"Annie Are You Okay?"

For Time:

21/15/9 reps of the following exercises:
Row (For Calories)
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53#/35#)
Thrusters (95#/65#)
Medicine Ball Clean (20#/14#)
Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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Quote of the Day: 

Me: “What did you think of the WOD?” Mike: “I don’t remember half of it.”

Annie are you OK? Mike_SDHP

We killed Sherry

Annie is NOT okay. She sucks. I don’t like her. This was like Annie meets Fight Gone Bad and Annie won. This WOD will go on the Leaderboard. It earned its place. Six exercises of hip extension made for a heart pounder and sapped the strength right out of you. Transitioning from each exercise you quickly realize you don’t get a break unless you allow yourself one. Your legs are screaming, your heart is pounding and your mind is saying “F this!”. This one was a mental exercise as well. Post your thoughts on this WOD to comments.

Everyone should feel good about completing a tough one to start the week. Plus you got to count your burpees today in the WOD towards the Burpee Challenge since we know practically no one did their Sunday burpees. So be honest, catch up and get on track. 

Today is Day 19 of the Burpee Challenge! (Yesterday was 18 hint, hint…)


Bad Christmas sweaters are the requirement this Saturday’s WOD! We will have a pre-WOD sweater contest and the unanimous winner will get a prize! Put on your jingle-bells and get in the gym.

We are working with some local CF Affiliates in the area (Local’s Gym (Lynwood CF), Outer Edge CF, and CrossFit Advantage) to have a monthly WOD challenge between our gyms. We will rotate once a month with each gym picking a WOD that all of us will do on the same day and then compare results. Get ready! Details to come.

The Complete 2009 CF Games videos are being released one part a day. They are well done. Michelle and I watched Pt. 1 last night on the Trail Run Event and it made us realize how much fun we really had watching it last summer. Check it out and consider a CF Journal subscription. Part 1 is even a free download. 

Rest, Play and Games

Quote of the Day: “CrossFit for Curtis is like his daycare.” ~ Deb

This pic says it all. Take the day off. Go for a run or just play. Or do both!

Chase Curtis


Today is Day 18 of the Burpee Challenge. We didn’t forget, neither should you. Get caught up and get ’em done.

Click here for Northwest Sectional and Regionals information on the 2010 CF Games. Our Affiliate Cup Team training has begun! We have 9 of you joining Michelle and I for putting together our team for the Games qualifiers. Over the next several months we will all train, sweat, compete, collapse and maybe even puke together. We will whittle the team to a core of 6 as we get closer to the Regionals but the journey will be what is most important. Our hope is this effort will help raise everyone’s fitness level throughout SRCF over the coming months while building even greater teamwork, community and friendships in the box. We are excited to start the a$$-kickings!

I have asked each of those trying for the team to pick three weaknesses each month and diligently focus on them pre and post-WOD. I would encourage all of you to do this as it will add to your general fitness and make you more well rounded. Add them to your warm-up or spend some time after the WOD. Whether it’s more stretching, handstands, pull-ups, box jumps, med ball cleans, lifting technique, or rowing we can all find things we should get better at. Even grabbing a PVC pipe and focusing on what seems like the little things such as stance, grip and position for each of the lifts will pay huge dividends down the road. We should never stop learning! That goes double for Michelle and I as your trainers.

Flickr Album from the “Lakewood 4”:


Pull-ups Plus A Penalty

~ Quote from Jeremy during the air squat “penalty”: “Can I go back to pull-ups?”.

Every minute on the minute complete 1 pull-up adding a pull-up each consecutive minute until you can no longer complete the required number in the given minute (Ex. 1 pull-up the 1st minute, 2 the 2nd minute, 3 the 3rd, etc.)  

Continue to 20 minutes. If you are no longer able to complete the required number of pull-ups perform 20 Air Squats each minute up to 20.


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Day 15 of the Burpee Challenge!


This WOD was brought to you by Curtis and his recent visit to Diablo CrossFit. The “squat penalty” was an interesting twist for an EMOM (Every Min. on the Minute) WOD. It was a nice deterrent to dropping off the bar and calling it good on pull-ups. Special note today on this WOD, Curtis PR’d this after doing this last week at Diablo by a round plus. Better yet Sherry got 9 rounds plus 8 pull-ups after just learning kipping pull-up a couple weeks ago! That’s 53 pull-ups!

This video never gets old. Check out Chris Spealler’s Quest for 100 pull-ups on the CrossFit Journal. Unbroken!


Tonight Mike brought up a statistic that peaked our interest. It was the stunning effects of 1 pound of weight loss on the knee joint. A study from 2005 found that for every one pound lost, there is a four pound reduction in knee joint load. “For people losing 10 pounds, each knee would be subjected to 48,000 pounds less in compressive load per mile walked.” Lose a few pounds and save your joints too!

CrossFit Games 2010 site is live!

Bring a hat and gloves tomorrow for Friday’s WOD. It might be chilly…

Don started Elements tonight and finished “Baseline” as RX’d:


Run and Row

4 Rounds for Time:

400m Run

50 Squats

500m Row


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Day 8 of the Burpee Challenge!

Lots of push and pull this week so today was a focus on legs and cardio-respiratory endurance. This WOD was originally four rounds. Then we debated and eventually I convinced Michelle to make it three! So next time you do a killer WOD don’t automatically think “F’ing Tom”…

Bruce rowing hard:

Bruce Rowing Hard

Coming very soon: The CrossFit Games 2010 website is going to launch in a week or so. Also the Complete 2009 CrossFit Games story. Stay tuned! We will buy/download the movies and then hold a movie night (or a few) over the Holidays. Think of it as the 12 WOD’s of Christmas. Hey now there’s an idea…

Affiliate Cup Stadium WOD highlight video from the 2009 Games [wmv] [mov]


Reminder: The Lumberjack 20 Hero WOD is this Saturday at 10am, 11am, and 12pm. All money raised goes directly to the families and victims of the tragic shootings at Ft. Hood, TX in November. Please consider a donation and take the time to think about how we can all support Ft. Hood.

On Dec. 8th and 9th (Tuesday and Wednesday), Papa John’s is donating 100% of the proceeds from all their pizza sales in the Greater Puget Sound area to the families of the slain Lakewood police officers. Buy a pizza, have a “paleo-free dinner” and know that the money raised on behalf of the officer’s families will help in some small way. Orders may be placed either by phone or online for delivery or carry-out.  Please help honor these four officers for their ultimate sacrifice as they placed themselves in danger’s way without question to protect and serve our communities.

We also will be participating in a memorial WOD and fundraiser on behalf of the Lakewood Police officers that is scheduled for Dec. 12th. More details to come but please consider it. Memorials are necessary, they are never fun.


That’s pretty much how we feel after getting the mats in this afternoon. We had quite a late start but Michelle and I were able to get the mats down this afternoon. For time! Thanks to all of you who offered to help and don’t worry we will call you on it next week when we hopefully are moving equipment. That way the two of us don’t kill one another!

Matting the floor
Post Mat Photo Op
Tomorrow we will be test subjects (AKA guinea pigs) for the CrossFit Level 2 Certification at Rainier CrossFit. We will be helping as some of the people that other coaches will be using as “clients” to teach the foundational movements  to pass their test. These are the same movements that you all learned in Elements.
Check out a short video previewing the comeback of 2008 CF Games champion Jason Khalipa in this year’s Games. After finishing close to dead last in the 1st WOD (72nd place after a 7.2km trail run from Hell), he battled back to finish in 5th place!

[wmv] [mov]

Go Pound Sand

In a team of two complete the following workout.

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Sandbag Clean and Jerk (50#/32#)
500m Sandbag Trail Run (50#/32#)
  1. Trail run is a 250m trail with a steep climb up and 250m back down   
  2. First 2 rounds team members alternate. (One goes while one rests)
  3. Third round both team members complete the C&J, then run together with one sandbag. Both finish together. 

Final day of our “Week of the Games”. This was inspired by WOD#3 (Sandbag Hill Sprint) of the CrossFit Games. Today was all about getting out of our comfort zone and truly varying our training. Using the techniques we learn in the gym with practical application is what we train for. Heaving sandbags and hauling them up hills is functional fitness. Plus it’s just fun. 

Big thanks to Rob for kid duty and Curtis for photographer duties after his WOD. 

