaching vs. overtraining. It’s vital to understand what both are before you diagnose yourself incorrectly. It’s also vital to knowing what these are to proactively work on prevention so as to not impact your training and decrement your physical and mental work capacity. It’s all about progress and if you are not sure what these two terms are you can easily go from overreaching to inevitably overtraining. I say avoid it so you can be on the path for making PR’s and gains.

First the definitions:

Overreaching: An accumulation of training and/or non-training stress resulting in a short-term decrement in performance capacity with or without related physiological and psychological signs and symptoms of overtraining in which restoration of performance capacity may take from several days to several weeks.

Overtraining: An accumulation of training and/or non-training stress resulting in a long-term decrement in performance capacity with or without related physiological and psychological signs and symptoms of overtraining in which restoration of performance capacity may take from several weeks to several months.

Overreaching is okay, it can be dealt with, it can usually be mitigated with proper rest and recovery, proper training balance and recognizing and avoiding overtraining scenarios. It’s listening to your body. I would argue if you aren’t flirting with overreaching from time to time you won’t ever recognize your athletic potential. If you want peak performance, you have to push near that zone. It’s NOT the same though as coming into the gym and doing a couple intense workouts a week so you are sore and tired and doing little to nothing else. That is okay and that will put you on the path to progress, but combine it with some frequency, consistency and proper nutrition and you will watch the results come.

Overtraining is usually a combination over time of poor sleep, high volume training, very frequent high intensity workouts, poor nutrition (both sustained and pre and post WOD), using too much overload (way to high of a weight or rep count), and external mental and physiological stressors. The key is over time. You can cycle through periodization. Increasing training volume, type, intensity and load consistently and then tapering to properly recover prior to an event is smart and logical training methodology. It can lead to performance gains and new PR’s. Not resting properly as you go is not so smart.

Most people won’t experience this if their training volume is low to moderate. To make physiological progress you must play with progression, overload and recovery. Without repeatedly breaking down and building up your body for days, weeks, and months you will not make any necessary progress. However if you don’t factor in nutrition and rest then you are taking two steps back for each step forward. If you are feeling any of the following symptoms, then manage a rest day. Or two. Some prefer three days on, one day off with either little or very low intensity exercise on a rest day. Some do four on, one off, two on, one off. I recommend trying back to back days as a minimum. Make at least one of those rest days a true rest if you are going hard at it. Frequency, intensity, and consistency are keys to success, but balance is needed. Being sore isn’t a reason to not work out, feeling tired after a long day isn’t either, but feeling it consistently and being run down? Going on that 4th day and not “feeling it”? Take a rest.

Here are some symptoms of overtraining to look out for:

  • Constant feeling of fatigue, lack of motivation
  • Lack of or inability to sleep
  • Poor nutrition or lack of hunger
  • Decreased performance
  • Increase of illness
  • Mood changes
  • Increased incidence of injury
  • Extreme soreness

As Coach Glassman stated in this CF Journal article, the WOD is designed to tax the fittest of people. That is why we scale movement, load, quantity and intensity. It’s individually modified to fit you to measure your progress. Be smart and gain consistency before going like a junkyard dog with too much weight and poor form. As you improve your skill, technique and fitness level you will naturally amp up the intensity.

CrossFit works because it constantly drives physiological and neuromuscular adaptation, pushes your limits, forces you to not “go through the motions”. It mixes it up, keeps it fresh, and even exercises your mind. It makes exercise what it should be, tough yet fun. What sounds better? Hitting PR’s, learning and improving new skills, making gains, getting faster and stronger OR feeling lethargic, constantly fatigued, weaker, struggling constantly at not only learning new skills but improving on weaknesses, and increased risk of injury? The answer is obvious but overtraining is serious and something to be aware of. So be smart, have fun and know when to rest. 

Enjoy that rest day, eat well, get some sleep, spend some time doing something else fun. Looks like I need my own advice! But first those burpees…


Only 9 days into the new year and Rona achieved one of her 2010 Resolutions! Yesterday she performed 10 consecutive push-ups RX’d. Congratulations and we look forward to watching Rona (and the rest of you) cross off more and more! Here it is in her own words:

“I wanted to let you know that I got my first New Years resolution marked off my list. I did 10 push-up RX (on my toes) today. We finally had a workout that my arms weren’t jello afterward as I decided today was the day. I went form being able to do 3 push-ups on Jan 1st then 4, 5, 8 and today I made 10. The baby was asleep and no one else was home so I video taped it. I needed a record. I made Rob watch it when he got home. Sorry guys but you both are going to have to watch it too. :)”

Affiliate Cup Competition 2010 Update: Read the latest update on rules for the 2010 Affiliate Cup Qualifiers at the Regionals. The top 6 teams from our Northwest Regionals in May will be eligible to advance. Competition will be fierce. We will have our own selection process prior to Regionals that will be open only to our current Affiliate “Team Squatch” that is in training. We will choose 6 total athletes for the team. Details will be published later but rest assured it will be both an objective and subjective process that includes at least 6 WOD’s and some individual max effort/skill tests that cover all 10 components of fitness, as well as a subjective evaluation by your coaches.


