Speed Under the Bar

Strength WOD:

Clean (Full Squat)


3 Rounds for time:

400m Run
9 Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
15 Hand Release Push-ups


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Finish_Lisa Clean_Matt

The third pull, or getting under the bar after you have “finished” with a strong shrug or jump to create upward momentum on the barbell, demands speed. Too slow and that bar just falls from below the chest back to the ground as your hands and elbows flail around. Pull under fast and you will solidly hit your receiving position for the bar in the front squat (for the clean) or overhead squat (for the snatch). When we program these strength workouts, use the time and load to practice your speed and technique. Do that and your loads will go up.

The Third Pull: Get Up and Get Under tabatatimes.com

Details for Judges 2014 CF Games Open

Stop the Slop: There are many of you who weighed in for the Nutrition Challenge or wanted to compete in the WOD Performance Challenge that need to pay your Nutrition/Performance Challenge “Buy-in”! Please drop it off at the gym next time you come in so we have an accurate count of people that are in.

Call to action:

This past weekend a CrossFitter named Kevin Ogar competing in an event in CA (the OC Throwdown) suffered a terribly tragic and freak injury during a Snatch event. After being struck by the barbell on a missed snatch he was left with a separated T11/T12 and severed spinal cord with no feeling below the injury. He has no medical insurance and is facing unfathomable medical bills. The CrossFit community in a few days has come together to help and so far has raised over $130k in donations for him. The outpouring of support both financially and spiritually is moving. If you would like to help and donate then you can do so below. Any amount helps.
