Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean (165#/110#)
Jerk, Push or Split (165#/110#)
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Movement Standards for the WOD:
Squat clean and Jerk
In this movement, the barbell goes from ground to overhead with the athlete passing through a full squat position while the barbell is racked on the shoulders. This can be a full-squat-clean-thruster, a power-clean-front-squat-split-jerk, or anything in between as long as the three key positions are reached. The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing. The athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below knees. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the heels.
WOD Demo with Pat Sherwood and Heather Bergeron – video [wmv] [mov]
For the CF Games Open this WOD is heavy. It’s technical in it’s strictest form. At the same time it’s also not completely unforgiving. By allowing each rep of the clean or the jerk to count, this allows people to get at least one rep done and stay in the competition. It also allows for some alternatives like a power clean to front squat, thruster, or split jerk. If this is anyone’s close to 1RM in any of the movements, then it becomes a 5 minute strength WOD to establish that one rep and stay in the game, if it isn’t then it’s go like Hell and keep the rounds piling up.
Jill and Laura locked out:
Rob, Moe and Matt celebrating the completion of another Open WOD:
Modifying and scaling is all part of CrossFit. Besides just lowering the load or limiting a movement due to strength or skill limitations, there are other purposes for which scaling or modifying a movement is called for. One example is a limitation from a physical injury. Part of what we do is modify workouts for any athlete in need. Don is one example; recently having had a plate from a long ago injury removed from his wrist his WOD’s are modified until he is fully healed.
Don and the one handed suitcase deadlift: