EMOM for 10 mins: Muscle-up & 2 RFT: Rows, AbMat Sit-ups and Push-ups

SnoRidge CrossFit_MUEMOM for 10 mins: Muscle-up or Ring Dips

2 Muscle-ups or 3 ring dips

Every 1 min for 10 mins.

2 RFT: Rows, AbMat Sit-ups and Push-ups

2 rounds for time of:
Row 1000m
60 AbMat Sit-ups
30 Push-up (hand release)


Photo by @robcwilson

Congrats go out to both Bob B. and to Shay who got their first muscle-ups today! From the videos both of you made it look easy!

Sign-up info the the Nov/Dec SRCF Teens and Tweens 5 week session will be live tomorrow. Hope to see a big group get signed up! We are going to be running it M/Th at 6pm for 5 weeks starting 11/7 and taking one week off for Thanksgiving Break.


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