"Double the Fun"

4 Rounds of 3 Minutes Each Round to Complete:

500m Row
Max Reps of Double-Unders in remaining time
* Rest 3 minutes before next round

Score total number of Double-Unders


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Nan Rows 500:

Nan Rows

We have been meaning to get a Rowing Clinic on the books with Lucy (a former competitive rower for those who don’t know) for all of you. Rest assured it’s coming and likely will need to wait until we are in the new space – which will be soon!

Until then focus on these tips from Lucy that you can incorporate into your warm-up:

1. Hands only (fast hands, keeping them straight/cog level)
2. Hands and lean only (no break in legs)
3. All of the above and quarter slide (small crack in knees)
4. All of the above and half slide
5. All of the above and three quarter slide
6. Full slide 
7. Work your way back down to hands only to finish

“Also, doing 500m with feet ‘not’ strapped in. This gets you to focus on core stability and you can’t rush the slide at all or you will fall off! Great for those slide rushers!”

In addition to those tips, go to the Concept 2 site and watch “what right looks like” in the Proper Rowing Technique video. This breaks down very clearly and quickly the two phases of “Drive” and “Recovery” and the two positions of “Catch” and “Finish”.

Donny Double-Under:

Donny DU


Don’t forget Saturday is the Stop the Slop Nutrition and Performance Challenge Kick-off at 9am! Following that the Sat. WOD will start at 10:15am.

Nutrition Discussion with Todd Widman (from CrossFit Headquarters Training and Certification Staff): This highly informative and valuable discussion on nutrition will be open to all at Imperial CrossFit on Jan. 25. A few of us are planning to go so let your coaches know if you are interested. I have heard him give this talk twice and plan to make it a third time. I always learn something new and come away motivated to dial it in a little more.

  • Where: Imperial CrossFit
  • When: 1/25 at 5:30pm
  • Cost: 10 bones