Death By Clean and Jerk

With a continuously running clock perform 1 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#) the first minute, 2 Clean and Jerks the second minute, 3 Clean and Jerks the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and partial reps in the last round completed. 


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Canada Day WOD Results

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Intensity takes on many faces:

“Amanda concentrating on the clock”


“Justin concentrating on his Blue Steel look”


This WOD lives up to its name. After starting slow you suddenly find yourself racing the clock and as it adds up literally feels like death. Most underestimate this workout and overestimate the rounds they think they will get. To get to the later rounds you must overcome the voice screaming in your head to stop and just go after it with as high an intensity level as you can bring. I love these types of WOD’s because getting further along really demands an ability to move large loads fast and efficiently while also shutting out the pain. Getting that extra round means destruction, or at least having to really “go there”. 

Death by Clean and Jerk” with Mikko Salo, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Death by C and J 


Saturday schedule is normal. Post sign-ups for 10am or just come to the 11am class! Monday will be a 10am class for all. 

Read “High” by Lisbeth Darsh of CrossFit Watertown:

It should look like this. Wreckage. Destruction. Annihilation. After “Power Cindy” you should look like somebody just pistol-whipped you or shoved a needle in your vein. 

You should be wrecked. And if you’re not? 

Then your pacing was off, your intensity level was too low, your plan was too measured.

CrossFit, done right, is like taking drugs…

 (continue reading High“)

I can totally identify with this. Post your thoughts to comments.

"Fight Gone Neill"

5 Rounds of Max Effort for 1 Minute each of the following exercises:

Row (for Cal) 

WallBall (20#/14#)

Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)

Box Jump (20″)

Push Press (75#/55#)

Continuous clock with 1 minute rest between rounds.  On the call of “Rotate” quickly transition to the next exercise. Clock continues to advance. Score total reps per round and also overall total.

* Athlete can choose to complete 3 round version


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Quote of the day: “I forgot how bad this is.” ~ Curtis

Fight Gone Neill

Today’s WOD was a fundraiser for a fellow CrossFitter and his wife (Charles and Whitney N.) who are from Local’s Gym and in need of support.  Several boxes from the local Affiliate community banded together today to not only complete the Fight Gone Neill WOD (very close to Fight Gone Bad) but also to help raise some funds to defray their costs and make life a little better (see yesterday’s post). We were happy to pay it forward and thank you to all who came today and gave both money and sweat.



4th of July Weekend Schedule: Saturday class schedule is normal and class times will be 10am and 11am. Monday will be a short schedule due to the holiday and we will run classes at 10am for anyone and everyone.

The CF Games are coming! And we are going! We will be closing on July 16th,17th and the 19th. We will plan to post bodyweight WOD’s for all to do and encourage you to coordinate a group at the box or at the athletic fields by Cascade View Elementary.

Row and Run

3 Rounds For Time: 

500m Row
20 Pull-ups
400m Run


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Catch and Finish on the Rowers:

Rowing Catch and Pull Position

Curtis being, well…Curtis:

Curtis being Curtis

Tomorrow we are going to roll up our knee high socks and pitch in to help a fellow CrossFitter. Jesse from Local’s Gym (Lynnwood CrossFit) contacted us along with several area CF Affiliates and asked for our support for Charles and Whitney Neill. We are going to run the fundraiser WOD “Fight Gone Neill” and pass the hat for any monetary donations to Charles and his wife. Everything we raise (we will also make a gym contribution) we will ensure we get to Local’s to pass onto Charles. If you want to donate any amount please drop it in the cash box on the desk. If not we understand, simply completing the WOD is a show of support for our broader CF community.

Read on about Charles and Whitney (from Jesse Ward):

A lot of you know Charles from our gym (63 years old, muscle-ups like crazy and super freaky jacked) his wife Whitney has run into some serious trouble.

Over the past 20 years without her knowing it her aorta had grown in diameter from 3cm to 9cm (10cm day of surgery). Which is called an aneurism, these have a tendency to burst. Which is bad. Furthermore, her subclavian has two aneurysms. Her condition was discovered after a series of tests trying to uncover the source of odd “rib pain”. These two main arteries attach to the area of her pain. The week of these tests Whitney began to feel the effects. The doctors had her literally laying around for the past 8 weeks resting the rib (which was the previous diagnosis), which may have saved her life. The images told the doctors that Whitney’s situation was beyond anyone in Washington’s ability to operate. The Cleveland Heart Clinic according the all authorities is the best hospital in the nation for heart procedures. Whitney was air ambulanced (read: expensive plane ticket) to Ohio midnight Thursday for the 6 hour surgery. The graft procedure which for Whitney (because of how massive her aneurysm was) entailed opening the entire chest cavity breaking all her ribs in the process. Whitney will stay in the hospital and recover for two weeks before flying home for the second surgery to graft the subclavian aneurysms sometime in October. Her recovery will be quite long. The first surgery was a complete success. The doctors who performed the surgery are amazing and did their job fantastically under Whitney’s extreme condition.