This week was really fun for us programming workouts that followed the CF Games. It provided some new opportunities for all of us to mix it up a bit. Stay tuned to our next challenge soon!
The Race is On Lucy telling us what she thinks of the WOD
WOD Highlights:


Stadium Chipper

Day 5 WOD of our “Week of the Games” was the Affiliate Cup Stadium Workout. Check the link for video highlights from the CrossFit Games of this WOD. 

For Time:
30 Wallballs (20#/14#)
300m Row (or 200m Run)
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#) *53 lb. clarification for Gregg
30 Dumbbell Push Press (40#/25#)
30 Deadlift (225#/135#)


(Whiteboard asterisk: Curtis says was due to an advantage of having a “fan” in the heat)

As far as chipper’s go this was relatively quick (sub 20 minutes for everyone). It was not easy however. Great WOD that progressively got more challenging as it wore on. Thanks to Curtis for sticking around, making fun of my socks (Skins) and coaching his coaches through it! 

Meet at the gym tomorrow at 10AM for the Saturday WOD. It will be our final workout to close out the Week of the Games. Bring your running shoes and prepare for some friendly team competition.

Slideshow of the chipper:


The Triplet

Day 4 of our “Week of the Games Inspired WOD’s”. This was WOD #7 and featured parallette handstand push-ups, heavy kettlebell swings and GHD Sit-ups. We modified it and extended the time and it worked well. Only two more days!

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 15 Minutes of:

4 Push-ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (54#/35#)
12 AbMat Sit-ups


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Amanda knocks out her first push-ups as RX’d:
Amanda Push-ups Rx'd
This WOD allowed for jumping to the next level either in push-ups, a heavier kettlebell, or both. With a short rep count it allowed for several people to make that next progression. 

A few notable highlights from today:
Congrats to Amanda for her first RX’d WOD and moving to full push-ups, Leigh and Lorri completed their first class WOD, and Jorge for moving to a heavier KB. Everyone seemed to like this one as it allowed for speed, progress and pushing to an all out race to keep piling on the rounds. It also was bearable considering the heat.

One other note. On the right hand side of the page is a link to the Snoqualmie Railroad Days Run. Click and register if you haven’t yet.

Sherry demo’ing broad jumps as part of movement prep:
Broad Jump_Sherry

"Blue Collar Workout"

Week of the Games Day 3:
Inspired by the CF Games 2009 WOD #4 by the same name. Instead of sledgehammers and a 4 ft. spike we subbed in ball slams.

For Time:

500m Row
100m Sprint
100 Ball slams (20#/14#)
100m Sprint
500m Row


Ball Slam_Lucy and Bridget Ball Slam_Lyndi
Slam and Row_Rob and Jim Ball Slam_Jorge and Jana

The med ball slam subbed as a sledgehammer. The sprint kept the heart rate up after the row and simulated running with the hammer to pound in the stake. The competitive spirit certainly came out today. It was nice seeing some of you go head to head while cheering each other on. Big props to Jorge edging out his fiance Jana by a second. Every second counts!

We have 10 plus people signed up for the 5k Snoqualmie Railroad Days Race. We suspect some more of you and also a few friends from down south will join us. Potluck BBQ at the house afterwards. Make sure you register for the run! Run details can be found here.

Trail Run and Deadlift Ladder

Day 2 of our “Week of the Games”. This WOD was our take on WOD#1 and #2 in Aromas. Our version featured a shorter run. We did throw in the brutal heat, and the deadlift ladder afterwards with minimal rest working towards your one rep max (1RM).

For Time:
2 mile Trail Run (2 loops 1600m, plenty of small hills, and one log obstacle on the trail)

* Rest approximately 5 minutes after the run and complete:

Deadlift Ladder
  1. Take 1 minute rest between rounds to load bar.
  2. Progressively add weight to get to your 1RM. 


Deb and Adriana on the trail loop:
Trail Run
Jim on his way to 325#:
Jim DL Ladder
Today we mixed it up. The run was new. The trail was a challenge and capping it off with some heavy deadlifts was different. It gave us all some new perspective on the Games 7.2km trail run and 20 bar deadlift ladder workouts.

Everyone pulled a good amount of weight and kept their form. No rounded backs and strong PR’s all around. Before we know it you’ll all be crushing these numbers.