"Harder Than It Looks"

5 Rounds for Time:

20 Box Jump (24″/20″)
20 Kettlebell Swing (53#/35#)
20 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53#/35#)


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Jeremy O. Kettlebell Swing:

Harder Than It Looks_Jeremy O

Laura, Eli and Warren let fly!

Harder Than It Looks_Laura Harder Than It Looks_5pm Crew Warren KB Swing

This WOD is deceiving. Lots of cardio and plenty of hip extension. The key to the kettlebell swing is ensuring you use your hips more than using your arms. Think “mini” air squat to propel the bell up and lock out the arms and bell at the top before either pushing it down or letting gravity take it’s course. Make sure to grip the kettlebell tight and not to hyperextend too far when locking out overhead. Work towards obscuring the ears at the top but only when feeling more comfortable with the swing. For the sumo DL high pull it’s no different than using the barbell. Wide stance, pull hard and forcefully open the hips to continue the KB’s path up under the chin before returning to the ground.

The 2010 CF Games Season: A Perspective


Tomorrow Jeremy D. will be running both of the morning classes and Moe will run the 5pm (as usual). Come in and get your AMRAP on!

Saturday schedule is normal sign-ups for the 1000 and 1100 classes. First 9 to sign up by posting to comments get priority at 1000.

Don’t forget your double-unders if you are in the “On the Double Challenge”!