Charles runs his own Contracting company, Pearl River Woodworks. He gets paid when he works on people’s houses, bathrooms, basements, etc. etc. Not really when he’s in Cleveland supporting his healing wife…

We’re raising money.  I’m asking for your help in supporting this inspirational family in their time of crisis.  We’re doing a different workout, with the hope of getting people to donate dime, quarter or a dollar each point to you the athlete to help keep Charles, Whitney and their daughter Georgia afloat.


5 rounds of max reps: 

Row (Calories)

Wall-ball (20#/14#) (Reps)

Kettlebell Swing (53#/35#) (Reps)

Box Jump (20″) (Reps)

Push-press (75#/55#) (Reps)

1 minute rest in between rounds

Penalty Swing

Every minute on the minute complete 5 Kettlebell Swings then perform max reps of overhead squats for the remainder of the minute. Continue with this rep scheme each minute repeating 5 KB Swings and max OH Squats until you total 100 reps of overhead squats. Post load and time.


5 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#) 
Max Rep Overhead Squat (95#/65#)

* If you cannot complete any OH Squats in a given minute you must complete your KB Swings and take a minute rest “time penalty” 

** Go RX + by choosing a heavier kettlebell


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White Boys Can OH Squat

Similar to our very own “Penalty Box“, this one is truly a non-stop penalty. Cooked up by Mark B., Moe and I last weekend we thought this WOD was just too good not to share with you all.


Everyone needs to watch this. Nadia from CrossFit Belltown crushes 100 pull-ups in 2:53 [wmv] [mov]

Nadia owns pull-ups. I still remember my Level 1 CrossFit Cert in 2008 where she was the demonstrator that made kipping look so graceful and easy (like every other movement that she does). She also taught Michelle the butterfly kip that Michelle taught me after her cert. I suspect one of these days we will be talking about a video of her doing 100 straight pull-ups.

Speaking of amazing feats, Pat rowed a 20k in 75 minutes 15 seconds on his “vacation”. That’s a pace of 1:52 per 500m! For over an hour! Also Autumn ran the Rock ‘N Roll Half Marathon this past weekend in 2:24! Great job to both of you.


The Overhead Squat from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

The Hierarchy of Elite Fitness…

Rest day today!

Fitness Pyramid

Each element is dependent on the foundation beneath it. If the foundation is not solid then all of the levels above it suffer.



Olympic Weightlifting:

Mike_Power Snatch Sequence - 3


Graham MU

Strength and Conditioning:

McGhee_Pat and Jim C


Paleo Meal

Of course don’t forget to stretch and rest!


Speaking of foundations, remember that the foundation of most functional movements is the air squat (press and deadlift being the others). Build a better air squat and your foundation will get stronger for lifts (like the front and back squat, thruster, clean, overhead squat, snatch) and exercises (such as wall balls, lunges, med ball cleans, box jumps, kettlebell swings, pistols).

CrossFit Park City Air Squat Instruction video

Jello Legs

5 Rounds For Time: 

50 Ft. Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges (45#/33#)
21 Burpees
* Let your trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge


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Quote of the day: “I pay for this?!” ~ Cathy mid burpee

Cathy and Jello Legs:

Jello Legs

What’s tougher than walking lunges? Overhead weighted walking lunges. What’s even worse than that? Adding burpees! This main site WOD is a classic hard hitter. Who’s quads are feeling happy?

Coaching tip: The Barbell OH Walking Lunge with Adriana 

OH Walking Lunge_Adriana

  • Barbell overhead in a wide grip (either snatch/OH grip or push press grip)
  • Active shoulders
  • Look straight ahead
  • Lunge forward, keeping knee behind the toe box
  • Trailing knee gently kisses the ground
  • Step long and through continuing this pattern
  • Rest in place with barbell on the ground; not continuing to walk forward

This fires me up! Watch “Death by Clean and Jerk” with Mikko Salo, CrossFit Journal Preview video [wmv] [mov]


Saturday schedule: “Awesome” practice will be held at 9am and 10am tomorrow. 9am is full, 10am is open! Come celebrate Moe’s birthday with a WOD…

Do you take Fish Oil? We are working with Barlean’s to get more info around pricing for group orders. Let us know if you are interested as they have great quality fish oil (both adults and kids). 

