Deadlift 6-6-6 & AMRAP 12 mins w/ Buy-in: Row then Deadlifts, HSPU Ladder

Deadlift 6-6-6

Deadlift 6-6-6

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

AMRAP 12 mins w/ Buy-in: Row then Deadlifts, HSPU Ladder

In 12 mins do:
Row 1000m
then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
1 Deadlift (225#/155#)
1 Handstand Push-up
2 Deadlifts
2 Handstand Push-ups
3 Deadlifts
3 Handstand Push-ups

Photo by @robcwilson @snoridgecrossfit


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