For Time:

1000m Row 
50 Thrusters (45#/33#)
30 Pull-ups


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Day 44 of the Burpee Challenge. As I type this I realized that I forgot to finish them at the gym. Be right back…

…and done! Whew! Only 6 days to go.

The night crew getting really serious about this WOD:

Pre WOD Preparation

Goof Offs

Who likes Jackie? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller… Bueller? This one looks easy to some before trying it that first time and then you get off the rower and realize right then that the Earth isn’t flat and the moon isn’t made of cheese. The forearm burn from this one is similar to Fran and even Bridget got the dreaded “Fran cough” afterwards. Which also reminds me that Jim C. sent something he found on the CrossFit.com forum regarding the cough that was pretty interesting. To counter that post super-intense WOD cough, try to continue right after the WOD to move and work at a mild intensity to decrease the effect. Do some sit-ups or squats or jog a 200m if you can summon the willpower. I’ll try it next time so I don’t hack like a smoker.

Here’s a video on “Jackie” of some of the CrossFit HQ Training Staff vs. Greg Amundson AKA the “Original CrossFitter”:

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Oh and if you think you need a rest day, then you probably need a rest day. That’s a future topic to address but rest and recovery is as important as intense training and nutrition. Overtraining will get you nowhere fast.


Post to comments if you are attending the 10am or 11am Saturday class. First 8 fills the 10am. For the Affiliate team plan to come Saturday at 9am.

Do you want to get better at Olympic Lifting? We are able to get 12 people into a hour and half session at Thrush Sports Performance Center in Sumner WA on January 16th at 3:30pm. TSPC is a first class Olympic Lifting gym that has hosted basic clinics for CrossFitters on ways to improve their O Lifts. The session will be led by John Thrush and his staff and focus on the various cleans, front squat, jerk and snatch and correcting form. Both Michelle and I have been able to attend and felt the instruction was beneficial and translated to better technique. Cost is $75 per person payable to them. There are only 6 spots left so post to comments if you are attending. Six spots have been filled by our affiliate team already (Lucy, Lorri, Travis, Curtis, Jeremy, and Jim C.) so let us know if you want in for sure.

Shirts are in so if you ordered them come get them. If you want one and missed out we will be submitting an order for more shirts with the Brutal Fun design and including hoodies and thermals. We also have some extra “Squatch Swing” shirts from this order.

Bonnie has volunteered to be our Affiliate Team “Mom” or “Pit Crew” for the upcoming sectionals. She will be using my spectator spot. If you are planning to compete be sure to thank her for being willing to put up with all of us b*tching and moaning about two days of WOD’s! Also if you are registered but are not using your free spectator spot please let us know.

Happy New Year! Now write your goals!

Day 38 of the Burpee Challenge. Happy New Year!

Do your burpees and then stretch.


New Year’s Resolutions:

It’s that time. The start of a new year. The time when most of us vow to do something we have put off, something we have always wanted to do or talked about doing. It’s that time when hope is eternal and the possibilities of the coming year are filling our minds of ideas and goals we want to achieve. It’s the time of the resolution. I have to say I personally am not one for New Year’s resolutions as I think when its time to set a goal you should set it and start marching towards it rather than waiting year after year. 3-2-1 Go or Just Do It seem to make much more sense to me. However not everything in today’s world is instant, most things take time, a plan, and a path. They take commitment and hard work and dedication. For that I say the New Year’s Resolution is perfect. 

So what are your goals for the gym? Is it losing weight, changing your nutrition habits, running a race, getting a muscle-up or pull-up, or competing in an event? Is it completing a WOD as RX’d, setting a PR, lifting a certain weight or learning that long sought after movement or technique? Maybe you want to get on the Leaderboard, or best a time in something you did before or learn a new sport or get better in one you play now. Well, now is the time to commit to it. Write it (or them) down. Either in your book at the gym or on the goals board. Writing your goals down means you have to either start to work towards them, erase them, or stare at them all year. Take the first step and write them down, no matter how ambitious, then make sure you keep coming in and let’s get you closer to crossing each one off. 

Here are some of mine for this year: get out on a snowboard, run a half, PR a 5k, compete in the Sectionals, field and compete with our team for the Regionals, get 30 muscle-ups for time in under 5:29, beat Michelle in max consecutive double-unders, get a CF Gymnastics certification, break a 1000 for my CrossFit Total, PR my deadlift, and most importantly continue to grow our box, have fun and watch this community get fitter and fitter. Now its your turn, if you have any you want to declare then post to comments. 


Here is a CF Journal preview video of Mikko Salo documentary where he is training and completing Chest to Bar “Fran”. This workout was one of the 2008 Games WOD’s. It was 95# thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups (21-15-9 reps each). He does this in a mind blowing time that is faster than most of the fastest Fran times (which is normally regular pull-ups). Note how clean his reps are and how consistent his form is. What’s more amazing is at the end he not only doesn’t seem winded, but two of the reps were not counted and he had to repeat them. I can truly understand how he won the 2009 Games. He exudes willpower.

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Oh Squat!

Strength WOD:

Overhead Squat 

Immediately After:
Max Effort
1000 Meter Row


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Day 22 of the Burpee Challenge. It continues…

Steph_OH Squat

Steph gets comfortable in the bottom position. Note that she has good active shoulders, her lumbar curve is maintained, and her head is level. Great progress on the overhead squat today. Everyone hit a PR! Remember to force those knees to track out towards the toes, stay back on your heels and hold that breath to keep your core tight. Most importantly ensure you practice stretching. As you gain flexibility that “uncomfortable” spot at the bottom position that Michelle helped you find will become comfortable. If you can get comfortable you can support a lot overhead.

1K Max Effort Row:

1K Row_Sherry_Mark_ Dan

 Lucy and Rob would have been proud!

Upcoming events in the New Year:

I talked with Lucy about doing another rowing clinic in either January or February. Let us know if you are interested. We likely would limit the number of people to maximize rowing time. 

Sectional Qualifiers in February for the 2010 CF Games will be at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds. If interested talk to us, our affiliate team likely will field some competitors. It’s even fun as a spectator!

Speaking of the Games, we will have a 2009 CF Games movie day (or night) at the gym. Drinking and watching CrossFit, it doesn’t get any better.

A second Paleo Challenge is on the menu in the New Year. This one will have a few tweaks based on some excellent inputs and guidance from CF Seattle. We may even partner with Chef By Request for some Paleo discussion and samples.

Olympic Lifting Coaching Session to be conducted at Thrush Sports Performance Center in Sumner. It will be in either Jan. or Feb. The session will focus on the clean, jerk and snatch and proper O-Lifting basics. Michelle and I both attended similar sessions and came away with a lot of great technique improvements and areas to work on. We will fill spots with those trying out for the affiliate team first but after that will open the remaining spots to anyone. 

Don’t forget starting the last Wednesday of this month we will start our monthly 4 Way WOD Challenge with CrossFit Advantage, Outer Edge CrossFit, Local’s Gym and us. This challenge will rotate each month with one box picking the WOD for all four gyms to conduct on that day. 

Details on all of these events to come! Any other ideas let us know.

Upcoming CF Certs:

Moe is going to CrossFit Level 1 Cert in Feb., Michelle is going to CF Olympic Lifting Cert in Mar., and I will be attending the CF Gymnastics Cert in April. CF Kids is also still planned but timing, logistics and location are a big factor. We’ll keep checking the calendar.

"Annie Are You Okay?"

For Time:

21/15/9 reps of the following exercises:
Row (For Calories)
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53#/35#)
Thrusters (95#/65#)
Medicine Ball Clean (20#/14#)
Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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Quote of the Day: 

Me: “What did you think of the WOD?” Mike: “I don’t remember half of it.”

Annie are you OK? Mike_SDHP

We killed Sherry

Annie is NOT okay. She sucks. I don’t like her. This was like Annie meets Fight Gone Bad and Annie won. This WOD will go on the Leaderboard. It earned its place. Six exercises of hip extension made for a heart pounder and sapped the strength right out of you. Transitioning from each exercise you quickly realize you don’t get a break unless you allow yourself one. Your legs are screaming, your heart is pounding and your mind is saying “F this!”. This one was a mental exercise as well. Post your thoughts on this WOD to comments.

Everyone should feel good about completing a tough one to start the week. Plus you got to count your burpees today in the WOD towards the Burpee Challenge since we know practically no one did their Sunday burpees. So be honest, catch up and get on track. 

Today is Day 19 of the Burpee Challenge! (Yesterday was 18 hint, hint…)


Bad Christmas sweaters are the requirement this Saturday’s WOD! We will have a pre-WOD sweater contest and the unanimous winner will get a prize! Put on your jingle-bells and get in the gym.

We are working with some local CF Affiliates in the area (Local’s Gym (Lynwood CF), Outer Edge CF, and CrossFit Advantage) to have a monthly WOD challenge between our gyms. We will rotate once a month with each gym picking a WOD that all of us will do on the same day and then compare results. Get ready! Details to come.

The Complete 2009 CF Games videos are being released one part a day. They are well done. Michelle and I watched Pt. 1 last night on the Trail Run Event and it made us realize how much fun we really had watching it last summer. Check it out and consider a CF Journal subscription. Part 1 is even a free download.