You asked for it! Literally! Want to know what is sugar or artificial sweetener? Or how it is cleverly marketed and packaged into what we eat? Want an easy list to identify them? Whole9 took the suggestion from our workshop (can’t remember who asked) and posted about it. Read Whole9’s “Sugar = Sugar = Sugar

Pulled Apart

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 Minutes of: 
200m Run
12 Pull-ups
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95#/65#)


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M Pulls:

M Sumos 

The sumo-deadlift high pull ideally develops powerful hip extension and strong shoulders and arms while training a proper deadlift body position (with wider stance) and balance and coordination. Focus on those cues to ensure proper execution and remember to extend those hips, immediately pull to under your chin, and finish with high elbows.

Good elbows Fran!



“You can’t fish oil your way out of a bad diet.” ~ Melissa Urban, Whole9

That said, here’s the Whole9 and Robb Wolf Fish Oil Calculator to determine how many you need to augment your nutrition and your health.

Here’s a link to the Whole9 blog post covering our workshop last week.

The Compound Crew and SRCF Trainer’s WOD today:

Trainer's WOD

Double Under Ladder

Strength WOD: 

Shoulder Press

Checkout WOD: 

For Time: 

Double-Under Ladder

* RX = Each set must be unbroken; snags mean set does not count
** Scaling: Either doing DU’s where snags or alternating singles-doubles counts or by doing single-unders 3:1


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Graham Pressing while Curtis completes “Kelly”:

Graham Press Curtis and %22Kelly%22

On the Double:

DU Ladder

Several of you have been practicing the double-under in our most recent challenge. Today was the chance to see how that has paid off. For those who haven’t it was still great practice working on this common weakness. This one starts easy but the cardio-respiratory endurance demand as well as the stamina required in the shoulders, forearms and legs quickly catches up right about the middle of the ladder. Not wasting sets with snags makes it a mental test as well. Even if you scaled and went with straight double-unders and attempts, this is still a tough one that forces you to learn better technique. It was great for me to watch both the late classes stick through it with their rope no matter how many snags it took. 

Quick shout outs: Sean for not only crushing the ladder, but also for PR’ing his max effort double-unders with 100 reps in a row yesterday! Michelle D., Curtis and Marc for deciding to share the pain together and make up “Kelly” from yesterday!


Saturday Schedule: Class time change this Saturday! WOD times are 0900 and 1000. Post sign-ups to comments. If an 1100 is needed we will accommodate but the plan is to run only the 0900 and 1000 times to then watch Team USA. This will be Moe’s birthday WOD!

Gym will be closed on July 16-17 (Friday/Saturday) and July 19th (Monday) due to all of your coaches traveling to the CrossFit Games.

The final WOD at the Canada Regionals [wmv] [mov]

Read “I Train…” from Practice CrossFit: Where or why do you train in a CF gym or garage?


5 Rounds For Time: 

400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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Kelly AKA “Suckfest”:

Kelly Box Jump Kelly Wall Balls

What do you write about this one? Other than it is hard, it is a WOD worthy of being called “epic”. It is one that goes on the list of “been there, done that, never again”. The big part about this benchmark girl WOD is that it helps put other workouts in perspective. Long WOD’s = intestinal fortitude. This quickly turns to simply chipping away one rep at a time, while your brain screams “enough” and your legs scream “stop”. It inspires everyone to coach, scream, and encourage one another to just get it done, and not quit.

What better way to bring in your 100th WOD? Sangeeta and Nan celebrated their 100th today with this memorable one.

Want proof of how devastating this triplet is? See below.

The effects of “Kelly”:


Hanging a Round

For Time: 

21 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)
800m Run
15 Hang Power Snatch 
800m Run
9 Hang Power Snatch 


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Hang A Round

Hang Power Snatches are difficult. They take practice and require speed. To learn them and get better at them you should use a load that isn’t so heavy that it goes from power snatch to muscle snatch to ugly anyway anyhow overhead. After some instruction and practice today, everyone was able to practice with the PVC, then a bar, then add weight to determine the load at which technique broke down and the power snatch went out the window. From there everyone did a great job at dialing it back to maintaining a load that meant “power”.

Speaking of power, a friend sent this short article below along that gives a great perspective on scaling and why it’s fundamentally important to all of us as CrossFitters. 

Read: “Zatsiorsky, Scaling, and Power” by Jon Gilson from Again Faster

Also for those who want to know about simply the coolest game that everyone is playing, read more about how to: Play the Fish Game!

Sherry gets some “run support” while Deb gets extension: 

Run Support Deb_Power

Some of the crew representing at the Fall City Race this past Saturday:

Fall City Racers