"Stop The Slop" Re-test

For Time:
400m Run
40 Squats
30 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
20 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 AbMat Sit-ups
40 Squats
400m Run


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Quote of the day: “Shake and bake!” ~ Ricky Bobby

Today we officially end our annual 30 day “Stop the Slop Challenge”. I counted 26 PR’s from those who completed this WOD a month ago, with two that were just off a PR. The Performance Challenge race is tight! Alternating to judge each other was good prep for the CF Games Open.

We will have make-ups/weigh-in’s available through NLT Thursday if you didn’t make it in today but were paid and participating in the challenge. If you haven’t paid your “buy-in” fee of $25 please do so this week before weighing in or completing the WOD re-test.

Due NLT Thursday last class:

  • Nutrition challenge you need to weigh-in ASAP
  • Performance Challenge you need to repeat the WOD
  • Essay Challenge you need to send us your essay on your 30 Day Stop the Slop or Whole30 experience. Write about what impacted you these past 30 days.
  • Once that is completed we will announce winners and prizes

Stop the Slop

While many of you are wrapping up your WOD re-test, conducting your weigh-in, or writing your essay I encourage each of you to just not stop there! Don’t think “30 days are done” and go back to unhealthy habits. You have just completed one month of making positive changes! Continue to eat clean, natural choices. Be deliberate and thoughtful about what you are willing to add back into your nutrition and recognize the effects of it. If you choose to allow something back in then be good with it. Don’t beat yourself up, punish yourself, or think “I can sweat it off”. Instead think, “I’m okay with allowing this today but I will have it in moderation.” Then stay consistent with eating real quality food. Make sure if you follow a paleo diet 80% or 90% of the time that it really is 80-90% of the food you consume.

Spend the next month refining and adjusting how you are eating, recovering and training to increase your positive results. Tweak your ratios to see how you feel and observe your body composition. Stay consistent in your mobility, rest days and sleep habits. Train often and smart. Your performance in workouts and training has improved, your body is leaner, and lifts are all going up (just look at the recent 1RM tests). Stay on schedule and get in the gym.

If you are motivated by the changes you have seen personally then stick with it. Anyone can be cool, but awesome takes practice!

Post Whole30 Read:

“Ride Your Own Bike” by Whole9




Register for the CrossFit Games Open

If you haven’t done so and are thinking about competing then sign up for the Open (3/6 to 4/7)!

After signing up join the SnoRidge CrossFit Affiliate team. Right now we are in 16th place with 16 people on the team.

Cost is $20 per athlete. Remember this is “Open” to all of you. You will see where you are relative to the world of CrossFitters which is a fun experience that will motivate you to train harder. Expect that the WOD will be our standard workout each Thursday in the gym and and we encourage everyone interested to participate. Every Thursday for five weeks we will brief standards and have each class pair up and judge/count one another. Stay RX each week to stay in the Open!